Too much testosterone - sexual side effects?

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I'm so happy I find this site - maybe I can get the answers that I have been looking for.

I'm from Denmark and there is not that much knowledge about testosterone here. I will try to make a long story short.

My boyfriend and I have been together for over 6 years. Let me start by saying that he is the most wonderful and loving person that you could imagine. He is helping everyone he meets, complement me and other people, a family man and has a lot of friends. As a couple we are the annoying couple who still are madly in love. We have been trough a lot, but still laughs together every day. :-)

After we had been together 1 year he started gaining a lot of weight, have problems with the memory, the sex drive disappeared (even though he/it still "worked").
He went to a lot of doctors an after 1,5 year they found a tumor in the hypophysis.

Two years ago he started on testosterone injektions at the danish doctors, but did not response in the right way. They gave him higher and higher dosis, and at the end he got the maximum dosis every 8 weeks (according to the doctors they are actually only allowed to give it every 12 weeks) for a year before we got the opportunity to speak to them again. I don't remember the exact levels of testosterone - but when I prepared for the talk with the doctors I find out, that the levels went from "under the normale levels for a 90 years old man" to "normal levels for a 18 years old man" and then back ind the 8 weeks. He burned his testosterone injektions off in 5 weeks.

His mood swings and personalities (yes there was more then one) was crazy to experience. One week after the injektion he would be like a teenager - getting mad at people around him for no reason, and then apologize for his behavior.
Then he would be more like my "normal" man for 1-2 weeks. Then he would enter a stage I called: "man of the world". In this stage he would tell people that he was the best at everything. He could make up stories about himself to make himself more interesseting. He often confided in me, that he felt awful afterwards.
In the last week he would be like a zombie with no energy, no memory and so on...
His weight also went up and down in this 8 weeks period with 30 kg. (66lbs) in difference.

In the year with injektions we did't have sex. I did't want to pressure him and I could feel that he did't feel well.

9 months in I find an ad for a prostitute on his computer. I was shocked. He told me, that he only looked but my gut feeling told me that it wasn't the hole truth. He told me (what I chose to believe) that he only contacted her on text and had a fantasy about it.
I asked him if he wanted to go to one, cause if he did, he could go if he needed it in his terrible state. I only had two requirements. 1. I need to know before. 2. It has to be in another city.
He said no. He could't be unfaithful to me.
It was hard for me in the next months. I had a feeling that this was something he couldn't control.
1,5 Months ago I had a feeling something was up - From the moment I woke up. I called him at work and asked him a lot of questions. After doing some "detective work" I had proof he had contacted one again.
I felt so helpless and told hin we had to split. I can handle a lot of things but not lies.
He broke down an told me that he had contacted up to 20 girls over a period of 10 months. He always planned everything: When, where, with "the right girl", what to say to me ect. But when he had to go in, he canceled. He felt awful afterwards but at the same time he called it a parallel universe were he could write to me at the same time without thinking about my feelings. He tried (with me on the side) to retrieve the delete texts to show me he was telling he truth - but we couldn't. He gave me access to all his things including his phone reports and locations reports - And it all seems to be true. He told me, that he had never had thoughts like this before the medicine, even as young and single.
I have checked all the dates and most days he wouldn't have had time to go to them. But more "interesting" is that all the texts was in the same period of his "hormon cycle". Is was always in the weeks were he had topped an the level of hormone was falling.

My friend (female) who is a biologist specialize in humans and also chiropractor have helped me a lot. Telling me that a man getting so much testosterone at once and then loosing it again so quickly should have a medal for not cheating on me - if he didn't do that. She did some research for me an find a lot by most interesting was this:

"Your levels of testosterone will get higher not by the "cheating" but in having interest in having sex with other people then your girlfriend/wife. It's called the "Mating Effort" So the interest and the thought that people put in to in pursuing sex with other people gives testosterone a boost."

My friend believes that no matter have much he want's to not contact them, then he would not have the control over himself to not do it. She is comparing it with heroin or another drug. Where the hole body is craving a boost of the testosterone.

So I have choosing to stay with him. To give him one more chance. :-)

The meeting with the doctors ended with a medicine change. So now he is getting testogele every day instead and have been on it for 3 weeks.

