* Of 60,823 individuals, the mean ejaculated seminal volume was 3.4 ml, with median volume 3.1 ml, interquartile range 2.2, 4.3 ml, max 14.5 ml, and standard deviation 1.7 ml (Fig. 1A). The ejaculate volume distribution is skewed right, with some individuals demonstrating very high volumes. Older age was associated with lower volume ejaculates, with mean ejaculate volume 3.6 ml in individuals aged 18-30 versus mean 2.6 ml in those aged >=51 (p= 1.0E-132) (Fig. 1B). Increased abstinence time was associated with increased seminal volume, with abstinence of 12-24 and 36-48 hours resulting in mean volumes of 2.6 versus 3.4 ml, respectively (p=1.0E-46) (Fig. 1C). Average ejaculate volumes were not significantly different among groups abstaining for >84 hours.
Am I Normal? Ejaculate Volume Nomograms from >60,000 Individuals
Fernandez, A1; Balakrishnan, AS1; Belarmino, A2; Li, KD1; Bowman, M1; Lindsey, J1; Kentfield, SA1; Civello, D2; Breyer, BN1; Smith, JF1
1 - UCSF
2 - Fellow Health, Inc.
Male enhancement supplement companies have marketed ejaculate volume as a measure of virility and self-worth. Current reference values for semen volume are based on the World Health Organization’s assessment of 3586 semen samples (Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, 6th edition). The current study seeks to define parameters for “normal” ejaculate volume through the analysis of semen samples from over 60,000 individuals.
To characterize the distribution of ejaculated seminal volume in adults of varying age and abstinence time.
This IRB-approved study included patients obtaining a CLIA-accredited semen analysis (SA) using a mail-in test system developed by Fellow Health, Inc. (San Leandro, California). Age and abstinence time were assessed by self-report on surveys administered at the time of semen sample collection. Samples from individuals <18 years of age and duplicate SAs from one individual were excluded. Mean ejaculate volumes were compared between age groups or abstinence-time groups using Welch’s t-test. Given the high number of samples, a p value of <0.01 was considered significant.
Of 60,823 individuals, the mean ejaculated seminal volume was 3.4 ml, with median volume 3.1 ml, interquartile range 2.2, 4.3 ml, max 14.5 ml, and standard deviation 1.7 ml (Fig. 1A). The ejaculate volume distribution is skewed right, with some individuals demonstrating very high volumes. Older age was associated with lower volume ejaculates, with mean ejaculate volume 3.6 ml in individuals aged 18-30 versus mean 2.6 ml in those aged >=51 (p= 1.0E-132) (Fig. 1B). Increased abstinence time was associated with increased seminal volume, with abstinence of 12-24 and 36-48 hours resulting in mean volumes of 2.6 versus 3.4 ml, respectively (p=1.0E-46) (Fig. 1C). Average ejaculate volumes were not significantly different among groups abstaining for >84 hours.
We define “normal” seminal volume distribution based on over 60,000 men stratified by age and abstinence. Ejaculate volume decreases with older age and increases with abstinence time, plateauing in the 84-96 hour abstinence timeframe.
Yes, this is sponsored by industry/sponsor: Fellow Health, Inc.
Clarification: Industry funding only - investigator initiated and executed study
Any of the authors act as a consultant, employee or shareholder of an industry for: Fellow Health, Inc.
Am I Normal? Ejaculate Volume Nomograms from >60,000 Individuals
Fernandez, A1; Balakrishnan, AS1; Belarmino, A2; Li, KD1; Bowman, M1; Lindsey, J1; Kentfield, SA1; Civello, D2; Breyer, BN1; Smith, JF1
1 - UCSF
2 - Fellow Health, Inc.
Male enhancement supplement companies have marketed ejaculate volume as a measure of virility and self-worth. Current reference values for semen volume are based on the World Health Organization’s assessment of 3586 semen samples (Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, 6th edition). The current study seeks to define parameters for “normal” ejaculate volume through the analysis of semen samples from over 60,000 individuals.
To characterize the distribution of ejaculated seminal volume in adults of varying age and abstinence time.
This IRB-approved study included patients obtaining a CLIA-accredited semen analysis (SA) using a mail-in test system developed by Fellow Health, Inc. (San Leandro, California). Age and abstinence time were assessed by self-report on surveys administered at the time of semen sample collection. Samples from individuals <18 years of age and duplicate SAs from one individual were excluded. Mean ejaculate volumes were compared between age groups or abstinence-time groups using Welch’s t-test. Given the high number of samples, a p value of <0.01 was considered significant.
Of 60,823 individuals, the mean ejaculated seminal volume was 3.4 ml, with median volume 3.1 ml, interquartile range 2.2, 4.3 ml, max 14.5 ml, and standard deviation 1.7 ml (Fig. 1A). The ejaculate volume distribution is skewed right, with some individuals demonstrating very high volumes. Older age was associated with lower volume ejaculates, with mean ejaculate volume 3.6 ml in individuals aged 18-30 versus mean 2.6 ml in those aged >=51 (p= 1.0E-132) (Fig. 1B). Increased abstinence time was associated with increased seminal volume, with abstinence of 12-24 and 36-48 hours resulting in mean volumes of 2.6 versus 3.4 ml, respectively (p=1.0E-46) (Fig. 1C). Average ejaculate volumes were not significantly different among groups abstaining for >84 hours.
We define “normal” seminal volume distribution based on over 60,000 men stratified by age and abstinence. Ejaculate volume decreases with older age and increases with abstinence time, plateauing in the 84-96 hour abstinence timeframe.
Yes, this is sponsored by industry/sponsor: Fellow Health, Inc.
Clarification: Industry funding only - investigator initiated and executed study
Any of the authors act as a consultant, employee or shareholder of an industry for: Fellow Health, Inc.