Thyriod Storm.


A long story short.

12 months ago I was doing Iodine protocol, and when I was tapering down to 12.5mg dayli maintenance dose, I got a Thyroid Storm, though I was having a stroke:( I was a mess for about 6 weeks, and the Dr that I have seen are not helping.. By now my syptoms are manly a heart palpaiton mostly at night when I lay down, and I feel my Thyroid purring in my neck or humming, like I swallowed a purring cat:) I have been trying Armour, but I whent off 6 weeks ago to clear it out of my system and took a blood test.

TSH 3.18 (0.450-4.500)
T-4 1.09 (ng/dl 0.82-1.77)
T-3 2.9 (pg/ml 2.0-4.4)

And starting to take one grain a day now and will take a blood test agin after 2 weeks.

Any input on a another blood test or just anything would help, sick of dr that do not listen..

Thanks Johann
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Johann, thanks for sharing. Sorry you had to go through that ordeal. At this point your labs obviously have you leaning towards the "hypo" side of it. Your FT3 is a little bit to the right of the FT4 on the reference range, FT4 at 28% and FT3 at 38%. Knowing that you went through a storm episode, I would like to see your antibodies ... Not just TPO & TgAb, but also TSI. You will also want to get a Reverse T3 lab.

1 grain is a good starting point. Good job on running follow up labs. Ultimately, you might want to aim with getting your FT3 and FT4 labs in the 50% to 80% area of the reference range, permitting RT3 isn't problematic. If it is, you will more than likely see some pooling issues with FT3. Other labs like cortisol, iron, D3 and electrolytes will also play a role in how productive and active your thyroid hormone will be.
Thank you so much Chris.
You dont know how much this means to me. I will go and get those done in 2 weeks when that one grain that I started on will be in full affect.
I got this from defy-medical.

We can do a Thyroid Antibodies for $58.80, Antithyroglobulin Ab for $40 or Thyroglobulin Reflex Profile for $45.
I don't know what a TSI lab test is, please explain and I'll look into it with Labcorp. Nothing shows up in their system with this abbreviation.
Cortisol -$20
Iron and TIBC- $10 or Iron, serum $10
Vitamin D3- $40
Electrolyte Panel- $12
Johann, the TSI lab is also an autoimmune test, used to detect Graves. For now run with what you can get. However, if you get a repeat with ultra hyper or storm like symptoms, keep the TSI assay in mind. Presume the storm reaction was only 1x during the Brownstein protocol. If not mistaken his protocol(s) are pretty aggressive for treatment.

The TPO is good, and just stick with Ab antithyroglobulin for checking autoimmune at the protein level of the thyroid.

On the cortisol, do yourself a huge favor and go with a 4x saliva kit (or 6x if that's what you get dealt). We want to see your circadian profile pattern throughout the day. If you go to ZRT labs or Canary Club you can get this kit sent to your home. It should also come with a saliva DHEA lest, which also has some comparative value in conjunction with the cortisol.

Iron and TIBC is perfect, I can calculate the saturation % with that information. Throw a ferritin lab in there if you can? I'm a little picky on that, as I am a hemochromatosis carrier with very high ferritin when not controlled. It's a simple test that can be checked, and managed if you are a genetic carrier. It's more prominent in people with European decent. The metabolic panel will take care of 'most' the electrolytes .. CBC' s will be good to review ongoing; keep an eye on RBC's, hematocrit.
Hi Chris,
I got some of those Blood test now. Have to break it down like this :( $$

But here is what I got today.

Iron Bind. Cap TIBC 252 (250-450)
UIBC 146 Low (150-375)
Iron Serum 106 (40-155)
Iron Saturation 42 (15-55)

Electrolyte Panel
Sodium, Serum 139 (134-144)
Potassium, Serum 4.5 (3.5-5.2)
Chloride, Serum 100 (97-108)
Carbon Dioxide, Total 25 (18-29)

TSH 1.250 (0.450-4.500)
T-3 3.1 (2.0-4.4)
T-4 0.95 (0.82-1.77)

Those are the old ones on no Armour
TSH 3.18
T-4 1.09
T-3 2.9
Looks like T-3 went a little up and T-4 Down, so I'am increasing the Armour from 1 Grain to 1 and a half.

Testosterone 954 (348-1197)
Estradiol 25.5 (7.6-42.6)
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Johann, thanks for posting your results. I know you are up against some apparent financial obstacles, but if you can get a ferritin lab and B12. I have personally dealt with a genetic disorder, where ferritin was through the ceiling, which in turn reflected in low UIBC and TIBC values. Those labs and a general CBC w/diff panel would paint a fuller picture.

Your TSH has come down, but your reserves with T4 are also very low. T3 is just below 50%. Without an RT3 lab, it's hard to make too many comments.

Total test serum looks fine ... Would like to see your free testosterone and/or SHBG. Ask your physician for the E2 sensitive assay on future labs.
Hi Chris,
I will get the Ferritin and B-12 tomorrow morning, been reading all day and it's starting to make a lot of sense, Hemochromatosis, all the heart arrhyhmias and other crap.. Hope I have not damage the liver or heart. Will see what the blood test will say on Friday.

