Super PCT - going off


Active Member
Hey guys,

So an update on my trestolone journey. I came off of it 15 days ago mainly because my semen became watery and I as a 26 year old male that hopes to have a family one day was scared and didn't want to take that risk. Plus the thread was turning into people talking about cycles rather than a small HRT dose for low/high shbg people. If I ever go back on TRT it would be a low dose Testosterone and a low dose Trestolone (70mg test + 30mg of trest).

A little background on me. I cycled roids from 19 to 22. From 22 to 15 days ago I had been ON. Blasted and cruised for a while then TRT, but TRT didn't work because of low SHBG (purely genetics, nothing wrong with me). I used Tren and Deca a few times. Never used more than 800mg of compounds altogether. So 4 years of being on, it might me a bumpy ride for me.

I don't have blood work from when I was young, before juicing days. But I was always horny and felt good and was fine. I was just a skinny kid who took the shortcut for vanity. I really really doubt I'm primary Hypo.


Doctor put me on 3000ius of HCG IM eod for 3 weeks. Friday will be my second week. Believe it or not, I'm not experiencing horrible E2 side effects like every says from this huge dose of pharmacuitical HCG. As a low SHBG guy, I'll tell you, too much Testosterone was wayyy wrose as far as E2 sides go. I also don't feel a huge crash like what I expected having no test or androgens in body. Very low libido, no morning wood but strong at the gym, good energy, mood is okay, not horrible, not the best. I'm not feeling the best, but definitely not feeling as worse as I had imagined, maybe it'll get worse when I go off PCT completely. Testicles are still very small and haven't swolled up. I get a weird tingling in my testiscles sometimes, maybe they're starting to work again?

Will start clomid and nolva 2 days after last shot of HCG. 50 and 20mg for 4 weeks. Might do 6. Thinking about adding Torem at 60mg a day also. If anyone's interested, I will update this, and will get blood results too. To be honest, I'm going by how I feel, and my libido. 2 weeks after clomid and nolva, I'll get blood work done.

The male endocrine system does not fully mature until the age of 25.

In truth, I have seen 22-24 year olds get restored 100% by a well constructed PCT.

However, 19. I am sorry but that is guaranteed to cause problems. Especially with tren in the mix. Now I am a pro-testosterone person, and I also have experience with guys running 2 plus grams a week. When a pro steroid person says not to take steroids, you want to listen.

HCG will get the balls rolling again, but it still sends a negative message to the Hype Pit.

I do believe you stated that already.
Upon discontinuation of HCG, your balls are bigger, but you will still be shut down, the same as if you are running gear.

Also, if you want fertility later in life, lower that HCG dosage to 1500.

Now, once you have cleared everything (after HCG) then we can run SERMS to see it we can restore your system. 15 days after an injection of a long estered compound may not be enough. In regard to your pct, I encourage you to double your Clomid. 100 mgs a day for 2 weeks. Keep low dosed Nolva in the mix.

Only time will tell but lets hope for the best.
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Hey guys,

So an update on my trestolone journey. I came off of it 15 days ago mainly because my semen became watery and I as a 26 year old male that hopes to have a family one day was scared and didn't want to take that risk. Plus the thread was turning into people talking about cycles rather than a small HRT dose for low/high shbg people. If I ever go back on TRT it would be a low dose Testosterone and a low dose Trestolone (70mg test + 30mg of trest).

A little background on me. I cycled roids from 19 to 22. From 22 to 15 days ago I had been ON. Blasted and cruised for a while then TRT, but TRT didn't work because of low SHBG (purely genetics, nothing wrong with me). I used Tren and Deca a few times. Never used more than 800mg of compounds altogether. So 4 years of being on, it might me a bumpy ride for me.

I don't have blood work from when I was young, before juicing days. But I was always horny and felt good and was fine. I was just a skinny kid who took the shortcut for vanity. I really really doubt I'm primary Hypo.


Doctor put me on 3000ius of HCG IM eod for 3 weeks. Friday will be my second week. Believe it or not, I'm not experiencing horrible E2 side effects like every says from this huge dose of pharmacuitical HCG. As a low SHBG guy, I'll tell you, too much Testosterone was wayyy wrose as far as E2 sides go. I also don't feel a huge crash like what I expected having no test or androgens in body. Very low libido, no morning wood but strong at the gym, good energy, mood is okay, not horrible, not the best. I'm not feeling the best, but definitely not feeling as worse as I had imagined, maybe it'll get worse when I go off PCT completely. Testicles are still very small and haven't swolled up. I get a weird tingling in my testiscles sometimes, maybe they're starting to work again?

Will start clomid and nolva 2 days after last shot of HCG. 50 and 20mg for 4 weeks. Might do 6. Thinking about adding Torem at 60mg a day also. If anyone's interested, I will update this, and will get blood results too. To be honest, I'm going by how I feel, and my libido. 2 weeks after clomid and nolva, I'll get blood work done.

Please keep us updated on how this goes for you! I'm also younger and secondary. I have tried restarts in the past but I believe I may have been prescribed too much clomid (also wasn't prescribed hcg) and I was never able to get properly restarted. There was a period after (like a year) where I just didn't take anything and attempted to let my body sort itself out. Needless to say it didn't and I felt horrible for the duration until I began trt. Like you I have also had a lot of issues getting my protocol sorted. I have tried everything and even with blood work showing me in optimal ranges I have not felt right. I'm considering trying to restart again with a properly managed protocol, just not sure it will work for me. So again I'll be watching to see how this goes for you, good luck!
My doctor believes in huge HCG doses for steroid induced hypos. Then once done with HCG said start clomid and nolva. How much clomid ? Did he not prescribe you Nolva?
My doctor believes in huge HCG doses for steroid induced hypos. Then once done with HCG said start clomid and nolva. How much clomid ? Did he not prescribe you Nolva?

Hcg at the start definitely makes sense, although with how I've reacted to hcg in the past I'm not sure I'd want a heavy dosing sched. I've responded to it for sure, but it increases my estrogen pretty quickly.

I don't remember the exact clomid dose, but it was either 25mg or 50mg q.d. The side effects were just overwhelming in my case. I've was never prescribed tamoxifen. I was under the impression that it was only given during a restart if the patient experienced gyno, but I might be wrong on that one.

Personally, I care more about the mental side effects this whole process has produced. Obviously physically I'd like everything to be "perfect" but it's a distant 2nd to my mental health. Currently I have some clarity, but this is a bit of an aberration because most days I'm in a complete and total fog.

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