Updates on Testosterone Deficiency in Men Living With HIV and the Cardiovascular Implications

Fig. 1 Proposed mechanism of testosterone and HIV on the systemic vasculature. This figure exemplifies the similarities of both TD and HIV on the vascular system and therefore the potential to enhance CVD risk. Both conditions lead to vessel injury and endothelial dysfunction, which increase the CVD risk in this population and emphasize the importance of early treatment for people with these comorbidities


Purpose of Review

This review evaluates recent literature (2020–2025) on testosterone deficiency (TD) and its cardiovascular implications in men living with HIV (MLH), focusing on prevalence, underlying mechanisms, diagnostic challenges, and management strategies, including cardiovascular risks linked to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Recent Findings

TD remains highly prevalent in MLH, often manifesting earlier than in the general population due to chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation. While TRT's cardiovascular risks have been debated, recent studies indicate no significant increase in major cardiovascular events among TRT users compared to placebo, though some adverse effects remain a concern.


With HIV now a chronic condition due to antiretroviral therapy (ART), the focus has shifted to managing noninfectious comorbidities like TD. MLH experience TD at younger ages and require personalized care to address this condition and its associated risks effectively.


What is Currently Known About Testosterone Deficiency in Men Living with HIV?

Since the advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (ART), the treatment of HIV has transitioned to a chronic disease. This shift has brought about a change in the complications that men living with HIV (MLH) face, moving from opportunistic infectious to chronic non-infectious comorbidities [1]. These comorbidities, including liver, renal, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, metabolic disorders, and cancers, present unique challenges for MLH. Testosterone deficiency (TD), also known as male hypogonadism, is a clinical syndrome that commonly occurs in MLH. It is characterized by consistently low levels of serum testosterone accompanied by symptoms that align with TD. In MLH, the presence of low testosterone in conjunction with low or inappropriately normal gonadotropin levels is considered secondary hypogonadism and is thought to be from HIV-associated dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis [1]

The prevalence of TD in MLH is estimated to be 34.5%[2]. In men without HIV, the prevalence of biochemical male hypogonadism also increases with age, affecting approximately 12% of men aged 50 to 59 and rising to 49% in those aged 80 and older [3]. In MLH, the prevalence of TD increases with age; however, this population is affected earlier on in life [4]. Hypogonadism is seen in MLH in their 20-40 s, whereas in men without HIV, hypogonadism is a rare disease before the age of 40 [5]. However, the prevalence of hypogonadism among MLH varies considerably across studies, reflecting the heterogeneity in diagnostic criteria and patient populations studied [6]. The variability in hypogonadism prevalence among studies is mainly due to differing definitions and variabilities in the type of testosterone levels reported, thresholds, and reference ranges used [7]. These differences may significantly impact the reported prevalence and the understanding of hypogonadism in MLH [6, 7]

Why does Testosterone Deficiency Affect Men Living with HIV?

Chronic Inflammation has been linked to TD. Pro-infammatory cytokines, including interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) for example, have been implicated in the suppression of the HPG axis, leading to reduced secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and subsequent downstream effects on luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) [5]. Chronic illness, weight loss, and malnutrition are additional factors contributing to the disruption of the HPG axis in people living with HIV. The catabolic state induced by HIV-related wasting syndrome, as well as possible opportunistic infections and malignancies that may necessitate chemotherapy or radiation, exacerbates the suppression of the HPG axis [8]. This can result in a more intricate interaction between secondary and primary hypogonadism. In such cases, direct damage to the gonads caused by HIV or its treatments can lead to primary hypogonadism, which is typically marked by elevated levels of gonadotropins. The initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has also been associated with varying effects on testosterone levels. While some studies report an increase in testosterone following ART initiation, suggesting a partial restoration of HPG function or a direct impact of ART on gonadal function, the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely understood [9].

