Sermorelin: Need to confirm that I am using the correct amount.


New Member
Hi all, new to the forum. I am certain this question has been asked but I couldn't find an answer, if there is a sticky or post you can reference instead of answering the question I would be really grateful.

My wife was recently prescribed Sermorelin in an effort to bump start her own hormone production, she essentially has none. I am concerned that the advise she got on how much to put in the syringe was incorrect since the Dr is not experience with peptides, especially after reading what I have.

I am hoping someone can tell us what tick mark she should be going to.

She was prescribed 5mg vials, added 2.5mg bacteriostatic water.
She was also prescribed 30guage .5cc 5/16" syringes and was told to take 150mcg injections 1x per day at bedtime.

She was told that would be filled to the 15 tick mark on that syringe.

I looked around, did some reading, watched some video's and based on what I think I am understanding, that is double the dosage that she was prescribed.

Is the 15IU mark 150mcgs?

Also, based on what I am reading, that is a really low dose. Can anyone comment on if that will be effective for what she is being treated for? She was taking some other shot for a month where she couldn't have any sugar, alcohol, and limited carbs. It didn't boost her levels to where they wanted, and then dropped off immediately when she stopped using it.

Thanks in advance
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You are correct. 2.5 ML of BW in 5mg bottle will give you 300mcg at 15 mark. You need to pull to the 8 tick mark or ad 2.5 mg of BW to give 5ml total to the sermorelin ,then 15 on the syringe would be 150mcg. Cant help you on the correct dosage for your wife though. Im sure someone else will chime in..
You are correct. 2.5 ML of BW in 5mg bottle will give you 300mcg at 15 mark. You need to pull to the 8 tick mark or ad 2.5 mg of BW to give 5ml total to the sermorelin ,then 15 on the syringe would be 150mcg. Cant help you on the correct dosage for your wife though. Im sure someone else will chime in..

Thanks, I was pretty confident, but wanted to be sure before I had her change how she is doing it. Honestly I appreciate the Dr trying, but he was getting short with her when she was asking specifically how to do it.

Now I am wondering if the other stuff she was one was being dosed correctly, she mixed it the same way.
Most doctors prescribe 250-1000 micrograms per day.

Your dilution is 5 mg/2.5 cc= 2 mg/cc= 0.2 mg (or 200 mcg) per unit
1 cc= 10 units
1.5 units= 300 micrograms as chrismez said.

What blood tests is her doctor monitoring?
Most doctors prescribe 250-1000 micrograms per day.

Your dilution is 5 mg/2.5 cc= 2 mg/cc= 0.2 mg (or 200 mcg) per unit
1 cc= 10 units
1.5 units= 300 micrograms as chrismez said.

What blood tests is her doctor monitoring?

Good question, I asked and her Dr didnt tell her. She was basically told that her body is not producing any of whatever it was that is missing. The 125 micrograms is actually and increase from the previous recommended dosage, I find it very odd that he is prescribing such a low dose.

I apologize for not having more answers, its all come on quickly.
Most doctors prescribe 250-1000 micrograms per day.

Your dilution is 5 mg/2.5 cc= 2 mg/cc= 0.2 mg (or 200 mcg) per unit
1 cc= 10 units
1.5 units= 300 micrograms as chrismez said.

What blood tests is her doctor monitoring?

I will assume this means something to you guys, maybe not. Full results are on their way, but I believe the one they were concerned with is this as of today and 4 weeks on Sermorelin. Sorry for taking so long to get back.

IGF-1 was 68 ug/ml.
This was written by Dr Mcclain and Dr Saya

Studies have shown that 1mg of Sermorelin will create maximum stimulation to the pituitary to create a good level of growth hormone within the pituitary. This dose should be used for aprox. 6 months as the anterior pituitary is recrudesced. Therefore, a dose of aprox. 500mcg delivered sc each evening has been shown to provide maximum stimulation to the pituitary releasing optimum endogenous growth hormone. After aprox. 12 months of sermorelin injections, the patient can try reducing injection frequency to 1mg 2-3 times per week to maintain levels.

