Splitting T dosage to reduce DHT spike


New Member
hi guys, great site.
I was using 100 mgs of testosterone cypionate per week and on day 2 after injection, my T levels were over 1000 and dht was about 150 ( top of range is 90).
I am 50 and currently have a slightly enlarged prostate which my urologist says is normal for a man my age.
my question is this: I am guessing many DHT related side effects happen when you get super spikes the 3 days following an injection since dht spikes above normal ranges with a 100 mg injection; at least for me.
would breaking up the injection into twice per week ( 50mgs every Monday and Thursday ) reduce those high dht spikes thus minimizing dht related effects such as hair loss and prostate issues? does this make sense and are there studies on this?
thank you
DHT isn't a phobia condition, if YOU aren't experiencing negative sides and your health is otherwise normal, what's the concern? DHT in and of itself as "bad" is just not true.
You could try Transdermal and HCG daily or lower your dose and use HCG daily. I recall that HCG may increase progesterone and that would lower DHT if I remember correctly. I think Dr. John said that the use of progesterone to lower excessively high DHT would be it's only recommended use for a man.
a Transdermal is far more likely to act on increasing his DHT than injections. That's a fact excepting for an individuals particular physiology(?)
Im not going to steer you off of your DHT fear, DHT is not bad and you've not in any of four posts said what problems youre having, besides irrational fear.
I already have a slightly enlarged prostate which i dont want to make any worse. I also dont want my hair to thin out.
i notice some thinning when dht is high.
I don't know if splitting your dose of T will reduce your spike of DHT, but worth a try. You can use Cialis daily for prostate health, we have some good threads on it.
The thing with hair you don't know if DHT is thinning it or it would be thinning anyway. You just deal with what ever happens because your not going to change it. You can spend a lot of money trying but I don't think you get much bang for the buck.
I'd also like to know if it's possible to lower DHT to reduce the side effects. Since starting TRT I've noticed considerable hair loss and acne.
try splittimg the dose, either 40 mgs every monday and thursday or 50 mgs every monday and thursday.
this will reduce your dht spikes.

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