Single digits E2 and low FT for months w/ no AI usage. Anybody had experience with this issue?


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24M 6’2 200lbs fairly healthy, was on TRT 150mg (75mg E3.5D) no AI, no HCG for 8 weeks from July 6 - Aug 30. Got off due to anxiety issues and the clinic I was using only tested TT no other panels. Got a sensitive E2 test 10 days after my last injection and it came back at 8 pg/mL.

After I got off I was having EXTREME anxiety. Fight or flight 24/7 went to the ER and felt like I was losing my mind. I’ve never even had anything remotely close to an anxiety disorder so it caught me off guard. Absolutely brutal wouldn’t wish it on any soul. Had zero libido, severe ED, couldn’t get it up if I HAD to. But I wasn’t even worried about it because of the anxiety/panic. Strong anhedonia that wasn’t there and everything just feels “dull” it’s a miracle I was able to finish my semester without having a legitimate breakdown.

Began enclomiphene citrate 25mg ED. Ran it Sep 21 - Nov 15. No symptom relief from anything still limp dick chilling. The anxiety started to die down slightly around December thank God. Worst 3 months of my life.

This bloodwork is from Jan 18 2022. E2 is still at 8 pg/mL, FT in the dirt, FSH very low as well. PRL came back in range. and I’m fairly certain that all of these symptoms are from low FT and E2. I would do anything to feel better and I’m a patient with a better clinic now just waiting on a doc appointment to go over these results. My levels prior to starting TRT were in the dirt. Can anyone just assure me that once I get my hormones leveled out that I will feel better? I’m in the best shape of my life and am practically asexual at the moment. My dick and I have a purely platonic relationship and it’s getting annoying.

Has anyone suffered low T/E2 symptoms for a prolonged period of time and once they got their levels up did you feel better? Any response would be greatly appreciated. I’m new to the forum.


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The only reason your estradiol is so low, is because you're testosterone is so low E2. Testosterone levels of 332 why would you think you're E2 would be higher?
When I got my E2 tested 10 days after my last injection it came back at 8 pg/mL. But that’s only half of the other results I needed. Should’ve gotten T tested as well but didn’t. Also while I was on TRT I would get random bouts of anxiety for no reason and I’m speculating that it could’ve been from low E2 while on. Obviously there’s not enough bloodwork to prove this, my old clinic wasn’t very thorough lol. It’s looking like I have no choice but to try TRT again, hopefully if the anxiety comes back I can get it handled. It wasn’t the best thing I’ve experienced for sure

Also I want to get a sperm analysis done with FSH being so low.
When I got my E2 tested 10 days after my last injection it came back at 8 pg/mL. But that’s only half of the other results I needed. Should’ve gotten T tested as well but didn’t. Also while I was on TRT I would get random bouts of anxiety for no reason and I’m speculating that it could’ve been from low E2 while on. Obviously there’s not enough bloodwork to prove this, my old clinic wasn’t very thorough lol. It’s looking like I have no choice but to try TRT again, hopefully if the anxiety comes back I can get it handled. It wasn’t the best thing I’ve experienced for sure

Also I want to get a sperm analysis done with FSH being so low.
If you are on trt, no reason to test LH and FSH, because you're shut down and you're probably no longer fertile.
If you are on trt, no reason to test LH and FSH, because you're shut down and you're probably no longer fertile.
Sorry if I wrote this incorrectly. I’m currently not on TRT and have been off since Aug 30th. I used enclo citrate from Sep-Nov and since then I have been seeing little improvement. The bloodwork attached is from last week (2 months after enclo)

Thank you for responding! I’m new here and I’ve been reading a lot of posts and many of you guys on here are kickass for what you do.
Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate? I can't tolerate the cottonseed oil in test cyp. Test Enanthate uses sesame seed oil.

Are you taking any medications or supplements?
Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate? I can't tolerate the cottonseed oil in test cyp. Test Enanthate uses sesame seed oil.

Are you taking any medications or supplements?
It was Test Cyp! I’ve considered that the oil may have been an issue but just speculation. What was your reaction to the cottonseed oil?

I’m not on any medications/vitamins except 4,000 IU of Vitamin D3. I was taking 50 mg of Zinc supplement for roughly 6 months and haven’t taken any since August.

Last medication I was using was 25mg Enclomiphene Citrate through Empower. That was from Sep-Nov. It’s looking like my levels are going to remain low. Feels awful as a 24 year old lol the sexual sides are 100% irrelevant when the anxiety was going on. I still get little episodes of anxiety but it is nowhere near as debilitating it was in Sep-Oct
Cottonseed oil for me produces an overall sick feeling, loose stools, throbbing behind the eyes, mild headache. Don't recall if it induced anxiety or any other psych reactions. That was nine years ago. All forms of injectable testosterone also contain a preservative. Even commercial and compounded topicals contain preservatives. I'm sensitive to the extreme. I don't believe, though, that would account for the rock bottom E2 and corresponding low T.

