What caused my testosterone rise above lab max


I am trying to figure out what may have contributed to the increase of my testosterone levels. I have been using a very steady .35 ML of test cyp twice a week for over a year. Below are my labs and dates. The only change recently was taking imitrex, Fluticasone Propionate and Azelastine Hydrochloride. Now I wouldn't mind the increase but I don't have the best Endo in the world. And she tells me that if it goes up any more or stays she wants to reduce the amount I am injecting.
9-10-2013 248, 241-827
1-8-2014 780, 240-950
4-7-2014 704, 241-827
9-4-2014 765, 241-827
3-5-2015 919, 241-827
It's just variability in serum levels.

Timing of the draw in important as well. Close to peak and you will have higher labs and vise versa.

Try to get drawn the day of your injection.
1 ML = 200MG
I get the blood work done on Thursday morning at 7:30 am everytime. I inject every Tuesday at 6pm and every Saturday at 6am.
1 ML = 200MG
I get the blood work done on Thursday morning at 7:30 am everytime. I inject every Tuesday at 6pm and every Saturday at 6am.

If you are injecting twice weekly your serum levels should be nice and balanced day in and day out. You only had one draw where there was a slight elevation and the rest look fine. The variability in serum levels are nothing to really worry about assuming E2 and Hematocrit are in line.

I wouldn't worry about it to be honest.
I like to be consistent but since my endo is getting excited about this maybe I will just have the lab done on Tuesday morning before I inject. She isn't horrible and insurance is covering everything but she is poorly informed. I'll give you one example of what I am dealing with. I asked to try the Imitrex. I wasn't very high at all only 50 on a standard E2 test. But wow was I having trouble. Extremely anxious and emotions were intense. As soon as I started I noticed the benifit. Anxiousness dropped and my emotions were not as bad. The one thing that really surprised me was the loss of weight from water. It was difficult at best to figure out the balance with the Imitrex but at one point it dropped to 12. I knew for a fact that was too low. I was actually getting cold at night and that never happens. So I told her it was too low. She said it was fine and to continue the dosage. I reduced it by half. I'm now at 17 so slowly climbing. She just came from an Endo conference and now tells me she wants me off it and that my E is too low. Holy shit. This is what I have been dealing with. I tell her something and she disagrees then months later she is like ok. She thought I grew horns the day I mentioned giving blood. Now she agrees it's a great idea. Just so you guys know I am down to 1/2 mg per week of Imitrex and we are going to see what happens. I know most of you are not fans of taking Imitrex but I'm not sure I could handle being the way I was before. Maybe if I cut my injection dosage down from .35 to .25.
Steelballs, I also do my blood draw on my injection day before I inject but I don't know if it makes a difference.
If you are injecting twice weekly your serum levels should be nice and balanced day in and day out. You only had one draw where there was a slight elevation and the rest look fine. The variability in serum levels are nothing to really worry about assuming E2 and Hematocrit are in line.

I wouldn't worry about it to be honest.

I agree with Gene. My TT has been considerably higher and all my blood markers were fine.

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