Update w labs, trying to preserve fertility


Update here. If you want my history please read here...https://www.excelmale.com/forum/sho...ot-working-anymore-Do-I-have-antibodies-to-it

So I decided (with my TRT and PMD's blessing) to start the Lipshultz protocol to help preserve fertility while my wife and I are trying to conceive. I'll be 39 end of March. I was previously on just Hcg 400iu 3x a week prior to this. I had never been on testosterone before. I didn't want to try clomid as i've just heard too many complaints of mood issues on it. I've had depression before in the past, just didn't want to potentially go there.

I started Test cyp 40mg 2x a week (Tues and Sat) and 500iu Hcg 3x a week (M,W,F). Im doing both with a 27G .5inch needle mostly in the shoulders shallow IM. I started this Nov 18, 2014. My next appt with my doc is scheduled in April. Unless I have an issue or want to come in sooner.

I feel pretty damn good. My sex drive is waaay high. My wife is annoyed lol. My energy is up, mood is good. I sleep pretty good.

The only things I would say i question are: 1) My nipples protrude now more than they did before after starting Hcg mono. I mean i look like im nipping out most all the time, even with 2 shirts on. Im pretty self conscious about it. Try to wear all black shirts at the gym otherwise it's so obvious. Im assuming this could be related to the high Hcg dose im on? 2)I've gained somewhere between 6-10lbs. I lift 4x a week and practice Krav Maga 2x a week so more muscle is great. My strength is going up consistently. Im hoping for a 475-500lb deadlift at the TSC Competition im doing in April. This would be a 25-50lb PR. I think I remember reading somewhere that Hcg can cause water retention - true? I eat pretty well. Been doing carb cycling lately. Meeting with a nutrition expert at my gym in the near future to help fine tune my diet. I'd say im around 15-18% bf. I'd love to be around 10-12. Im 5'10 194lbs.

So I decided after 11 weeks Id get my T and E2 levels tested. I used Nelson's Discounted Labs paid myself. Had the bloodwork drawn on a Friday afternoon (day before my next T shot). Got the results emailed to me today.

Labcorp is the company that did the labs.
Total T 936 (348-1197)
Free Test 26.2 (8.7-25.1)
Estradiol LCMS, Endo Sci -- 54 (8.0-35) I ordered the ultrasensitive so im assuming this is it

I also had a semen analysis in June (prior to this while only on Hcg) and again Jan 6. The fertility clinic is ok doing this every 6 weeks but so far they look good on this protocol. I'll get another one in about 2 weeks. I attached both of the semen analysis i've had here.

So my questions here before I go to my doc with this as he doesn't know I tested my T and E2 on my own.
Do I need to worry about this "high" estradiol level? If so would dropping my T shots to maybe 70mg or 60mg total help to lower this or is it likely the Hcg? If it's the Hcg then I suppose I'll need anastrazole. I used this once before when my E2 got high on the Hcg and it then tanked my E2 level. I don't want to feel that way again (horrible) so if I need anastrazole then i'd like to start on a very very low dose. Any recommendations?

The nipple issue I explained above. thoughts on this? Thanks in advance.


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