A Reminder of the Role of Testosterone in the Body

Testosterone is crucial in regulating secondary male characteristics and contributes to masculine traits. These include male hair distribution, changes in the voice by deepening the vocal tone. It also promotes anabolic effects, such as growth spurts during puberty via stimulating tissue growth at the epiphyseal plate and later closure,and the development of skeletal muscle through increased protein synthesis. Additionally, testosterone enhances erythropoiesis, leading to a higher hematocrit in males compared to females. As testosterone levels decline with age, men may consequently experience reduced testicular size, decreased libido, lower bone density, muscle mass loss, increased fat accumulation, and reduced erythropoiesis, which can result in anemia [10]. In circulation, testosterone is mainly bound to sex hormone binding globulin(SHBG), which modulates the delivery of testosterone to tissues. The abundance of SHBG and testosterone are highly related and can affect the ability to measure testosterone levels in the body [11]. In MLH, SHBG are elevated when compared to men without HIV and therefore highlights the importance of measuring SHBG together with a complete hormonal profile to properly diagnose and classify hypogonadism in MLH complaining about sexual symptoms [12, 13]

* What is the Relation of Testosterone and Cardiovascular Disease Risk?

* What is Known About Testosterone Replacement Therapy and Cardiovascular Risk?

* HIV‑Associated Cardiovascular Disease is Currently an Established Risk for People Living with HIV

* How to Diagnose Testosterone Deficiency?

* What is the Current Management for Testosterone Deficiency in MLH?

* What are Current Testosterone Replacement Therapy Options?

Future Directions

MLH represent an at-risk population with a distinct set of physiological and clinical considerations that complicate the diagnosis and management of testosterone deficiency. Despite the progress in ART and the improved life expectancy of MLH, this population continues to experience higher rates of hypogonadism at an earlier age compared to the general population. Furthermore, the interplay between HIV-related chronic inflammation, immune activation, and endocrine dysfunctions such as testosterone deficiency remains poorly understood, warranting more in-depth exploration specially to provide guidance for replenishment.

Future research is needed to understand the long-term cardiovascular effects of testosterone replacement therapy in MLH, especially considering the persistent inflammation and altered lipid metabolism in these patients. Studies that evaluate the safety and efficacy of different TRT formulations in MLH are essential, particularly in the context of their potential to exacerbate or mitigate cardiovascular risks. Future research is also necessary to identify biomarkers that can more accurately predict the risk of cardiovascular events in MLH, allowing for more personalized and effective treatment plans. In addition, future studies are needed to examine CVD risk in cisgender women with HIV that use testosterone as therapy or as part of a gender affirming hormone regimen.


Testosterone deficiency in men MLH is a prevalent condition that significantly impacts their quality of life and long-term health outcomes, particularly in relation to cardiovascular disease. MLH present with unique clinical challenges, including higher rates of testosterone deficiency at a younger age and a complex interplay between chronic inflammation,immune activation, and endocrine dysfunction.

The management of testosterone deficiency in this population requires a nuanced approach that considers the distinct pathophysiological mechanisms at play. While MLH have their unique CVD risks, the cardiovascular safety of TRT has been established with recent clinical trials and refutes several previous concerns regarding TRT. Additionally, the risk of hypogonadism and HIV presents a potentially compounding risk for CVD. In MLH, the need for early and accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment strategies, and careful monitoring cannot be overstated.

Further research is necessary to advance the understanding of the implications of TRT in MLH, develop more effective treatment protocols, and ultimately improve the long-term health outcomes for this and other vulnerable populations. As we continue to enhance our understanding of the intersection between HIV, hypogonadism, and cardiovascular health, it is essential that we prioritize the needs of MLH in future studies and clinical guidelines. By doing so, we can ensure that this at-risk group receives the comprehensive and tailored care they require to manage their health effectively in the long term.
Free Testosterone tested using what would be considered the most accurate assay the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis is where it's at!

