TRT Ups & Downs


New Member
Thank you for a wonderful forum. I was on TRT for 2 months and had to stop. My total T was 140 before treatment and I'm 43 years old, 5'6 and 170 pounds. I work out 5 days a week so I am in decent shape. The place I used in Florida sent me test cyp 200 mg/ml infused with an estrogen blocker. I felt great for a month but then started holding a ton of water weight. Went to donate blood and couldn't because my blood pressure was to high. Called the place down in Florida they said to drink some wine and my blood pressure should come down enough to donate...WTF right??? Anyways went to a local doctor now who had me stop cold turkey to get some baseline labs. Said he would possibly treat me but that depended on my test levels. Has anyone else ever experienced this? Oh and I'm on blood pressure meds now. Thanks everyone JayJay
I have never heard of infusion of AI into test. Is your diet clean? If you have a really high Na diet then more than likely that could be contributing to increased water weight and in turn putting more pressure on your heart causing BP to rise. Also, from what I have read 200mg / week maybe on the high end for TRT and could be contributing to a little more water weight as well.
Infusing the AI together with testosterone is the wrong way to do TRT, any doctor who practices this is clueless. You need to find a knowledgeable doctor or you can't expect much will change.
Some places are infusing Anastrozole in their Cyp in order to offer a product that is not a duplicate of big Pharma which they cannot do. Adding an AI is the worst example of this I've seen but not the first time this has come across on the forum.
Hi HelloMoto - Yes, my diet is very clean. I have celiac disease which is gluten sensitivity, I couldn't eat garbage if I wanted to :) I reached out to the doctor in Florida yesterday and they are going to give me a script for the AI now instead of infusion. I agree the 200 mg/ per week is a lot I felt like a machine for the first month. Having stopped it cold turkey sucked but it was a gradual decline and not a sudden drop but still sucks. I have no energy and my libido is shot for now. I'm working with a local doctor to see if he will treat me vs. the one out of state that's down in FL. I probably called 20 providers here in Colorado before giving up and going with the one out of state.
when man is on aromatase inhibitors when he doesnt need them he might end up bone loss and broken bones mainly leg bones.. you should contact doctor and say you are not ok with AI being infused into testosterone you prefer oldschool method take it if bloodwork shows you really need it
estrogens comes from androgens conversion.. 200mg a week is pretty high dose and will put most above the range, testosterone itself causes water retentention especially if you abuse it they just gave you cookie cutter protocol which can work for a while but you will end up getting symptoms which never bothered you before I see this all the time

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