Again, because the manufacture of endogenous growth hormone by the pituitary is governed by a negative feedback loop, meaning that if the body recognizes that there is an optimum level of endogenous growth hormone being already being produced, then no matter how strongl stimulated by sermorelin, no more endogenous gh will be produced. Note that in truth, the relationship between sermorelin dosing and endogenous growth hormone production is not exactly linear. However, for purposes of discussion and materiality, the aforementioned relationships and limits between sermorelin and endogenous growth hormone are true. So it makes sense to utilize sermorelin to optimize growth hormone levels as determined by the patient's response itself rather than use exogenous growth hormone through either guesswork or extensive repeated testing.
Using Sermorelin Acetate will promote longevity and lifespan by increasing both production of Human Growth Hormone and increasing pituitary reserves of HGH. Sermorelin does not bypass the pituitary-GH axis therefore allowing control of IGF-1- fluctuating levels as needed to preserve health.

“Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone, called Sermorelin - may provide a superior product for endogenous production of hGH. Unlike exogenous recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH)that causes production of the bioactive hormone IGF-1 from the liver, sermorelin stimulates the patient's own pituitary gland by binding to specific receptors to increase production and secretion of endogenous hGH.”- Dr . Rand McClain, Sports Medicine Physician LA.

*NOTE: Genuine GHRH combinations and HGH must be prescribed by a physician. Stay away from over-the-counter supplements that claim to boost HGH, known as HGH precursors. The amino acid chains that make up peptides such as Sermorelin or synthetic HGH are very delicate and must be compounded or synthesized under extremely sterile conditions. These peptides cannot survive your digestive enzymes therefore cannot be ingested.

All Sermorelin prescribed by Defy Medical is compounded by a licensed US Pharmacy. All Sermorelin is independently tested by a lab for purity, potency, and endotoxins. Contact us today if you would like to see a copy of the independent lab results.

Sermorelin and decreasing body fat

Lipodystrophy is a medical condition that defines the rapid accumulation of adipose tissue (body fat) usually unevenly distributed in certain areas of the body (legs, hips, stomach, lower back). In basic concept, lipodystrophy is very similar to the increase in body fat experienced as we age, accumulating unevenly in different areas of our body. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study in 2008 of the effects Sermorelin had on HIV positive men suffering from lipodystrophy.

The study concluded that patients provided 1mg Sermorelin lost adipose (fat) and increased lean muscle, significantly improving total body composition.
Conclusion: GHRH was well tolerated and effectively increased levels of IGF-1 in HIV-infected men with lipodystrophy.
Total and regional body composition improved in response to GHRH, with increased lean mass and reduced truncal and visceral fat. Use of GHRH may potentially be a beneficial treatment strategy for this population. JAMA. 2004;292:210-218

Dr Rand McClain has observed patients lose significant adipose tissue using Sermorelin. Athletes have long used Sermorelin (GHrh) and similar peptides to decrease body fat and sustain lean muscle. In addition, Sermorelin (just like HGH) plays a significant role in exercise recovery.
Recommend Tri-Amino (1ml qhs) or oral Arginine (3g daily) to potentiate Sermorelin: Defy's medical team also utilizes injectable amino acids and peptides to help improve results:
“Supplemental parental or enteral Arginine has been shown to stimulate secretion of GH, insulin, and prolactin in humans. Several supplement studies have shown both Arginine and Ornithine to promote GH and insulin secretion with anabolic effects in postoperative patients….because Arginine potentiates the release of pituitary hormones (GH), it can be hypothesized that the beneficial effects of pharmacological doses of the amino acid on protein synthesis, wound healing, and immune function may be mediated via a pituitary messenger such as GH.” Amino Acids and Proteins for the Athlete by Dr Mauro DiPasquale.

