Serostim Expiration and Some General Questions About Hormone Therapy While on HAART


New Member
I'm a 70 YO male with HIV, since 1981-85, have been on HAART therapy for
about ten years. I waited as long as I could for therapy, since the
long-term effects were unknown and certainly suspect, doing whatever
preventative measures I could to stave off the onset of complications
from the virus; waited maybe a year too long, but -- since I've been on
therapy the virus has remained "undetectable, and no complications from
the virus; though I believe I may be feeling some effects of the
therapy. I work out regularly, resistance training, always have, but
actually harder now than ever before. I'm 5'8, 160 lbs.

I have been using Serostim for a couple of years. The script is for 5mg,
or 25IU reconstitute vials. Per your recommendations, and those of
body-builder friends, I do not use the full amount (cannot anyway,
since, when I did do in the beginning, I took on water weight, among
other negative things, joint pain among them). I split the vials into
three, 5IU per dose, using bacteriostatic water, again, per your
recommendation, and refrigerate the syringes; I do six days on and one
day off. I thought I could do for four months on and a month off, but I
felt there were negative effects when I went off. Do I need to taper
off, or should I not cycle off at all, and if at all, over what intervals?

I have a backlog of the prescription building since I'm using only a
third of it. When the script comes the packages have the same month and
year expiration date whether I get the package in, say January or May of
the same year. Researching expiration dates for prescription drugs, I've
learned that such dates are often based on the research/study done for
that particular drug, with a cutoff date for the study of however many
years -- say five -- and this is used for the expiration, though the
drug might actually have a shelf life well beyond the cutoff date for
the study. Do you know if that is the case with Serostim? It's unlikely
that I'll be getting the script renewed indefinitely; I'm relieved when
each year it is. I could have a backlog of seven or ten years at the
dosage that I'm using if/when it is no longer prescribed. It would be
great if I could use it for long beyond its stated expiration date.

Also, I see two different ID doctors: one for my regular checkups and
lab-work, since beginning HAART; the other doctor was for answers to
questions that the first doctor was unclear of. (Doctor 2 is a
specialist in hormone therapy for HIV patients, and I was having
difficulty maintaining a good testosterone balance.) The second doctor
has an in-house pharmacy, so I've begun getting prescriptions from him;
the first doctor now prescribes only the Serostim.

So there is an overlap of HIV specialist care. Doctor 2 has prescribed
100mg depo testosterone, which I've ended up taking on an as-needed
basis (after using way too much 200mg and ending up with a >75 for the
free, and then too little, with below average free) -- lately .75cc
injections about every ten days has been keeping me at the high end for
the free. He also prescribes Oxandrolone 10mg. This I began taking about
two years ago after complaining that no matter how hard I worked out I
could not put on any muscle weight. We started at 10mg twice a day and
cut back to once a day after I reached my desired weight, which is now
stabilized at about 160, after having never been able get beyond 145.

I am doing Serostim, Oxandrolone, testosterone, all on top of the HAART
therapy. I feel at times that my system is always 'running hot,' but I
don't know if it's from the long-term use of HAART, the combination of
all the drugs, the heavy workouts. (Oh, and did I mention I'm 70? Though
a very youthful 70; pass for mid-50s.) I don't complain to either
doctor about things because I don't want them cutting back on any of the
prescriptions. Might you have any input as to whether or not I'm pushing
things too far? Or do I need to provide you first with answers to
additional questions you might have?

I'm grateful for the information in, and the knowledge I've gained from,
your book. I've found it very useful.

Thank you for that.

You can do two IUs every day or 4 IU every other day. Watch your glucose, edema and joint aches.

I personally cannot tolerate Serostim even at low doses due to joint aches and edema.

If you can, post your blood work. I am interested in seeing your glucose, hematocrit, PSA and lipids. Also, what is your blood pressure and how do you feel? That will tell me if you are "pushing it too far".

Most peptides like Serostim (powder vial, unreconstituted) remain active if kept in a cool place for over 1 year. It is difficult to tell how long is too long.
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