Treating true Hypopituitarism symptoms TRT and other hormones


New Member
47 years old. Low body fat and good lean muscle.
6’1” 218lbs
Without TRT my T level can be 40. Started testosterone injections years ago and finally found the following works best thus far (most of the time)
T inject sub q 50mg bi weekly
HCG 300 bi weekly
HGH 2iu daily
Also take thyroid meds and vitamins, etc
Last labs:
Total T 940
I don’t recall free but it was good.
LH and others good
E2 ultra sensitive 7 not good
Had to get E2 redone because they ran the regular and it came back 25... which I knew was wrong. As you can see, had I trusted the regular test, I would be thinking my estradiol was good. My experience... regular test worthless.
The rest of hormones were decent. Not ideal.
Started adding pregnenolone from topical compounded cream with progesterone USP and 7 Keto DHEA
Since starting the preg/pro/DHEA, the morning erections returned, libido increasing, and feeling much better. Interestingly... even with E2 at 7 I am feeling better. I also took and extra 50 of test IM with my bi weekly injection to help spike it and try to raise E2.
I had starting feeling like a crazy person prior to having labs run. I could tell my estrogen was high as all classic symptoms. This is where a cautionary word in agreement with The owner of page and others here. I took arimidex liquid.. .5mg every three days for a week. Started feeling better then massive crash. For two days I felt better then the same symptoms came back. Emotional roller coaster, no libido, ED, and overall felt like dirt. AI’s are super potent and you can seriously mess yourself up and will be chasing that sweet spot in great frustration.
I had been using Arimidex liquid. I had several bottles that are still good by the expiration date. However, I decided to get a script for the tablets and made sure I knew the exact dosage if ever needed in future.
My question... with true hypopituitarism, it is hard to keep t levels and other hormones in check. I see and endo but, honestly, every doc thus far I have had to twist their arm and explain the science behind the negative of just giving testosterone to men; especially with my condition. Unless you like tiny balls and MITTY’S ( man titties for those that didn’t catch the joke) Any advice on keeping the roller coaster in the kiddy park range would be appreciated. Advice on keeping E2 in check without AI’s. I am fortunate to be able to access pharmaceutical meds any time I need through my GP and endo but he relies on me to tell him what I need. They have no real
Helpful advice on a regiment. It’s been all trial
and error and a lot of labs. So tired of labs. It’s sad when you have to explain why you need this test and that test. sum up this saga... looking for advice from anyone willing to lend it on how to keep levels as stable as possible. Is the Preg/Pro/ DHEA a good idea. I have read about how test can shut down pathways and I feel I’m doing the right thing but not sure of dosages.
As I sad, how to keep E2 in check?
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I have kept it around 20-25 most of the time. Every time I try AI it drops and I have issues. I think this last bout was from stress. Family issues and recently being sick easily messes me up. I would also think since my normal T is really low without TRT, I do not think I have a lot of issues with e
I don't have any trouble with levels. You can't change what you do everyday and think your going to get instant results from it. Everyone has good days and bad days. All you can do is try to have more good days than bad. If everyday is bad you adjust and give it at least 6 weeks.
Captain... I Certainly don’t change daily. As I said I have had to learn all of this on my own. The only thing New is the preg/pro/ and DHEA. The E2 I prefer to control wothoit AI.
I, unfortunately am not trying to supplement these hormones... this is complete replacement and management. It can be a bit tricky and was hoping for useful advice from someone that has experience managing this type of scenario. I have been pretty successful. I just would like an opinion other than my own to help back up my own research; as well as to benefit from others experience, advice, and certainly from and MD that may see this and respond
I have kept it around 20-25 most of the time. Every time I try AI it drops and I have issues. I think this last bout was from stress. Family issues and recently being sick easily messes me up. I would also think since my normal T is really low without TRT, I do not think I have a lot of issues with e
Then there's really no reason for you to use an AI, especially if your levels are so good without one.
so why did you use AI? what do you mean you stared feeling like a crazy person I guess you atribute that to elevated e2?
when I added preg/dhea to my T only protocol I started to feel like you and symptom wise my e2 did crash somewhere at that time.. I haven't used any AI during last 3 years. imo dhea/preg crashed your e2 aswell somebody chime in please if high e2 can make one feel like crazy person I never heard of such before
any hair thinning/digestion issues/fatigue/anhedonia?

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