* It is important to recognize the necessity to measure free testosterone in MLH because their total testosterone may appear normal due to elevated SHBG

Table 1 Summary of the indications for TRT in MLH. MLH have two potential indications for TRT. It is important to recognize the necessity to measure free testosterone in MLH because their total testosterone may appear normal due to elevated SHBG
Key References

• Yeap BB, Marriott RJ, Dwivedi G et al. (2024) Associations of Testosterone and Related Hormones With All Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in Men.
Ann Intern Med 177(6):768.https://doi.org/10.7326/m23-2781

This meta-analysis clarifies the associations between sex hormone levels and mortality, as well as CVD risk,in aging men. The findings highlight that low testosterone, high luteinizing hormone, and very low estradiol levels are linked to increased all-cause mortality, while SHBG and dihydrotestosterone have complex relationships with mortality and CVD outcomes. These insights are crucial for guiding hormonal health management in older men.

• Lincof AM, Bhasin S, Flevaris P et al. (2023) Cardiovascular Safety of Testosterone-Replacement Therapy.
N Engl J Med 389(2):107–117. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2215025

This study is significant as it evaluates the cardiovascular safety of testosterone-replacement therapy in men with hypogonadism who are at high cardiovascular risk. Through a large, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, it found that testosterone therapy was non inferior to placebo regarding major adverse cardiac events, providing crucial information for clinicians treating hypogonadism in patients with cardiovascular concerns. However, the study also noted higher incidences of atrial fibrillation, acute kidney injury, and pulmonary embolism in the testosterone group, highlighting the need for careful monitoring.

• Jaiswal V, Sawhney A, Nebuwa C et al. (2024) Association between testosterone replacement therapy and cardiovascular outcomes: A meta-analysis of 30 randomized controlled trials.
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 85:45. Redirecting

This meta-analysis provides a comprehensive evaluation of the cardiovascular safety of TRT in men with hypogonadism. By analyzing 30 randomized controlled trials with over 11,000 patients, it concludes that TRT does not increase the risk of cardiovascular events, stroke, myocardial infarction, or all-cause mortality compared to placebo. These findings offer reassurance regarding the cardiovascular safety of TRT for clinicians treating hypogonadal men.

• Surial B, Chammartin F, Damas J et al. (2023) Impact of Integrase Inhibitors on Cardiovascular Disease Events in People With Human Immuno-defciency Virus Starting Antiretroviral Therapy.
Clinical Infectious Diseases 77(5):729. https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciad286

This study investigates the cardiovascular safety of integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) in treatment-naïve people with HIV, a topic of concern in the field of HIV management. Using a target trial framework to reduce confounding, the study found no increased risk of cardiovascular events associated with INSTI-based antiretroviral therapy compared to other ART regimens. These findings provide reassurance regarding the use of INSTIs in HIV treatment, highlighting their safety in relation to cardiovascular outcomes over both short- and long-term follow-up.



*We bring attention to the limitations of the TRAVERSE trial due to the potential for misleading reassurance of the safety of TRT at physiologic or supraphysiologic levels. The long term CV effects and the safety of such regimens have yet to be studied. We certainly advocate for further research to explore the long-term CV impact of TRT, especially at these higher dosing levels.

*The debate surrounding TRT and CVD risk thus far can be summarized as follows: current evidence suggests TRT does not increase CVD risk in older, hypogonadal men when administered over a short duration and at low-normal levels of replacement. The question remains open when considering the effects of TRT at physiologic or supraphysiologic levels.

*The TRAVERSE trial, a landmark study unique in its capacity to evaluate CVD events, contributes valuable insights into the short-term safety of TT at lower physiological levels. However, the long-term effects and implications of mid to high physiological testosterone levels are not yet fully understood

4. Conclusion

The therapeutic approach for TT for symptomatic hypogonadism and low testosterone levels associated with aging, obesity, and systemic illness presents challenges. These conditions are intricately linked with CVD outcomes and may confound the relationship between low testosterone and CVD. Although observational studies suggest an association between low testosterone and increased risk of CVD, results from testosterone supplementation are inconsistent. RCTs indicate that short-term TT at standard replacement is not associated with increased CVD risk. Nevertheless, the cardiovascular sub-study of T Trials observed increases in NCP and CAC, signaling the need for further investigation into potential long-term implications of TT.