I'm not as knowledgeable as many of the other members on here, so I'll only speculate, but there are men who poorly aromatize testosterone to estradiol. Could be something you're using, like shampoo or shaving cream or after shave lotion; something that is a xenoestrogen that is competing or inhibiting the aromatase enzyme. I'll leave it to the forum to delve further into possibilities.
Zinc lowers e2 as well. I've read that German bodybuilders in the 80s strictly used zinc as an AI on very high doses of test. I'm in the low e2 crowd as well, from way too much exemestane through the years when I cycled. TNE and test suspension has always been a godsend to me when my e2 was low. I'm wanting to try estrogen cream myself now at this point. I don't want to raise testosterone levels anymore strictly for e2 conversion. I feel your pain brother.I don't wish low estrogen on my worst enemy. Good luck to you
It was Test Cyp! I’ve considered that the oil may have been an issue but just speculation. What was your reaction to the cottonseed oil?

I’m not on any medications/vitamins except 4,000 IU of Vitamin D3. I was taking 50 mg of Zinc supplement for roughly 6 months and haven’t taken any since August.

Last medication I was using was 25mg Enclomiphene Citrate through Empower. That was from Sep-Nov. It’s looking like my levels are going to remain low. Feels awful as a 24 year old lol the sexual sides are 100% irrelevant when the anxiety was going on. I still get little episodes of anxiety but it is nowhere near as debilitating it was in Sep-Oc
Zinc lowers e2 as well. I've read that German bodybuilders in the 80s strictly used zinc as an AI on very high doses of test. I'm in the low e2 crowd as well, from way too much exemestane through the years when I cycled. TNE and test suspension has always been a godsend to me when my e2 was low. I'm wanting to try estrogen cream myself now at this point. I don't want to raise testosterone levels anymore strictly for e2 conversion. I feel your pain brother.I don't wish low estrogen on my worst enemy. Good luck to you
God bless you brother. I sympathize with anyone who’s had to deal with this shit. Feels like I went to war or something probably have gray hairs at 24. What is TNE and Test suspension exactly? I. Wonder if I’m going to have permanent effects from having levels this low for extended periods of time.. I’m not on any medication at the moment and I’m sure my levels won’t increase naturally even if I’m optimizing lifestyle factors.
God bless you brother. I sympathize with anyone who’s had to deal with this shit. Feels like I went to war or something probably have gray hairs at 24. What is TNE and Test suspension exactly? I. Wonder if I’m going to have permanent effects from having levels this low for extended periods of time.. I’m not on any medication at the moment and I’m sure my levels won’t increase naturally even if I’m optimizing lifestyle factors.
TestNoEster and suspension is testosterone base. In and out of the body quickly. But E2 has a longer half life than test, so we're left with the estradiol, in theory.. Even this is touchy for me at times. I can still feel low E2 after taking TNe for a while. I'm guessing that's from more DHT. I havnt touched exemestane in over 2 years, and I still feel low e2 at times. I dont think exemestane should be used at all in men. A suicidal inhibitor, that destroys an enzyme we may possibly have a finite amount of, cant be good EVER. I've read about a lot of guys dealing with this exact same thing. Precisely why I'm planning on supplemental estrogen now. I just dont want to raise test/dht and whatever hormones get messed with from that huge pulse of test in the body any longer. This shit gets old.
I wish they would just make primobolan legal to prescribe. It’s the perfect way to control E2 in men on HRT, imo. The doses men would need on HRT of it would be so low
TestNoEster and suspension is testosterone base. In and out of the body quickly. But E2 has a longer half life than test, so we're left with the estradiol, in theory.. Even this is touchy for me at times. I can still feel low E2 after taking TNe for a while. I'm guessing that's from more DHT. I havnt touched exemestane in over 2 years, and I still feel low e2 at times. I dont think exemestane should be used at all in men. A suicidal inhibitor, that destroys an enzyme we may possibly have a finite amount of, cant be good EVER. I've read about a lot of guys dealing with this exact same thing. Precisely why I'm planning on supplemental estrogen now. I just dont want to raise test/dht and whatever hormones get messed with from that huge pulse of test in the body any longer. This shit gets old.

Might want to rethink that one.

post #89/90
Might want to rethink that one.

post #89/90
I do remember seeing this thread and completely forgot the study. Thank you for the reminder. That said, I've only used TNE in oil. So I shouldn't have even mentioned suspension. But now I'd definitely like to try that as well. I absolutely feel the TNE leaving mid afternoon. Its such a calm relaxing state of mind, just feels like caffeine wearing off and Lazer focus.. My libido is exponentially higher in the evening. I'm guessing because the TNE is giving super physiological levels during the day beyond my sweet spot. ‍♂️ Come the evening I'm chasing the Mrs around like I'm 18. 20mg test e daily, 10mg TNE is my protocol when I take TNE.
Im scared shitless to try Primo now. Lol
Ya for u rn primo might not be the best lol. But for someone that is a high aromatizer, and is struggling to get dialed in because of E2 issues, primo is the perfect solution, imo. If altering dosage and injection frequency has turned out to be ineffective, that is.

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