I did find a blood test from 5/6/14

White Blood Cell Count 4.00 (4.16-9.95)
Red Blood Cell Count 5.70 (4.41-5.95)
Hemoglobin 16.8 (13.5-17.1)
Hematocrit 47.6 (38.5-52.0%)
Mean Corpuscular Vol 83.5 (79.3-98.6)
Mean Corpuscular Hem 29.5 (26.4-33.4)
MCH Concentration 35.3 (31.5-35.5)
Red Cell Distribution Width-SD 37 (36.9-48.3)
Red Cell Distribution Width-CV 12.3 (11.1-15.5%)
Platelet Count Auto 187 (143-398x10E3/uL)
Mean Platelet Volume 10.6 (9.3-13.0)
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Hi Chris.

The Labs are in.

B12=1002 (211-946) High
Ferritin serum=51 (30-400)

Now I'am confuesd:(

I was so sure tha the Ferritin would be high, so after the blood test I went and donated blood. Dont know what to do..

What would you recommend as my next blood test?

And what do you think of the Ferritin?

Best regards Johann
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Hi Chris.

Here are the th laabs for the Iron, and B12.

Iron Bind. Cap TIBC 252 (250-450)
UIBC 146 (150-375) Low
Iron Serum 106 (40-155)
Iron Saturation 42 (15-55)
Ferritin serum=51 (30-400)

B12=1002 (211-946) High

Should I start taking Iron supplement?

Or should I wait till I can get the 24 hour adrenal saliva test and see what comes out of that?

your recommendation is highly appreciated.

Best regards
The Desperad Johann.
Johann, thanks for posting. Yeah, I might have anticipated seeing higher ferritin results, but at the same time it's not a complete shocker! This can "sometimes" be a marker that the liver needs some attention. By chance do you have any labs marked ALT & AST? Would there be any medications or recreational activities that "could" be aggravating your liver? If so then maybe you can pinpoint this a little better. If not then possibly your physician would want to conduct some additional exams .. (MTHFR, homosysteine, etc.) if he/she thinks genetics is in play.

If it were me, I'd personally hold off on the elemental iron until your physician gives you a green light. If could be an issue due to the total and unsaturated binding labs. Then again, it might not, and/or maybe it could be supported with an iron / lactoferrin combination. Run this by your doctor and do some research. In the meantime get the 24 hour 4x cortisol kit and spit away!!
Hi Chris,

For now I do not have any Dr, so this forum is all I got for now. I will get the cortisol kit in mid December. In the meantime I can get the ALT & AST test and see if something is going on there. The only medence that I'am taking is Testosterone, HCG, and Armour. I do have a drink once in awhile.

Thanks once agin, till I come in with more test results:)
Johann, we appreciate your trust and reaching out to the EM community. Just keep in mind, nobody here can tell you to move forward with any treatments or protocols. Our community offers some excellent conversation, and there is some extremely knowledgeable members here that can help shed some contrast on labs and experiences. However, ultimately you will want to align with a qualified physician to help guide you through this. E.g., as in the case with the iron, I can't sit here and tell you to move forward on it, especially with what's presented with your labs, and maybe some of the gaps and underlying possibilities that still need addressed.

Don't get me wrong, I will (as will other members) give you my thoughts, experiences, & opinions, and in some cases the "If it were me" scenarios. However, that and any information you ascertain from our forum (or any forum) should be used for the purpose to expand your personal knowledge on any particular subject(s), and to strengthen your partnership with a physician.
Thanks Chris, yes I do understand that, and you are helping a lot and hopefully I will be able to get my health incurance in Januray and get this under control and get better.
Johann, the higher price kit you picked from Canary Club is actually a combo-kit, that one by the looks of it would be more aimed at perimenopausal women, as it also has E2 & progesterone. Your 2nd link would be fine, but you can get the exact same from Canary Club for the exact same price ..

When it's all done, let's go through the circadian profile, total burden, and DHEA-S/Cortisol correlation analysis. If you're not familiar with some of this, now would be a good time to do some research. Dr. Lam has some good info on his site, as does Dr. Bruce Rind, Dr. James Wilson, and
I'm back:) Finally I have been able to have another blood test. Still having problem with Iron, was taking Armour and was able to get T3 in range but T4 did just fall lower and lower, so I did stop altogether on Armour and see if T4 will raise agin and I just dont know my next steps..

Iron and TIBC
Iron Bind.Cap.(TIBC) 297 ug/dL 250 - 450

UIBC 123 ug/dL 111 - 343

Iron, Serum 174 High ug/dL 38 - 169

Iron Saturation 59 High % 15 - 55

Ferritin, Serum 32 ng/mL 30 - 400

Testosterone,Free and Total
Testosterone, Serum 759 ng/dL 348 - 1197

Estradiol, Sensitive 18.6 pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0
TSH 4.330 uIU/mL 0.450 - 4.500

Triiodothyronine,Free,Serum 2.7 pg/mL 2.0 - 4.4
T4,Free(Direct) 0.97 ng/dL 0.82 - 1.77

Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 38.8 ng/mL 30.0 - 100.0

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