The TRAVERSE trial, a landmark study unique in its capacity to evaluate CVD events, contributes valuable insights into the short-term safety of TT at lower physiological levels. However, the long-term effects and implications of mid to high physiological testosterone levels are not yet fully understood. The trials’ limitations — achievement of only low-normal testosterone levels, high discontinuation rates, brief follow-up period, and high loss to follow-up rate — suggest that the findings should be interpreted with caution. It is important to avoid generalizing the safety of TT based on these results alone and to approach the extrapolation of TRAVERSE’s conclusions to higher dosages or longer-term therapy with caution.

The decision to initiate TT requires a nuanced approach, which must account for current gaps in evidence regarding CV safety. A personalized assessment and management of CVD risk factors is essential for older men with known CVD. The CV effects of exogenous testosterone, when given to maintain physiological levels, remain to be fully explored. In this regard, an important question remains the identification of male patients with symptomatic hypogonadism who may benefit from TT. This topic continues to be the subject of ongoing debate. Hopefully, future trials will provide clarity on whether TT confers beneficial, neutral, or adverse cardiovascular effects in middle-aged and older men. Until definitive evidence surfaces, clinical practice should exercise caution and prioritize individualized care with informed discussions regarding the potential CV implications of TT.
Everyone so caught up on CAC!

Non-calcified plaque in the coronary arteries.

This needs to be stressed!

*While CAC is a well-established prognostic tool, it is not a comprehensive measure of atherosclerotic burden. Focusing solely on CAC, without also considering non-calcified plaque (NCP) in the coronary arteries, may overlook changes in other categories of plaque relevant to CVD risk. Honing into CAC alone also ignores the timeline of atherosclerosis development; CAC typically manifests in the later stages of atherogenesis. Coronary atherosclerosis initiates as fatty streaks within the arterial wall, which then develop into noncalcified plaque — composed of lipids, inflammatory cells, and fibrous tissue. Over time, these plaques evolve and undergo calcification as calcium hydroxyapatite deposits within the fibrous cap, the stabilizing layer above the plaque’s lipid core. This process signifies plaque maturation, and calcified plaques typically develop in the later stages of atherosclerosis. These calcified deposits are associated with stable coronary artery disease (CAD), and they possess a lower risk of rupture.

Although observational studies suggest an association between low testosterone and increased risk of CVD, results from testosterone supplementation are inconsistent. RCTs indicate that short-term TT at standard replacement is not associated with increased CVD risk. Nevertheless, the cardiovascular sub-study of T Trials observed increases in NCP and CAC, signaling the need for further investigation into potential long-term implications of TT.

*CIMT, an ultrasound measure of thickness in the carotid artery lining, is a potential marker of early atherosclerosis. Compared to ultrasound assessment of carotid plaque presence, however, CIMT is less predictive. CAC scoring, in turn, has been directly compared to CIMT and carotid plaque scoring, within several observational and prospective studies. Initial hypotheses predicted that CAC would not predict stroke as effectively as CIMT. However, despite its anatomical distance from the carotid artery bed, coronary artery calcium presence and burden are strong predictors for CVD events (including stroke and transient ischemic attack). This well-established finding is likely rooted in atherosclerosis being a systemic process. CAC presence and CAC score, in fact, are both superior to CIMT for predicting CV events.

Although observational studies suggest an association between low testosterone and increased risk of CVD, results from testosterone supplementation are inconsistent. RCTs indicate that short-term TT at standard replacement is not associated with increased CVD risk. Nevertheless, the cardiovascular sub-study of T Trials observed increases in NCP and CAC, signaling the need for further investigation into potential long-term implications of TT.

*CIMT, an ultrasound measure of thickness in the carotid artery lining, is a potential marker of early atherosclerosis. Compared to ultrasound assessment of carotid plaque presence, however, CIMT is less predictive. CAC scoring, in turn, has been directly compared to CIMT and carotid plaque scoring, within several observational and prospective studies. Initial hypotheses predicted that CAC would not predict stroke as effectively as CIMT. However, despite its anatomical distance from the carotid artery bed, coronary artery calcium presence and burden are strong predictors for CVD events (including stroke and transient ischemic attack). This well-established finding is likely rooted in atherosclerosis being a systemic process. CAC presence and CAC score, in fact, are both superior to CIMT for predicting CV events.

