Thoughts on Timing of Labs


Active Member
For the past 10 years I have been on TRT Test Cyp @ 200mg/pr wk (100mg x 2) with no AI's... lab corp tests> My avg Total Test 24 hours after inj was 1000 (198-679), 48-72hrs was around avg of 650-690, My avg Free Test 24 hrs after inj was 32 (6.8-21.5), 48-72 hrs after inj was 21-23. My avg SHBG 24 hrs after inj was 10-13 (13-89), 48-72hrs after inj was 13-16.. My avg E2 24hrs after inj was 40-60 (20-53), 48-72hrs after inj was 32-45.. I once added dhea @ 10mg/day and my e2 shot to 126!!!!!!

2 1/2 months ago I changed my protocol.. I now use Test Cyp @120mg/pr wk (40mg x 3 per/wk) and use .25mg Adex 3xwk...
my new blood work is as follows... all 24 hours after inject...
Total Test-643 (198-679)
Free Test-23.3 (6.8-21.5)
E2- 18 (20-53)
SHBG- 21.10 (13-89)

Smaller frequent dosing, less Test and small amount of Adex have greatly improved my panels... My lipid panels used to be all over the place and are now all in perfect range (I also attribute that to taking 1 tbs of coconut oil every night before bed). I have not lost any strength, energy/endurance seems to be improving as I have some Thyroid symptoms (possible T3 pooling and/or adrenal/cortisol issues). Last week I added 30mg pregnenelone and 2.5 mg Dhea as my Dheas levels are still in the toilet....
Everyone here gets their labs just before injection. Because of this your labs don't make any sense to us and cannot be compared to anyone here. Just the way it is.
The labs make perfect sense for anyone that can follow and comprehend trends in blood panels..... I listed both my labs on the day after injects and my labs just before my injects which demonstrates the correlation of how the lab panels change following before and after injects. The most recent lab/blood work listed is the day after (24hours) my inject which can be compared to the average (10 yrs) of my other previous day after injects. Based on the trending correlation following the previous 10 yrs worth of blood level changes between injections it would give a strong inclination as to where my current lab panels would possibly be at 48 to 72 hours later which is just before the next inject.
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The labs make perfect sense for anyone that can follow and comprehend trends in blood panels..... I listed both my labs on the day after injects and my labs just before my injects which demonstrates the correlation of how the lab panels change following before and after injects. The most recent lab/blood work listed is the day after (24hours) my inject which can be compared to the average (10 yrs) of my other previous day after injects. Based on the trending correlation following the previous 10 yrs worth of blood level changes between injections it would give a strong inclination as to where my current lab panels would possibly be at 48 to 72 hours later which is just before the next inject.

It makes a lot more sense to just do labs 48 hours after your injection instead of getting done early and guessing where it will be in another 24 hours. That makes no sense and it does make it harder to compare, biology doesn't do lineir. Nobody gets labs 24 hours after an injection and gets anything meaningful out of it. No experience doctor or patient does labs in this manner.
The labs make perfect sense for anyone that can follow and comprehend trends in blood panels..... I listed both my labs on the day after injects and my labs just before my injects which demonstrates the correlation of how the lab panels change following before and after injects. The most recent lab/blood work listed is the day after (24hours) my inject which can be compared to the average (10 yrs) of my other previous day after injects. Based on the trending correlation following the previous 10 yrs worth of blood level changes between injections it would give a strong inclination as to where my current lab panels would possibly be at 48 to 72 hours later which is just before the next inject.

You need to not hijack this guys thread with your labs and your problems.
My trt doctor does after/before inject panels and It makes perfect sense to get labs 24 hours after inject and just before next inject. This will allow one to see how their body responds and peaks with initial inject and compare/contrast as to how the body responds in the following days after just before the next inject. Measuring both before/after injects will help develop the ideal injection cycle which for me which is actually 120mg Cyp with 3 x wk schedule compared to my previous 200mg Cyp with 2 x wk.

I only listed my most recent blood panel "after inject" because I am awaiting the results of the "before inject" panel.

PS- if most of you guys are just concentrating/concerned on blood panels before inject then that is asinine. The problems most guys on TRT face is roller coaster blood panels with spikes/peaks/lows etc... how the hell are you ever going to get a clear picture of how your body responds if you are only concentrating on just one aspect of the injection cycle. smh
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You need to not hijack this guys thread with your labs and your problems.

I would really love to hear how I hijacked this thread with "my" problems.... This thread is about low SHBG, which I have, and just listed my protocol of how I raised my SHBG in a short amount of time with adjusting my TRT dosing to 3 x wk which the OP stated he is considering.... and gave an example with real world lab values... smdh

Also, even with my day after inject labs alone it has already dis-proven half of the advice given by some of you guys on this thread. I'm injecting 40mg 3 x wk and my SHBG which was shown to be in the 20's on the day after inject when it was most always in the single digits the day after inject.

and yes, based on previous trends I am expecting to see my SHBG in the upper 20's when I receive my blood results for the "before" inject next week.
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My trt doctor does after/before inject panels and It makes perfect sense to get labs 24 hours after inject and just before next inject.

I had posted in another thread my labs which were very high 24 hours after my injection... i take 200mgs every 2 weeks... i do 50mgs Mondays and Thursdays ...

The Total T was 1,271.6 High ..and Free was 45.9 High and T Serum level was 1,147 High Estradiol -28.1 Good... ... Doc was curious if I was doing my correct dose...and of coarse I am... But he had suggested maybe lowering my dose to 180mgs Q 2 weeks

I had said well its because "I just did my Injection the morning before, We should test on my trough day"

He agreed and said its possible and thats a good idea... but my question is

say I do the 2 tests 1 right before and one 24 hours after . is that number above my correct "level" or would u consider mine to be to high>?

thanks ,

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