New user, long time lurker reading up. I'm a 42 yr old male, and I was diagnosed primary hypo around 2012. Ive been on TRT for 8+ years or so.
Im using 100mg every 7 days IM. My question is, is it typical for my E2 to be in the lower range? My last test result was 13.1 in the range of
I'm having some ED symptoms, and feeling anxious a lot and have been on anxiety medicine for the longest I can remember.
I'm going in Fri to my PCP for follow-up blood work. I plan on having the following checked-
Total T
Anything else I should be looking at? Ive not had my SHBG checked in along time. But I'm wondering if that is binding to all my free and not to my E2?
Also, ive never had a higher serum than 700 on T. I would like it to dose a a bit higher, but my hemotacrit is close to 50.
So, should I inject more frequent? Should I add anything to my protocol? Adding HCG is very expensive for me as my insurance is the greatest. Ive obviously never need an AI as my E2 has never been over 20. I'm not sure why my E2 is so low even while on TRT.
But, looking to feel a bit better and relieve some of my ED symptoms.
Im using 100mg every 7 days IM. My question is, is it typical for my E2 to be in the lower range? My last test result was 13.1 in the range of
8.0 to 35.0 pg |
I'm going in Fri to my PCP for follow-up blood work. I plan on having the following checked-
Total T
Anything else I should be looking at? Ive not had my SHBG checked in along time. But I'm wondering if that is binding to all my free and not to my E2?
Also, ive never had a higher serum than 700 on T. I would like it to dose a a bit higher, but my hemotacrit is close to 50.
So, should I inject more frequent? Should I add anything to my protocol? Adding HCG is very expensive for me as my insurance is the greatest. Ive obviously never need an AI as my E2 has never been over 20. I'm not sure why my E2 is so low even while on TRT.
But, looking to feel a bit better and relieve some of my ED symptoms.