Sermorelin 15mg Mixing Instructions

Sermorelin: A better Treatment Approach for Increasing HGH

Introduction to Sermorelin
This was written by Dr Mcclain and Dr Saya

Studies have shown that 1mg of Sermorelin will create maximum stimulation to the pituitary to create a good level of growth hormone within the pituitary. This dose should be used for aprox. 6 months as the anterior pituitary is recrudesced. Therefore, a dose of aprox. 500mcg delivered sc each evening has been shown to provide maximum stimulation to the pituitary releasing optimum endogenous growth hormone. After aprox. 12 months of sermorelin injections, the patient can try reducing injection frequency to 1mg 2-3 times per week to maintain levels.

Again, because the manufacture of endogenous growth hormone by the pituitary is governed by a negative feedback loop, meaning that if the body recognizes that there is an optimum level of endogenous growth hormone being already being produced, then no matter how strongl stimulated by sermorelin, no more endogenous gh will be produced. Note that in truth, the relationship between sermorelin dosing and endogenous growth hormone production is not exactly linear. However, for purposes of discussion and materiality, the aforementioned relationships and limits between sermorelin and endogenous growth hormone are true. So it makes sense to utilize sermorelin to optimize growth hormone levels as determined by the patient's response itself rather than use exogenous growth hormone through either guesswork or extensive repeated testing.
Using Sermorelin Acetate will promote longevity and lifespan by increasing both production of Human Growth Hormone and increasing pituitary reserves of HGH. Sermorelin does not bypass the pituitary-GH axis therefore allowing control of IGF-1- fluctuating levels as needed to preserve health.

“Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone, called Sermorelin - may provide a superior product for endogenous production of hGH. Unlike exogenous recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH)that causes production of the bioactive hormone IGF-1 from the liver, sermorelin stimulates the patient's own pituitary gland by binding to specific receptors to increase production and secretion of endogenous hGH.”- Dr . Rand McClain, Sports Medicine Physician LA.

*NOTE: Genuine GHRH combinations and HGH must be prescribed by a physician. Stay away from over-the-counter supplements that claim to boost HGH, known as HGH precursors. The amino acid chains that make up peptides such as Sermorelin or synthetic HGH are very delicate and must be compounded or synthesized under extremely sterile conditions. These peptides cannot survive your digestive enzymes therefore cannot be ingested.

All Sermorelin prescribed by Defy Medical is compounded by a licensed US Pharmacy. All Sermorelin is independently tested by a lab for purity, potency, and endotoxins. Contact us today if you would like to see a copy of the independent lab results.

Sermorelin and decreasing body fat

Lipodystrophy is a medical condition that defines the rapid accumulation of adipose tissue (body fat) usually unevenly distributed in certain areas of the body (legs, hips, stomach, lower back). In basic concept, lipodystrophy is very similar to the increase in body fat experienced as we age, accumulating unevenly in different areas of our body. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study in 2008 of the effects Sermorelin had on HIV positive men suffering from lipodystrophy.

The study concluded that patients provided 1mg Sermorelin lost adipose (fat) and increased lean muscle, significantly improving total body composition.
Conclusion: GHRH was well tolerated and effectively increased levels of IGF-1 in HIV-infected men with lipodystrophy.
Total and regional body composition improved in response to GHRH, with increased lean mass and reduced truncal and visceral fat. Use of GHRH may potentially be a beneficial treatment strategy for this population. JAMA. 2004;292:210-218

Dr Rand McClain has observed patients lose significant adipose tissue using Sermorelin. Athletes have long used Sermorelin (GHrh) and similar peptides to decrease body fat and sustain lean muscle. In addition, Sermorelin (just like HGH) plays a significant role in exercise recovery.
Recommend Tri-Amino (1ml qhs) or oral Arginine (3g daily) to potentiate Sermorelin: Defy's medical team also utilizes injectable amino acids and peptides to help improve results:
“Supplemental parental or enteral Arginine has been shown to stimulate secretion of GH, insulin, and prolactin in humans. Several supplement studies have shown both Arginine and Ornithine to promote GH and insulin secretion with anabolic effects in postoperative patients….because Arginine potentiates the release of pituitary hormones (GH), it can be hypothesized that the beneficial effects of pharmacological doses of the amino acid on protein synthesis, wound healing, and immune function may be mediated via a pituitary messenger such as GH.” Amino Acids and Proteins for the Athlete by Dr Mauro DiPasquale.

