The Disturbing Sexual Trend With Real Health Consequences

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Strangulation ("choking") during sex is on the rise among teens and young adults, and those being harmed are mostly women.
Rachel S. Rubin, MD: Hi. I'm Dr Rachel Rubin, urologist and sexual medicine specialist in the Washington, DC, area. Welcome back to another episode of Sex Matters.
I have an interesting topic for you — kind of shocking, actually. Some of you may have read a story earlier this year in The New York Times about the alarming rise among young people of choking or strangulation during sex. I spoke recently with Dr Debby Herbenick about this concerning and violent trend. Dr Herbenick is a well-known sexuality researcher and professor at the Indiana University School of Public Health. Welcome, Dr Herbenick. Can you tell us about your research into this new trend?

Debby Herbenick, PhD: This is some of the most important research that I've done. I've been studying sexual behaviors and trends for about 14 years in terms of nationally representative studies that we do. Over time, we noticed a trend of increasing prevalence of rough sex practices. Now, there's always been a lot of sexual diversity in the world throughout history. But the main trend that we have focused on in recent years that is important for everyone in medicine to know about is this rapid increase — actually, a really big increase — in what people call "sexual choking," even though it's a form of strangulation. The increase is mostly seen in teenagers and young adults.
We've done US nationally representative surveys as well as college campus representative surveys. We find that consistently across four campus representative surveys that 64% of women report having ever been choked during sex, and around 1 in 3 women (aged 18-24 years) throughout the whole country report having been choked during their most recent sexual activity with another person. They call it choking, but because it involves usually one hand — sometimes two hands or a forearm or an object, like a belt or a cord to tie around the neck — it is technically strangulation, because it's external pressure to the neck to reduce or stop airflow or blood flow.

Rubin: These numbers are staggering, right? Everyone listening now is taking care of someone who has been strangled as a form of sexual pleasure. What does this mean from a safety perspective? And as doctors who are working these patients up for migraines and other health problems, what is the research showing?

Herbenick: We certainly are seeing people report recurrent headaches and ringing in the ears. There are things we've just barely scratched the surface on. Those of us working in this space believe that for anybody coming in for an unexplained stroke (for example, under age 50), you might consider some imaging to see if they have a dissection. We are hearing about people who, when you really probe to find out whether they've had pressure on the neck, they report that indeed that they have. So, we have to be thinking about neurologic symptoms. We know that that they're experiencing these at a pretty high rate.
For people who are engaging in these practices, they should know about the health risks, but we find that most don't. They may have heard that if it's really intense high pressure, that in rare cases people can die, but most have never heard of anything in between. So, they're not necessarily connecting their voice hoarseness, or the recurrent headaches or the sensitivity to light they are having, to an experience of being choked. We need to be paying attention to neurologic symptoms.
Most physicians I speak with at conferences say that where they feel like they can step into this conversation is through anticipatory guidance and letting their patients know that they may have heard about this trend, and a lot of people are talking about the health consequences, and I want to share some information with you — not coming at it from a place of shame or judgment, but providing some information so that [patients] actually get some medical facts about this that could be lifesaving.

Rubin: I see such a big gap in my medical training. I was taught to say, "Hey, do you smoke, do you drink, do you do drugs? Do you have sex? Men, women, or both?"And that's it. And then maybe use birth control, and don't get an STD, thinking about herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. We weren't really trained to talk to patients about what kind of sex they are having, or how to talk to patients in a way that is open-minded but also safety-conscious and how the concept of safe sex is more than wear a condom and use birth control.
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