Testosterone and Testicular Atrophy

Smokin Joe

Active Member
I was curious to know if there is a point of no return when men are on T but no HCG and experience atrophy of the gonads.
I did not realize how much mine had receded upwards until I was off of T for six months and everything fell back into place.
My question is if a man has been on TRT for several years and has sever testicular atrophy will HCG alone reverse the situation successfully.
My question mark key is dead-sorry.
I started using HCG after about 15 years of using TRT. I wish I had known back when I started TRT about HCG use in combination with testosterone !
Coastwatcher I stopped my protacal in November of 2014 due to a rising PSA which at the time was 2.8.
In July 2015 it was back down to 1.8.
I have read where some men will run a high PSA and no cancer.
My Endo has since dropped me as she is paranoid to keep me on T due to this rise.
I will tell you also that my numbers are in the low normal range which also led to her decision.
Mt total T is at 500 and free T at 6.9-70. Estrogen sensitive at 13.
I will admit I am quite miserable right now.
I have degeneritive arthitis and worn joints and being off the T has certainly been a PAIN if you will.
I am amazed at the number of benefits of testosterone in older men-It is amazing.
I think the number one challange for me is how to manage the prostate.
I tried the HCG from DEFY with great hope but appaently I am one of those who is ULTRA sensitive to it which is totaly crazy.
My nervous system goes stright into aexity after the second shot of even 100iu.
I have'nt tried it since.
My base was under 1.0 before starting TRT. This was back in 2007.
The doctor at the time had me upside down due to his lack of knowledge in the area.
At some point my T dropped to 215 total so I stopped until I could get to an Endo.
After this my care was consistant as far an monitoring goes of standard bloodwork less psa.
I have always checked my psa quarterly.
So long story short it has taken approximately 7 years for my PSA to rise fro under 1.0 to 2.8.
I credit it to inflammation of the prostate but do not know this for certian.
I used Defy a couple of times but have had to back away due to finances.
TRT can get expensive.
try to avoid sexual activity for two days before psa test as this can cause a temporary rise in psa levels :(
Vince that is not hard for me to do these days asm y drive is at an all time low.
Tried about everything herbally that I know and still no bump.
CoastWatcher that is correct. No on going therapy as of now. T at 500-Free T @ 7.0 and E-2 @ 13.
The entire time that I was on TRT my E-2 barley moved at all even when my T was close to a 1000 and free T at 16.
Crazy but I don't convert much.
You would not think that as I carry belly fat very easy even with a good diet.
Part of that I'm sure is the beer I drink on the weekends:)

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