The Bodybuilding Diet Mistakes to Avoid


Staff Writer
A bodybuilding diet needs to help you build muscles. This can seem simple – just include a greater amount of protein and cut down of fats. However, many bodybuilders fail to achieve their aims because they make these common mistakes. While following a bodybuilding diet they often fail to:

Count Calories: there is no point is assuming that you are consuming the right amount of calories. Find out how many calories you have to consume in a day and ensure you consume the right amount. The calories you need to consume will depend on your height, weight, body fat, fitness levels, and goals.

Account for all the foods they eat: Often bodybuilders have a set diet that they consume but also snack in between. This can increase the calorie intake. To avoid this meticulously track all the food you eat or drink.

Include carbs in their breakfast: Carbs can help kick start metabolism. This means that they should be part of your breakfast. While it is essential to include proteins in every meal, including carbs is also vital to ensure a better muscle build up. Complex, fiber rich carbs are best.

Include healthy fats: Many bodybuilders eliminate all fats from their diets. However, some fats from nuts and seeds as well as monounsaturated fats are essential for the proper functioning of the body, produce hormones and to help build muscles. As such bodybuilders must include some fats in their diet.

Avoid a dependence on supplements: While bodybuilders can use supplements to help ensure adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, they should not depend only on supplements for these. Consuming them in their natural form by including fruits and vegetables in the diet will help bodybuilders.

Drink sufficient water: Many bodybuilders focus only on the solid component of their diet and fail to stay hydrated. Drinking adequate amounts of water will help you stay energized.
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I started a Carb Backloading diet (John Kiefer CBL) about two months ago and was surprised how well it worked. I was an avid steel cut oatmeal, banana, eggs etc big breakfast to start the day bodybuilder, eating every 2-3 hours. Personally, its all hogwash unless you are using the synthetics and illegal cutting agents bodybuilders use. I do HIIT Cardio in the am (fasted state), drink water, MCT Oil, 4mg nicotine gum, carnitine, sesamin, tonalin, and capsascin. Anyone skeptical of Keto diets should do research or try one. I lift at 5:00pm in a fasted state (pre-workout drink) and then eat hi gi /lo gi carbs and protein rich foods until bed. Lost two inches on waist and was still able to eat Pizza, Cheesecake, and everything else guilt free. Weird how doing the opposite of what everyone has been doing for years worked better?
I don't go to those extremes.

For the most part I drink 3 protein shakes a day with 2% milk fat and one high protein dinner at night.

Lots of caffeine during the day as I love rich high end coffee.

I am 185 lbs at 7% body fat and am pretty jacked.

I am not including my supplement protocol here which is extensive and well researched.

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