Test after 4.5 week trt


New Member

Here are my blood test results after 4.5 weeks of trt , 40mg of enanthate testosterone EOD (140mg/week).
I know perhaps my test are not the most relevant like for free T as it's almost impossible here in France to ask them equilibrium dialysis as they don't even know how tests are done... anyway here is what I got:



On what I see I'm way to high in total T so I need to decrease perhaps to 35 or 30 mg EOD ?
What I don't understand is why my estradiol is so low and how serious is this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Here are my blood test results after 4.5 weeks of trt , 40mg of enanthate testosterone EOD (140mg/week).
I know perhaps my test are not the most relevant like for free T as it's almost impossible here in France to ask them equilibrium dialysis as they don't even know how tests are done... anyway here is what I got:

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On what I see I'm way to high in total T so I need to decrease perhaps to 35 or 30 mg EOD ?
What I don't understand is why my estradiol is so low and how serious is this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Your TT 1710 ng/dL is way too high and although we have no idea where your FT truly sits as you do not have access to the most accurate assays (ED or UF) you can rest assured that your FT level is through the roof!

The odd thing is with a TT 1700s and FT through the roof your e2 should be high!

Your estradiol is horribly low?

Are you on an aromatase inhibitor?

Have you ever had your iron/ferritin tested?

Your hemoglobin/hematocrit levels must have been lowish pre-trt as use of exogenous testosterone will result in an increase RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit within the first month and can take up to 9-12 months to reach peak levels.
I would drop your dose down to 105 mg/week split EOD.

Even then you would most likely fair better injecting 100 mg/week split twice weekly (50 mg every 3.5 days) as your SHBG is 35.8 nmol/L.

No need for daily let alone EOD injections unless SHBG was low/lowish.....mind you this is not set in stone and you need to find what injection frequency suits you best.
Hi and thank you for your quick answer, to answer your question I'm not on an aromatase inhibitor, I'm not taking anything else than testosterone, concerning iron/ferritine, I don't rememebr when I did the test but between 1 and 3 years ago but it has always been ok.
I didn't see I had previous test result concerning RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit on my test result from 2018 (on the right), (estradiol was at 20pg/ml the 19/2/2019)here are they :

another thing I can say is that the day I made the test I asked to take my blood pressure and it was perfectly normal, while I often feel like I have my blood "pushed" in my head, my face and up torso are often red and feel always at a limit of an headache, I also don't sleep well, woke up otften during the night.
I also almost make each time a lump when I inject in ventro glute (lasting around 6 days) and always feel a pain for 2-3 days when injecting in deltoids.

I will follow your advice and inject 50mg every 3.5 days and let 3 days off before starting as I'm already too high.
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How many days do you think I have to stop injecting to change to that protocol as I'm already way too high? and do you think there is a way to avoir lump or pain the days after injection, I'm afraid that injecting more volume will increase these effects. Perhaps I would need to change esther as I have the feeling no one is experiencing this.
How many days do you think I have to stop injecting to change to that protocol as I'm already way too high? and do you think there is a way to avoir lump or pain the days after injection, I'm afraid that injecting more volume will increase these effects. Perhaps I would need to change esther as I have the feeling no one is experiencing this.

I would not even worry about skipping injections just follow through with lowering your T dose and wait for blood levels to stabilize (4-6 weeks) then have blood work done to see where said protocol (dose T/injection frequency) has your TT/FT/e2 levels.

Mind you e2 is already horribly low on your current protocol with a whopping TT 1700 ng/dL.

Need to look into why your e2 is so low?

Not sure if you are injecting sub-q or IM (shallow/deep) or what syringes you are using.

Rare one would get lumps when injecting strictly IM (shallow/deep) unless you were not injecting properly or possible sensitivity to the ester/excipients.

Mild pain at the injection site can be common when injecting IM but in many cases, it would be from using larger needles 22-25G.

