So not trying to start anymore drama with the round table or anything, but I just can’t stand to see these guys contradict themselves like this. They all say that water retention is not a side effect of high E2, and that it’s either in our heads, has more to do with our diet, or it’s from the testosterone, not estrogen. But at exactly 1:00:30 into the video, Dr. Rob Kominiarek reports that he has had guys come in on an ai, with very low E2, and in his words “they look great, the water’s all gone, they look like a million bucks”. While he’s saying this, Jay is nodding and agreeing. So my question is, if high E2 doesn’t cause water retention/ bloating, than why would someone lose a bunch of water weight and look so called “dry” when their E2 is lowered, due to using an ai?