Sub Q Injection thoughts...

Currently Defy has me on Sub Q injections (1/2 ml twice a week). I am glad they switched me as I prefer the SQ over IM as far as comfort, amount and more frequency. I have read the postings about Sub Q and do not question the science of it.

I'd like to know what your thoughts and experiences are as far as location? It feels alot better when I have given it in the leg compared to the stomach. I haven't tried the back of the arm but that is a good place for HCG in my experience.

Will I get the same results not matter which location I use or must I use the stomach area? I have some extra fat on me so that isn't an issue :(
Yes, anywhere you can easily reach and that does not show undo swelling post-injection is fair game and will work as good as any other location.
I got great results from sub q in the abs but could never do 1/2 ml. Anything over .25 left swelling.
stlstudent - I'm not a big fan of SQ, for personal reasons, and most of the guys here are on some sort of IM or shallow IM protocol. If you're going to do SQ, IMO it's best to really share the Cypionate all over your body with different injection spots. As Vince and ERO said...absorption trumps location.
stlstudent - I'm not a big fan of SQ, for personal reasons, and most of the guys here are on some sort of IM or shallow IM protocol. If you're going to do SQ, IMO it's best to really share the Cypionate all over your body with different injection spots. As Vince and ERO said...absorption trumps location.

thanks. So far I've been rotating with every injection from the thigh, to the abdomen to the glutes. Abdomen is the one I'll probably stay away from because of the pain and swelling. Glutes seemed fine and its nearly the same spot I was doing IM injections but with a 5/8" needle instead. SQ is alot more comfortable in my opinion and as long as I'm getting the same results/absorption than I'd prefer to stay with it.
thanks. So far I've been rotating with every injection from the thigh, to the abdomen to the glutes. Abdomen is the one I'll probably stay away from because of the pain and swelling. Glutes seemed fine and its nearly the same spot I was doing IM injections but with a 5/8" needle instead. SQ is alot more comfortable in my opinion and as long as I'm getting the same results/absorption than I'd prefer to stay with it.

I pin Test EOD (40mg/.2ml) into my quads only. I use a 1/2"/29ga insulin pin to do it, and it is painless. Since my legs have minimal fat, I'm guessing that my injections are going shallow IM. Most guys don't need anything more than a 1/2" needle to do the job, unless you're going for deep IM.

The vastus lateralis (outer quad) is a huge muscle with a lot of surface area for injections. I could inject in one quad only, and never come close to injecting in the same place for a couple of weeks.

Bottom line is, don't inject somewhere that causes you grief. Don't worry about will be fine either way (SubQ or IM).
I believe the love handles, especially if you are lean, is the least painful area for injecting SQ.

unfortunately i'm far from lean ;) I've been rotating between upper glutes, thigh and abdomen and really do not feel a difference as far as the tesosterone working so I assume they all get into the system the same. So like many said before, it really is just about comfort
Are there any studies that show Sub Q is better absorbed that IM?

I read an old study that concluded that Sub Q absorbed more slowly than IM, which kept levels more even.

I use a 29 gauge 1/2 inch needle in my thigh, 0.45 ml (0.9 mg) e4d. Very little fat so probably shallow IM. I get a fabulous response. T levels are about 1200-1300 just prior to an injection. That's super-physiological, but I love the results.
I read an old study that concluded that Sub Q absorbed more slowly than IM, which kept levels more even.

I use a 29 gauge 1/2 inch needle in my thigh, 0.45 ml (0.9 mg) e4d. Very little fat so probably shallow IM. I get a fabulous response. T levels are about 1200-1300 just prior to an injection. That's super-physiological, but I love the results.
Hey brother, what part of the thigh do you inject in?
Much appreciated. Brand new, first week of TRT. I’ve been doing subQ the last 5 days rotating in both love handles and abdomen and I’m getting red bumps and some localized pain. I’d like to try this location. Additionally, I have 30g 1/2” needles, do these work well for that location on the thigh? Much appreciated
I’ve been in subQ for the duration of my TRT (8 months or so).

I got bumps and irritation doing subQ for the first few months, but I now think it’s because I didn’t really know how to inject perfectly. I learned in time, and I’m sure you will too. Going in at a 45 degree angle, not moving the needle around too much when injecting, and injecting in a slow controlled manner is what helped.

Haven’t had a red lump in months and months.

I inject mostly in the upper outer quadrant of my glutes, subQ with a 1/2” 28g insulin needle.
Sounds good, thank you for the insight. Ideally I’d like to continue subQ in the abdomen, but I will try other spots and find which works best for me. I am injecting 7 days a week as well at .2 ml
My doc tells all his patients to inject subq in the upper legs. My legs are really lean and this caused some mild discomfort for me so I switched to the abdomen (from 2" away from belly button all the way out to love handles). I inject 1" away from last injection site and there is tons of room.

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