Sermorelin 15mg Mixing Instructions

Sermorelin: A better Treatment Approach for Increasing HGH

Introduction to Sermorelin

Is 200MCG per day even worth it or would the only benefit likely be placebo?
Is 200MCG per day even worth it or would the only benefit likely be placebo?

Loki, 200mcg seems like an awfully small dose. Personally, I think you'd be wasting your time at that dose.

I've been on Sermorelin now for about 9 months (with Defy Med). My daily dose is 1000mcg right before bedtime. My last IGF-1 lab was at the top of the reference scale, so I'm hoping here that I can maybe be put on a maintenance dose, whatever that may be. I have a follow up consultation with Dr. Saya in a couple of weeks, and I'll report back what that maintenance dose is (if he puts me on it).
JT: Sermorelin is the most expensive thing on my list. My understanding is that you generally shouldn't expect to see results before six months, give or take. Was that your experience? Did you ever consider quitting a few months in? Are you happy with what it's done so far ... and what, exactly, has it done for you?
JT: Sermorelin is the most expensive thing on my list. My understanding is that you generally shouldn't expect to see results before six months, give or take. Was that your experience? Did you ever consider quitting a few months in? Are you happy with what it's done so far ... and what, exactly, has it done for you?

Yeah, I hear's my most expensive med also.

I've definitely lost some body fat over the past few months, but I'm not sure if that is due to working out, the Sermorelin, or both. At any rate, I've had to tighten up the belt a notch, and I'm happy with that.

I made a commitment to stick with it a year, and then reassess. After 10 months, Dr. Saya now has me on a "maintenance dose" of 500mcg daily, since my IGF-1 has pretty much peaked, and stabilized. The added benefit of this is the cost just got cut in half, since I'm using half the dose I was for the first 10 months.

Whether I think the Sermorelin is worth it or not...well, I consider it an important part of my overall TRT protocol, and I'm glad that I did it. If you decide to add Sermorelin to your protocol, I would suggest that you make a commitment to stick with it. You have to give it time for a proper assessment.
Whether I think the Sermorelin is worth it or not...well, I consider it an important part of my overall TRT protocol, and I'm glad that I did it. If you decide to add Sermorelin to your protocol, I would suggest that you make a commitment to stick with it. You have to give it time for a proper assessment.

I take it this means you're going to continue on the "maintenance dose"...or am I reading too much into your comments?
Why is Sermorelins saturation dose so WILDLY high compared to GHRP6 and 2? Is the only reason anyone is using it, is because it can be prescribed as apposed to ghrp6 or 2?
Why is Sermorelins saturation dose so WILDLY high compared to GHRP6 and 2? Is the only reason anyone is using it, is because it can be prescribed as apposed to ghrp6 or 2?

Good question...I've often wondered that myself.

Even if I were offered Sermorelin combined with GHRP-2 or 6, or both, I think I would pass. I've read about GHRP-6 causing ravenous hunger, and GHRP-2 to a lesser extent. I don't need or want that.
Good question...I've often wondered that myself.

Even if I were offered Sermorelin combined with GHRP-2 or 6, or both, I think I would pass. I've read about GHRP-6 causing ravenous hunger, and GHRP-2 to a lesser extent. I don't need or want that.

Pre bed the hunger with 6 is manageable as it can take a few minutes to hit. Judging by the GH curves I have seen in studies, ghrps are both better.... Strange.

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