He is more happy with this medicine, and feel more balanced even though he might be under normale level. He is telling me, that he feel more like himself now. We have also had sex "like the old days". :-D
He hope that I will trust him again one day. He is sending me his live-position all the time, calling me, sending pictures of where he is and I can look at his phone record if I want to. He knows it might takes years for me to trust him completely again.

If I could hear some stories from you, it might be easier to understand and forgive. Part of me know it's the medicine but the other side is thinking: "Can it really do so much or is it just an excuse?"

We also both have som questions, we would like to know:

Is this behavior "normal" with a to high of dose? Both the sudden urges and the personality changes?
If yes, is it better/worse with the gele?
Should we just partly accept that it's part of the treatment?
What kind of side effects can you expect from the gele?

Hope that one of you can answer our questions.

Thanks... <3
I had mood swings and personality changes on one big injection once a week. I used different testosterone brand than your boyfrinds because mine wasnt desinged to be injected less frequently than 1 or at least 2 times a week. but if his levels went above normal levels that men can produce naturally and after than fall lower than lower range it explains mood swings and personality changes. It may be a problem for a guy who has relationship because hormone impacts a lot of things mentally as well like you've seen yourself. maybe he shouldn't get too top of range if he wants to stay faithfull to you normal level work as well.. when guy gets married and/or becomes father hes testosterone drops I think this is how nature works to make man monogamist so he doesn't cheat or leave.
Marriage And Fatherhood Linked To Lower Testosterone Levels this study proves it
Returning to the Farrelly et al. study, men’s T levels should fluctuate as a function of important evolutionarily relevant life stages. Hence, in the same way that researchers have found that soon-to-be fathers and new fathers experience a dip in their T levels (in order to reorient their focus from mating to parenting), men’s relationship status should similarly be linked to T. As predicted, single men and men in new relationships had the same T levels, and these were higher than their counterparts who were in long-term relationships.

Long-Term Relationships and Men’s Testosterone Levels
Sudden urges and personality changes are somewhat common at big doses as far as I have seen. One of my friends who is taking a ton of T (and other things) says he sometimes feels like if he doesn't get "it" (sex) he will die.

Gel should be much better. Levels will be more consistent plus he's not going to have a multi-week period where his levels are off the charts. The main downside may be the cost. I would not expect the mood/behavior changes on the gel if taken as prescribed. If any big changes happen then you can back down the dose and have it take effect within a day or so. I would wonder exactly what his doses were when they gave him the "highest amount".

As for the prostitute thing...a lot of guys are into stuff like that. Many times the wives/girlfriends don't even know. Turn on the news every week and see reports of the public being "shocked" when xyz politician, sports figure, or tv personality is caught doing xyz with some escort. If his hormone levels are 3x+ what they should be, that would make these types of desire worse/increased.

The addiction analogy makes sense. Some people are just better at self control than others. Asking guys to constrain their desire to hook up with women is like asking a woman to constrain their desire for babies or romance or sweets or whatever it may be.

The above thoughts are just the layman opinion of me, just some guy.
That protocol he was on was very bad, and the peaks and valleys would be expected. He certainly could be expected to have wide swings in the way he feels, and his emotional state. I'm pretty sure though that it doesn't excuse a person being dishonest, and cause them to throw away their presumed to be, positive core values.

You have to ask yourself one very simple question though. When his hormone levels were at the point where he wanted to exploit every call girl in town, why wasn't he going to you? The answer is not about you. It's about him, and what gets him "randy". People that are unfaithful do so for different reasons, but often it's that they like to be naughty little buggers. They like the thrill of the chase, and being sneaky. I think men that cheat are doing it out of a primal desire from our primitive days coupled with the twisted reasoning of the modern Homo Sapien narcissistic personality. He may not have even cheated on you in the physical sense. Could be the thrill for him was the planning. I think most people have their own little thing that get them "randy". Some people get off on feet! Figure that one out!

When women cheat, it can be for all that as well, but another motivation for women is security, insecurity, and revenge.

While men try to procure the finest looking women they can out of pure sexual desire, and admiration, the truth is most men at the end of the day, are just happy to get some action even if the girl is not the most attractive, but they often won't admit it. A good example is Arnold Schwarzenegger, and his mistress. The dude could have any woman he wanted, and he was getting together with his not attractive house keeper.

