TRT and LGD? Is it a bad idea?


New Member

I have been on TRT for about 5 years now. 100 mil per week. No side effects, good e2 levels (not the sensitive test tho, so who really knows).

Was wondering if taking this with LGD was a bad idea? Could this increase my testosterone level and potentially cause side effects (eg. gyno, hairloss, mood swings).

I’m sorry if this is not the place to post this question. I have looked around the web and I don’t trust a lot of the sources out there.

Any help is greatly appreciated. And please pardon my ignorance in this matter.
Play at your own risk is my advice. These ‘harmless’ SARMs are not! Does LGD work, yes it does however......
It trashed my lipids, spiked my blood pressure and reduced my SHBG by 70%! Frankly it made me get noticeably bigger in a short time but made me very ill. As soon as the bloods came in the rest went straight in the trash.
If you feel the need to experiment then just use the tried and tested method of a high dose of test. At least this is a known quantity, with known sides and well trodden control methods. SARMs can be nasty.
Thanks for the reply, it is indeed much appreciated. I guess I just wasted a few hundred dollars which in the big picture is fine. I also got MK677. Should I discard this one too? Smh.
MK677 should be fine to use. Cardarine works well but it has the possible cancer issue hanging over it. LGD and Ostarine both work but they aren’t without side effects. To be fair I was running 10 ml of LGD, at 5 ml I guess the sides won’t be too bad. The only way you will find out is to try but keep an eye on your blood pressure as an indicator of wider problems. It won’t kill you but it is probably not good for you either.
This is another case where people under-appreciate the importance of start low and go slow, and the value of micro-dosing. Try 5ml starting at 2 times per week and never more than 3 times per week dosed right before your heaviest workouts. If you are close to your natural genetic maximum (which you should be if you're thinking of this) and your diet and training are on point, then you may well be very pleased with the results and sides may be low. Most dosing for all anabolics (including SARMS) is excessive IME and comes from the i-want-it-all-right-now crowd rather than from sensible veterans.
Voices, understand and agree but the bulk of the information about SARMs around the web leads people to believe they are fairly benign. Dosing information seems to push quite high as the ‘recommended’ norm. Unfortunately a lot of the forums that push these hard have a vested interest (sponsors or sales) and downplay the risks. The information on the problems is out there but it is hard to drill down to. It was only after I saw my SHBG reduced to 6, LDL up 70 points, HDL down 10 and blood pressure sitting at hypertensive that I googled ‘SHBG and LGD’ and saw the pubmed report that highlighted this.
I did start slow and work up, for someone my size and strength 10ml of LGD should have been about right according to net wisdom. I will read more and be more careful in future.
I think the other attraction of SARMs for a lot of people is their (dubious) leagal status and lack of pinning required. I really think for those already on trt a full on injectable cycle is far safer in the overall scheme of things.
Most dosing for all anabolics (including SARMS) is excessive IME and comes from the i-want-it-all-right-now crowd rather than from sensible veterans.

Just out of curiosity, what would a sensible veteran dose of T be? I read on another forum a very experienced veteran defending his stance that 100mg/week dosed EOD is effective. Of course the guys that think they need 1g/week laughed at him.

I only have experience in the TRT world but a lot of what we know comes from those guys so curious what veterans in that world think of T doses.
Play at your own risk is my advice. These ‘harmless’ SARMs are not! Does LGD work, yes it does however......
It trashed my lipids, spiked my blood pressure and reduced my SHBG by 70%! Frankly it made me get noticeably bigger in a short time but made me very ill. As soon as the bloods came in the rest went straight in the trash.
If you feel the need to experiment then just use the tried and tested method of a high dose of test. At least this is a known quantity, with known sides and well trodden control methods. SARMs can be nasty.
Sounds like you had a unethical seller who gave you prohormones instead. There are a lot of fakes out there cashing in on it. Lgd4033 should have little to no effect on lipids but reduce natural testosterone after 8 weeks, so being on TRT is beneficial.
MK677 should be fine to use. Cardarine works well but it has the possible cancer issue hanging over it. LGD and Ostarine both work but they aren’t without side effects. To be fair I was running 10 ml of LGD, at 5 ml I guess the sides won’t be too bad. The only way you will find out is to try but keep an eye on your blood pressure as an indicator of wider problems. It won’t kill you but it is probably not good for you either.
The cancer issue is if you take 60x the recommended dose for several years. The rats, who are prone to cancer anyway, were fed 100x the dose, and for 2 yrs of their 3 year lifespan.
Christer, you need to scratch further beneath the surface. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that at suggested BB dosages certain SARMs are not as benign as they are touted. The effect on lipids and SHBG is reported if you dig down a level or two. For the most part no one notices as it’s unusual to have anyone actually have bloodwork using SARMs . Mine were sourced from a highly respected vendor and were not pro-hormones based on previous experience.
To be fair I’m not anti SARMs, they do work and quite often work well. My issue is that they are not a benign wonder drug with no side effects and I want people to open their eyes to this. They seem to be popular with those trying to avoid pinning and to stay (just about) on the right side of the law. For this they probably are an option. However, for those of us already pinning we would probably by better served by running an injectable cycle. For one thing it’s cheaper. For another there is a massive available history of what to expect and how to deal with it (relatively) safely.
Who was your seller? If it’s proven peptides, I know several people that have received prohormones in their sarms from them, usually after a few orders.
From this,
Testosterone, SHBG, HDL, and triglycerides dose-dependent decrease temporarily. Temporarily reduced SHBG is actually highly desirable when BB. The testosterone is why you need a pct for lgd4033, though not like you would with a steroid. Suppressed HDL is bad, but triglycerides drop too, so it’s not increasing heart risk.
Appreciate all that but looking at the study, the list of sides and the dosage “Showed significant suppression at 1.0mg dose only”. My concern is merely that the recommended BB dose is 10 times that! Additionally a lot of folks stack multiple SARMs. Understand that lipids and SHGB come back up again after dosing stops.
Looking at page after page of ‘aren’t SARMs wonderful for risk free muscle’ these issues are never mentioned. One self proclaimed but well followed ‘guru’ even goes as far as stating that SARMs don’t do that when questioned about the SHBG issue. I concede that the risks may not be huge but they are risks that don’t seem to get much of a mention.
Compared to herbal supplements, sarms definitely have side effects. Compared to steroids, the side effects are purported to be practically nil. Majority of casual users are likely in the dietary supplement category.
Who was your seller? If it’s proven peptides, I know several people that have received prohormones in their sarms from them, usually after a few orders.
From this,
Testosterone, SHBG, HDL, and triglycerides dose-dependent decrease temporarily. Temporarily reduced SHBG is actually highly desirable when BB. The testosterone is why you need a pct for lgd4033, though not like you would with a steroid. Suppressed HDL is bad, but triglycerides drop too, so it does not increase heart risk.
I won't defend Proven however, I have used them on 6 occasions and found them to be good. Be aware though that although they're called proven peptides, they only sell 8-9 SARMs, no actual peptides. I used them after reading this Proven Peptides review,

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