TRT Bloodwork 120 mg per week

Did she bring them up through supplementation alone? What did she use?
She just supplemented. Some iron absorbs better than others. She took:
NovaFerrum 50 - this is polysaccharide iron - she takes 3 of these through the day
Thorne Ferrasorb - this is Ferrous Biglycinate iron - she takes one of these a day.

She did this for 30 days and doubled her iron and ferritin levels. She is going to go for another month and get them even higher. Unlike a lot of iron supplements, she had no side effects.

I am taking:
Ferrex 150 - polysaccharide iron - 1 per day
Thorne Ferrasorb - Ferrous Bisglycinate iron - 1 per day

I have not tested yet since taking these but have had no side effects.

If you supplement with iron you should take Vitamin C and Lysine to help it be absorbed.
Vit C about 2g and Lysine about 1g+ def help with iron absorption but also if you have some gt issues like indigestion, reflux, GERD, you can have absorption problems from those alone quite possibly the root cause of low iron.
Vit C about 2g and Lysine about 1g+ def help with iron absorption but also if you have some gt issues like indigestion, reflux, GERD, you can have absorption problems from those alone quite possibly the root cause of low iron.
This is very interesting. I've been dealing with major acid reflux here recently. It's been unusual to say the least. I thought it was my pre workout so I dropped that and it didnt help.
Avoid: PPI's or Proton Pump Inhibotors, like Omeprozole and Prilosec. Look at adding Betaine-HCL, this will supplement your stomach acid. Contrary to reflux logic, is most every instance those kind of gut issues are due to LOW stomach acid, not too much acid. Too little acid leads to indigestion and gas, the gas is what causes the burping and the reflux to the throat. I added Betaine-HCL thru the day with meals and I'm not cured, but it's made a huge difference.
Avoid: PPI's or Proton Pump Inhibotors, like Omeprozole and Prilosec. Look at adding Betaine-HCL, this will supplement your stomach acid. Contrary to reflux logic, is most every instance those kind of gut issues are due to LOW stomach acid, not too much acid. Too little acid leads to indigestion and gas, the gas is what causes the burping and the reflux to the throat. I added Betaine-HCL thru the day with meals and I'm not cured, but it's made a huge difference.
This is very true. I used to have reflux years ago, bad, and it just all of a sudden went away and I am not sure why. When I get it on rare occasion now, I drink a little apple cider vinegar and it immediately does the trick because of its acidity. It is really nasty tasting but not as bad tasting as the reflux in the back of your throat. Works for me.
Thanks for the feedback, talking to my Dr. tomorrow and gonna go on the same plan you are vs a weekly 100mg IM.
Hey bud, sorry I was driving when I sent the last reply. That's awesome. I hope your doctor is receptive to the idea. The protocol just makes sense and all the bloodwork I have seen proves it. I'll be honest my doctor has no idea what my protocol is. She prescribed me 100 mg a week in one single dose and I shook my head in compliance but have never once used her protocol. I started at 50 mg 2x pw and did that most of the year. My first bloodwork at that dose gave me a tt of 675 ng/dl with e2 sensitive of 27. I felt great at that dose but I'm curious by nature so I wanted to see if I felt better with lower levels of e2. I dosed myself with 0.100 mg of arimidex and felt like absolute garbage with that one single dose so I decided it wasn't a good idea. This lead me to think maybe I needed higher levels of e2 so I increased my weekly dose of test to 60 mg 2x pw. It felt great. I have now dropped back to 50 mg 2x pw as I have an appointment with my doc next month and she will be blood testing. I have to at least appear to be compliant . She will never see the above bloodwork.
Found some old bloodwork from back in 2012. My hematocrit, hemoglobin and rbc look almost identical back then. That gives me a little comfort. I did start taking iron and b-12 yesterday regardless and I bought a fiber supplement today to work on bringing down my triglycerides. It's probably totally unneeded as I had a bit of a sweet tooth lately. I was eating ice cream almost every night . My bad. I'm cutting put the sweets and focusing on hydration throughout the day. Hopefully that will clean up my next set of bloodwork.
Thanks for the update. Very similar numbers tht you have now like you said. I’ve cream is so bad, but sooo good. Discipline!
Thanks for the update. Very similar numbers tht you have now like you said. I’ve cream is so bad, but sooo good. Discipline!
Amen brother. My wife and kids went out of town and I was home alone. Sat around eating ice cream and watching movies. Everybody is back now and school starts next Monday. It's back to business for everybody I guess.
Always boggles me when someone has every indication of a very benign condition when some one then throws in something like bleeding from the colon...that's a huge leap, for one, and just scares people unnecessarily, for two.
Someone who just started trt level should be high. All you need to do is have a simple stool test, I never talked about a colonoscopy. When I see someone who has colon cancer and waited a year to check it. And now he's on cancer maintenance drugs for the rest of his life, I think I take the time to get it checked. That's my two cents.

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