Lumps may be more common when injecting strictly sub-q due to injecting too large a volume of oil or improper injection technique.

Pain at the injection site should be minimal/non-existent when injecting strictly sub-q especially as most are using fixed insulin syringes 27-31G (6MM/8MM/12.7MM needle length).

The main benefits of using LDS (low dead space) fixed insulin syringes are minimal waste of medication (esterified T), virtually painless, minimize scar tissue/trauma, easier to read for accurate dosing especially when injecting lower volumes of oil more frequently.

I will follow your advice and inject 50mg every 3.5 days and let 3 days off before starting as I'm already too high.

Do what you feel is best and if you plan on injecting 100 mg/week (50mg every 3.5 days) then switch over to 1 ml (100 unit) or better yet .5 ml (50 unit) fixed insulin syringe (27-31G).

The most commonly used esters (cypionate/enanthate) come in 100 mg/mL and 200 mg/mL strength.

*The majority are using the 200 mg/mL strength.

*If you plan on using a fixed insulin syringe then 50 mg esterified T would be .25 ml (25 units).
Thank you again for you anwer.

I'm using 0.5 ml 29G 1/2" needles (0.33x13mm) and jab with a 90° angle, in deltoids (so I guess it makes the injection shallow IM so it doesn't really make lump but my delt seems hard , painful for 2-3 days and itchy) and in ventro glutes (probably sub-q as I probably have more fat here and it makes lumps, painful and itchy a bit too for 4 to 8 days). I'm using 300mg/ml enanthate.
These effects appear 24h after not as soon as I inject. When I inject I don't feel anything at all. I don't know, perhaps I'm allergic to it.

In that case perhaps I should try and get cypionate instead?
Thank you again for you anwer.

I'm using 0.5 ml 29G 1/2" needles (0.33x13mm) and jab with a 90° angle, in deltoids (so I guess it makes the injection shallow IM so it doesn't really make lump but my delt seems hard , painful for 2-3 days and itchy) and in ventro glutes (probably sub-q as I probably have more fat here and it makes lumps, painful and itchy a bit too for 4 to 8 days). I'm using 300mg/ml enanthate.
These effects appear 24h after not as soon as I inject. When I inject I don't feel anything at all. I don't know, perhaps I'm allergic to it.

In that case perhaps I should try and get cypionate instead?

Hard to say and seeing as it is UGL gear.

Seeing as you are using the UGL test (300 mg/mL) you would have absolutely no idea
what the strength truly is.

You have been injecting 40 mg EOD and your TT is absurdly high 1700ng/dL.

How much are you drawing when loading the insulin syringe?
Your E2 being absurdly low and testosterone very high which may indicate an aromatase deficiency, in these cases HCG is needed in conjunction with your TRT.

When on TRT in isolation, estrogen is only produced via aromatization. The HCG will allow for intratesticular estrogen production as well as estrogen produced the aromatization.

The HCG will also allow for a little intratesticular testosterone production on top of the injectable testosterone and so your Test dosage may need a slight reduction if HCG is used.
Yes sometimes it can be just a little more perhaps between 0,13/0,14 never more. I don't understand either. I'm 45 yo and 66 kg (145,5 lbs) for 1,75m (5,74 ft) btw, maybe it could be a reason.
Your E2 being absurdly low and testosterone very high which may indicate an aromatase deficiency, in these cases HCG is needed in conjunction with your TRT.

When on TRT in isolation, estrogen is only produced via aromatization. The HCG will allow for intratesticular estrogen production as well as estrogen produced the aromatization.

The HCG will also allow for a little intratesticular testosterone production on top of the injectable testosterone and so your Test dosage may need a slight reduction if HCG is used.
Oh I see so I would need to take HCG too. Which dosage are you suggesting?
Ok, thanks. Btw what is/are the risk/s of me having such low estrogen?
I'm also realizing that I'm using a shampoo with ketoconazole... would it be possible my low e2 is coming from it?
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