Starting Over on TRT, A Few Questions about Free T, DHT, DHEA...


New Member
Hi everyone, I would appreciate some input on a few questions:

1) The Tru T Calculator is something new to me that I've only seen since joining this site. What is the range used for free t here? I was on a protocol where I was taking 40mg every third day. This put my total T at 680. My calculated free T was only 13.5, but in the Tru T its 20. (SHBG 35, albumin 4.6). Is that a good range to target at first, or should I be aiming for a higher number?

2) DHT seems to be a popular topic right now especially with scrotal creams. My DHT is dose dependent but seems to cap out at around 60-65 (labcorp range of 30-85). Is there any reason this wouldn't be sufficient for libido, erections, feelings of confidence and healthy aggression?

3) I have seen numerous doctors state that testosterone significantly reduces DHEA production. My DHEA levels were always near 400, but in the past year and a half they have dropped down to 280. One of my previous doctors, Dr Gordon, says all of his patients start on 60mg pregnenolone and 25mg DHEA. Previously this brought my DHEA up to the 800s and I had a lot of acne and oily skin, but was also very sick at the time and not sure how much of that was due to stress (my acth was double the normal range at this time). Would it be worth trying again?
1) The Tru T Calculator is something new to me that I've only seen since joining this site. What is the range used for free t here?

The Tru-T ranges are 16-31 ng/dL.

I was on a protocol where I was taking 40mg every third day. This put my total T at 680. My calculated free T was only 13.5, but in the Tru T its 20.

This doesn't seem optimal, FT at 13.5 is easily suboptimal for as guy on TRT, even the Tru-T calculator which has you at 20 is still not optimal and isn't even midrange.

My DHT is dose dependent but seems to cap out at around 60-65 (labcorp range of 30-85).

I don't see a problem with these DHT levels, I'm sure DHT would have been higher if FT was at least close towards the top of the ranges.
The Tru-T ranges are 16-31 ng/dL.

This doesn't seem optimal, FT at 13.5 is easily suboptimal for as guy on TRT, even the Tru-T calculator which has you at 20 is still not optimal and isn't even midrange.

I don't see a problem with these DHT levels, I'm sure DHT would have been higher if FT was at least close towards the top of the ranges.
Thanks. I didn't really feel it was optimal at the time. About DHT, I've gotten my total T up to 1000 and free T up to 33.7 on Tru T and 22.5 on the regular calculated but my dht didn't go any higher than 64.

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