Follow your gut, not your heart.
Thanks for all your replies..
I have checked his many blood sample reports and he went from the following:
Week 1: between 100-150 ng/dl
Week 3: between 710-830 ng/dl
Week 5: between 420-550 ng/dl
Week 7: between 100-280 ng/dl
What I find interesting about the hole thing is:
- He didn't contact or looked at prostitute before this protocol (I have checked)
- He always did it in week 5 or 6 six, so when his levels were descending.
- He didn't want to go to them even though he got "permission" to do so.

@love2sucks thanks for your link. It's confirm the research I have read.
I also find it interesting that researcher say that the Testosterone will be raised by affairs but not though sex with the partner. And that it's not the act itself but the planing and fantasy about the cheating that make testosterone level to raise.
But why does the behavior come after the testosterone was declining? Have any of you tried felling this way? Have any of you tried to drop so quickly in testosterone?
I'm trying to understand how he felt and what went wrong.

@Vince Carter Do you want to elaborate? It sounds very interesting. We asked the doctors why they didn't checked the other hormones - but they said it wasn't necessary.
He felt kinda like you do on day 14 of your cycle compared to 1st day of menstruation...when not on birth control. Probably more extreme on his end though.

His levels aren’t that wild though. I was thinking they had him at 2000+ then he dropped to 100.
A ton of Testosterone or Estrogen won’t make someone cheat. It may make them feel and think a bit differently but this guy has issues that go beyond his hormones (which don’t appear to be super high or super low levels compared to many of us on here).

If he was super horny he should have been chasing you around the house instead of looking elsewhere. He needs counseling and needs to stop blaming the hormones.

That said, his protocol is horrible and will effect him negatively. One more reason I’m happy I live in the U.S. and have access to private medicine.
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A ton of Testosterone or Estrogen won’t make someone cheat. It may make them feel and think a bit differently but this guy has issues that go beyond his hormones (which don’t appear to be super high or super low levels compared to many of us on here).

If he was super horny he should have been chasing you around the house instead of looking elsewhere. He needs counseling and needs to stop blaming the hormones.

That said, his protocol is horrible and will effect him negatively. One more reason I’m happy I live in the U.S. and have access to private medicine.

This. Lots of us have dealt with a libido we just couldn’t believe. You cheat it’s because you wanted to. The mood going up and down is from a moron doctor. He should be ready to go most the time.
I think we get into dangerous territory when we try to blame testosterone or any other drug for our bad behavior. I was a young adult during the 1980’s when everyone was doing cocaine. It was abundantly clear that cocaine just made people more of who they already were. Assholes became unbearable assholes when using coke. Fun guys became more fun. Intense guys became more intense.
You get the idea. He has issues beyond hormones.
We asked the doctors why they didn't checked the other hormones - but they said it wasn't necessary.

The field of TRT is relatively new and the majority of doctors do not know how to do it properly let alone know what labs to order.

Medical school doesn't teach these doctor anything related sex hormones or TRT. It's not much different here in the states only that we can seek private doctors who do know what they are doing.
I think we get into dangerous territory when we try to blame testosterone or any other drug for our bad behavior. I was a young adult during the 1980’s when everyone was doing cocaine. It was abundantly clear that cocaine just made people more of who they already were. Assholes became unbearable assholes when using coke. Fun guys became more fun. Intense guys became more intense.
You get the idea. He has issues beyond hormones.

Agree. I didn’t want to be the first guy to state this. Testosterone is not an excuse for bad behavior. It will not turn someone from Dr. Jeckyl to Mr. Hyde. This goes way beyond TRT.

I am a psychotherapist by trade, and CBT is my treatment of choice. When you told this guy it was ok to see prostitutes, it was probably a big mistake. You rewarded and condoned a negative behavior, and as a result it is likely to continue. Your guy needs to see a therapist and a psychiatrist, as he more likely has a mental health issue than a testosterone problem. You play a role in his behavior when you condone what he does. Telling him he can see prostitutes if he “needs it” will make it easier. This is ok, if you are ok with this kind of relationship. Lots of couple do a lot of weird things, which is fine if they both agree and understand the rules they have. If you encourage this, don’t expect that this will lead to a monogamous relationship and a happy sex life because it won’t. If he loves you, he’ll see mental health professionals.
Form of T taken? Protocol? Labs with ranges? MODS: Please move this to the Dear Abby section. O.P. and others seeking help prior to posting in a specific forum on EM thank you for first reading the stickies, rules and format requested for that specific forum.
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