Time for an AI?


New Member
Hi guys

Long story short.

Initial numbers were the following

Total T - 17.6 nmol/L
Free T - 219 pmol/L
SHBG - 68 nmol/L
Oestradiol - 130 pmol/L

Started at 250mg Test Cyp per week divided into two doses of 125/ml done subcutaneously. That protocol got me to the following
[FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]

[h=3][FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]​Total T -
49.​5 nmol/l​
[/FONT][/b][h=3]​Free T - ​
833pmol/L[/b][h=3]SHBG - 66 nmol/l[/b][FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]Estriadol - 250 pmol/l[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]
[FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]Bumped it up to 300mg per week divided into 3 doses (100mg each). Latest results are[/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]
Total T - 64 nmol/L
Free T - 1169 pmol/L
SHBG - 67 nmol/L
Oestradiol - 420 pmol/L

I want my Free Test in and around that 1000 area without pushing too far above that so happy with my latest number. Estrogen is my major concern as that number seems really high? I have no glaring symptoms of high estrogen. Mood is good, no major puffiness or water retention, zero nipple sensitivity or anything like that.

So my real question is SHOULD I BE ON SOME FORM OF AI? Have heard some horror stories about them yet others swear by them. Also have read a bit about Testosterone vs Estrogen ratios etc so is it possible that the high E is just in line with the higher T? Appreciative of any advice.
Sorry, why and what am I doing?

This is a trt forum not a steroid forum. Your testosterone levels are ridiculously high (supra-physiological) far from a standard trt dose. Total t 64nmol/L (1830ng/dL)? You are basically in low dose steroid cycle territory! No one and I mean no one requires testosterone levels that high to experience relief from low t symptoms.
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Sorry, why and what am I doing?
I wanted to understand the reasoning behind your decision to run your testosterone to the levels you had. Were you terribly misinformed and fell into a medical blind-alley, or - more likely - are you running a steroid cycle? If it is the latter, we can't help you. We are dedicated to men's' health, with a specific focus on the medical aspects of androgen replacement/management. There are many sites that offer that sort of support.
Seems like people get attacked on here for running any dose above 200/wk which I do agree tends to be plenty. Going a little higher than that doesn't constitute a cycle imo. Those numbers might not even be trough.

OP, why target these numbers, and when did you do blood vs injection times?

Simple answer to to your question is that you do not need an ai with zero symptoms of high E. You would probably feel worse. I don't convert much myself, and when I experimented with 280/wk split daily it creeped up on me. High hot me, and I felt awful. Lowering the dose was the obvious solution. I just was curious and wanted to experiment. My dr was on board.
Seems like people get attacked on here for running any dose above 200/wk which I do agree tends to be plenty. Going a little higher than that doesn't constitute a cycle imo. Those numbers might not even be trough.

This is a therapeutic forum. Any one that wants to run a cycle, blast, or mini-cruise has plenty of options to do so elsewhere.

No one got attacked.
Maybe attacked was too strong of a word. I'm making the argument that T above the reference ranges can be of additional benefit. Adding muscle mass isn't necessarily the only motivation. I'm just saying hear the guy out is all.

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