Testosterone gel/cream vs injectables?

Dave Barry

I need some information to pass on to my dr and was hoping you guys could help me out. Why does it seem that more often than not, most patients receiving TRT, are given some form of a testosterone gel/cream to start but as time progresses, it appears that a considerable percentage of patients are switched to injectable testosterone? I'm assuming that the average doctor's argument may be that it's easier to maintain consistent blood-levels while using a cream/gel as compared to an injectable.
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Thanks for your question. It helps people locate important information.

Here are some of my posts about injections, gels, and other options.




I have tried all of them. My favorite are injections for the way I feel but if I had the choice I would use Nebido (Aveed) since it is long acting. It is not approved in the US yet.
Dave, to answer your question:

Gels are actually more popular than injections for obvious reasons. But many guys cannot reach levels over 600 ng/dL with current 1.62 or 2 percent pharmaceutical products (Androgel, Testim, Axiron, Fortesta). Some try 5-10 percent T creams from compounding pharmacies successfully.

It is very difficult for the average father with a full time job to inject weekly. Motivated and empowered men are a minority. Gels will continue to rule the market until a long acting injection like Aveed (Nebido- testosterone undecanoate) is approved in the US. Its price may be a determining factor of its uptake, however.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions as I really appreciate the time and effort you spend. I got a kick out of my doctor explaining the difference between creams and injections today in his office. The only difference he noted, was that injections are "very painful." Hopefully, he will read the research I presented him as well as information I obtained from this site so that he becomes more knowledgeable. TRT is not his specialty but he is willing to perform whatever tests I have asked so the results have been good so far. While I could find a doctor more knowledgeable (only two in my area), I don't believe the additional knowledge is worth a $1000/6-month fee, just to be a client. No disrespect intended because those without experience, the intense desire to research, as well as ask questions, they will save you from great potential injury and harm.

I think it's great to have a physician who is not threatened by information that patients bring. I must admit that it must be hell having people bring information from the Internet and that most doctors react negatively to that. My doctor calls it Internet medicine :)

But if what you bring is well referenced and logical, most open minded doctors are receptive to information that may help treat you better. I have a lot of experience on the subject since I advocated for the use of anabolic steroids and testosterone to try to save my life and that of many people who were wasting away. In the early 90's we had no data on the subject but over 100 physicians opened their arms to the concept. Of course, the risk-benefit ratio that we had in those days made it possible for them to try something that had no published data.

The use of HCG, anastrozole, sermorelin/peptides, and some compounded formulations is currently been adopted by some medical practices while others reject it. Medical practices that are cash based are obviously more willing to use products of this nature in an off label manner since they do not have to deal with rejection from insurance companies.

Only good study data will make TRT+HCG or + anastrozole be something with insurance reimbursement potential. However, these products are all generics that lack pharmaceutical funding for studies. So only studies funded by the US government via the National Institute of Health provide any hope to generate data on generics such as HCG and anastrozole.

What some physicians do not understand is that they can consider prescribing certain options that may not be covered by insurance but which are available cheaply from the compounding industry. That , in my opinion, is an area of advocacy on which we can all concentrate. Of course, if we lose the compounding industry as pharma and some congressmen want, we can lose this option.


I can imagine that it must be a doctor's greatest nightmare, when a patient brings information that he/she has obtained from the internet and wants to play "doctor." Never in a million years, would I bring any information that was not scientifically sound as well as from a respected scientifically-based site (that accepts no advertising). Physician's spend many years educating themselves and they certainly have my respect. Generally speaking, based upon my experience with each doctor, I have a good idea, which doctor is willing to give credence to any research that I may present him/her. Additionally, I presented the information in a manner that showed him that he can open up a completely new avenue for additional income, while helping fulfill a legitimate health condition. Therefore, he is open to conducting "research" on several patients that I am presenting him with. Although he literally had a heart-attack, when I said, "we are conducting an experiment," in front of the patient (a close friend of mine). Obviously, that was a dumb statement as that could legally come back to haunt him, had he not corrected my statement. Of course, I will not make such an idiotic statement ever again:-)

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