Most will notice weight gain when starting trt or struggle with it long after and it has nothing to do with increased hunger as androgens cause retention of sodium, chloride, water, potassium, calcium, and inorganic phosphates.
The majority of the weight gain in the early stages is due to increased ICW/ECW retention which one would piss away rapidly when stopping trt.
* ICW- intracellular water
* ECW- extracellular water
I find it somewhat humorous when some of the men on trt working out claim to have gained 15 lbs of muscle when in fact some of the weight gain is ICW/ECW and not just pure muscle tissue (actin/myosin).
ICW makes up a percentage of what one would call LEAN-MASS GAINS!
In cases of steroid abuse using high doses of testosterone/AAS such as methandrostenolone, oxymetholone the amount of water retained can be extreme in some cases and would be clearly evident when coming off cycle as a significant loss gains (ICW/ECW) will be shed rapidly as in pissed away.