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Maturitas 112 (2018) 46–52
G. Rastrelli et al.
4. Conclusions
T is deeply involved in the physiology of the entire male sexual response. Sexual dysfunctions represent the most specific of the putative clinical features of hypogonadism [5,6] and, according to the guidelines [3,4], they allow the diagnosis of hypogonadism to be made in men with low T. However, a wide range of factors other than low T can disrupt sexual response at one or more levels, thus resulting in sexual dysfunction, including ED, low sexual desire and ejaculatory disorder. Although RCTs demonstrate that TTh can improve sexual function, mounting evidence shows that the improvement may be expected only when the symptoms are associated with low T levels, particularly when T is overtly reduced. Hence, clinicians should test each patient with sexual dysfunction for serum T and prescribe TTh only for those with hypogonadism. In addition, clinicians might bear in mind that sexual symptoms, although specific to low T, could be secondary to other conditions, which should be identified and possibly treated in conjunction with TTh in order to obtain the best therapeutic results.
G. Rastrelli et al.
4. Conclusions
T is deeply involved in the physiology of the entire male sexual response. Sexual dysfunctions represent the most specific of the putative clinical features of hypogonadism [5,6] and, according to the guidelines [3,4], they allow the diagnosis of hypogonadism to be made in men with low T. However, a wide range of factors other than low T can disrupt sexual response at one or more levels, thus resulting in sexual dysfunction, including ED, low sexual desire and ejaculatory disorder. Although RCTs demonstrate that TTh can improve sexual function, mounting evidence shows that the improvement may be expected only when the symptoms are associated with low T levels, particularly when T is overtly reduced. Hence, clinicians should test each patient with sexual dysfunction for serum T and prescribe TTh only for those with hypogonadism. In addition, clinicians might bear in mind that sexual symptoms, although specific to low T, could be secondary to other conditions, which should be identified and possibly treated in conjunction with TTh in order to obtain the best therapeutic results.
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