*While CAC is a well-established prognostic tool, it is not a comprehensive measure of atherosclerotic burden. Focusing solely on CAC, without also considering non-calcified plaque (NCP) in the coronary arteries, may overlook changes in other categories of plaque relevant to CVD risk. Honing into CAC alone also ignores the timeline of atherosclerosis development; CAC typically manifests in the later stages of atherogenesis. Coronary atherosclerosis initiates as fatty streaks within the arterial wall, which then develop into noncalcified plaque — composed of lipids, inflammatory cells, and fibrous tissue. Over time, these plaques evolve and undergo calcification as calcium hydroxyapatite deposits within the fibrous cap, the stabilizing layer above the plaque’s lipid core. This process signifies plaque maturation, and calcified plaques typically develop in the later stages of atherosclerosis. These calcified deposits are associated with stable coronary artery disease (CAD), and they possess a lower risk of rupture.
*Testosterone and other androgens, mainly at supraphysiological levels, affect every single body tissue or system, including the cardiovascular system

Some key points:

* Direct actions of testosterone in the cardiovascular system involves activation of proinflammatory and redox processes, decreased nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability, and stimulation of vasoconstrictor signaling pathways.

* Testosterone at supraphysiological levels increases cardiovascular disease risk, causes myocardial infarction, stroke, high blood pressure, blood clots, and heart failure

* Testosterone affects the cardiovascular system by changing lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, hemostatic mechanisms, sympathetic nervous system, and renin angiotensin-aldosterone system

* Testosterone activates proinflammatory and redox processes, decreases nitric oxide bioavailability, and stimulates vasoconstrictor signaling pathways

* Testosterone affects the vasculature by interfering with all mechanisms that control vascular function

Testosterone and other androgens, mainly at supraphysiological levels, affect every single body tissue or system, including the cardiovascular system. Testosterone increases cardiovascular disease risk, causes myocardial infarction, stroke, high blood pressure, blood clots, and heart failure. Among the potential mechanisms whereby testosterone affects the cardiovascular system, both indirect and direct actions have been reported. Indirect actions of testosterone on the cardiovascular system include changes in the lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, and hemostatic mechanisms, modulation of the sympathetic nervous system and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Direct actions of testosterone in the cardiovascular system involves activation of proinflammatory and redox processes, decreased nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability, and stimulation of vasoconstrictor signaling pathways.

This chapter focuses on the effects of androgens, mainly testosterone, on the vascular system. The effects of testosterone on endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells, as well as mechanisms involved in the effects of testosterone will be reviewed. Effects of testosterone on the perivascular adipose tissue, the immune, sympathetic, and renin-angiotensin systems will also be mentioned.

Key Facts of Testosterone

• Testosterone regulates many processes in the male and in the female body

• Testosterone is used in clinical conditions (testosterone replacement therapy) and also in non medical conditions

• Testosterone can carry cardiovascular effects and risks

• Testosterone affects the vasculature by directly impacting endothelial and vascular smooth cells

Summary Points

• Testosterone, the main endogenous active androgen, is used to treat many clinical conditions

• Testosterone and other androgens are also used by athletes, non athlete weightlifters or bodybuilders to enhance muscle development, strength, and performance and endurance

• Testosterone at supraphysiological levels increases cardiovascular disease risk, causes myocardial infarction, stroke, high blood pressure, blood clots, and heart failure

• Testosterone affects the cardiovascular system by changing lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, hemostatic mechanisms, sympathetic nervous system, and renin angiotensin-aldosterone system

• Testosterone activates proinflammatory and redox processes, decreases nitric oxide bioavailability, and stimulates vasoconstrictor signaling pathways

• Testosterone affects the vasculature by interfering with all mechanisms that control vascular function

• In the endothelium, testosterone modulates NO, COX-derived metabolites and EDHF release and signaling

• In VSMCs, testosterone modulates ROS generation, expression, and activity of receptors and ion channels

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