I had my appointment with a new endocrinologist today. I was away during an internship when I saw the previous endo. Now that I am back home, I saw a new endo. I told the new endocrinologist about what had been going on and that I was taking anastrozole for gynocemastia and high estradiol. I brought a copy of my labs and let him take a look. Essentially he told me he wants me to stop taking the anastrozole because it is not benefiting me according to him. He took some new labs, and told me he would take a look at those and see me back in a couple of weeks. He said when he looked at my new labs he could determine if I have hypogandism or hemacritosis. So I am not sure what to do at this point. I think I am going to have to see a new endocrinologist. I believe that the arimidex twice a week is working and just want a endo who can formulate a plan with me for long-term E2 and Free test management. I wanted to get your guy's advice on this. I really appreciate all your help in this, I was originally very stressed about the situation but you guys have made me feel much more calm knowing I have a wealth of knowledge to refer to on this issue.