Safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of oral TU in males with hypogonadism


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Testosterone deficiency results from insufficient testosterone production. Testosterone therapy may require dose titration to reach eugonadal serum testosterone concentrations.


The primary objective was the efficacy of oral testosterone undecanoate (TLANDO; Antares Pharma Inc.) in male patients with documented hypogonadism. Secondary objectives included a comparison of oral testosterone undecanoate safety and quality-of-life assessments to 1.62% topical testosterone gel (AndroGel 1.62%;AbbVie).

Materials and methods

In this phase 3 study, 315 patients were randomized 2:1 to oral testosterone undecanoate or 1.62% topical testosterone gel (NCT02081300). Patients received 225 mg oral testosterone undecanoate twice daily, and doses were adjusted by 75 mg/dose at weeks 4 and 8 based on average serum total testosterone concentration and maximum observed serum concentration. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients receiving oral testosterone undecanoate with serum total testosterone concentration within the eugonadal reference range (300–1140 ng/dL). Secondary endpoints included the proportion of patients with maximum serum total testosterone concentrations within predetermined limits, safety parameters, and quality-of-life endpoints including the Short Form-36v2 Health Survey, Psychosexual Daily Questionnaire, and International Prostate Symptom Score.


Overall mean ± SD baseline testosterone was 205.7 ± 71.6 ng/dL. For patients receiving oral testosterone undecanoate, 87.4% demonstrated a 24-h average serum total testosterone concentration within the reference range following titration. Oral testosterone undecanoate demonstrated a nominal statistically significantly greater mean change from baseline than 1.62% topical testosterone gel for Short Form-36v2 Health Survey measures of mental health (2.91 vs. -0.10; p = 0.035), and mental component summary (3.82 vs. 0.55; p = 0.009); and Psychosexual Daily Questionnaire measure of weekly negative mood (-0.57 vs. -0.20; p = 0.021). Safety endpoints were comparable between therapies. No deaths or treatment-related serious adverse events were reported.

Discussion and conclusion

Male patients with hypogonadism receiving oral testosterone undecanoate 225 mg twice daily demonstrated improvements in libido and sexual frequency. Serum testosterone concentrations were within the reference range in 87% of patients without dose titration.


Testosterone deficiency is a clinical disorder resulting from either a defect of the testes (primary hypogonadism) or failure of the hypothalamus or pituitary to produce sufficient gonadotropins (secondary hypogonadism).1–3 Diagnosis of testosterone deficiency requires measurement of two early morning total testosterone levels < 300 ng/dL with associated signs and symptoms (sexual dysfunction, delayed sexual development, loss of body hair, or small testes [< 6 mL]).2 The prevalence of symptomatic hypogonadism increases with age, and it has been estimated to be between 0.1% and 6% in the United States.4,5

Patients with testosterone deficiency who have signs and symptoms such as decreased energy, depressed mood, and reduced sexual desire should be considered for testosterone therapy, which may include intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, transdermal gels and patches, pellet implants, nasal gels, and oral capsules.2,3 Many of these approved testosterone therapies may require dose titration to reach eugonadal serum testosterone concentrations.6–8

Oral administration of natural testosterone is ineffective due to inactivation in the liver via first-pass metabolism. Methyltestosterone was the first testosterone therapy available for oral use, although itsuse has been limited due to associations with liver toxicity.9 Esterification of testosterone carbon 17-beta produced testosterone esters, such as testosterone propionate and testosterone enanthate, increasing native injectable testosterone half-life after intramuscular injection of testosterone. Further development resulted in oral testosterone undecanoate (TU) in different formulations, which predominantly circumvents the liver through absorption into the intestinal lymphatic system and avoids hepatic adverse effects seen with 17-alpha-alkyl androgens.10

A novel formulation of oral TU (TLANDO; Antares Pharma Inc.) that uses a self-emulsifying drug delivery system has been approved for the treatment of testosterone deficiency without dose adjustment.11A phase 3 study of oral TU 225 mg twice daily without dose adjustment demonstrated restoration of serum total testosterone to eugonadal ranges (300–1080 ng/dL) in 80% of men with testosterone deficiency(N = 95, NCT03242590).12

The goal of the Study of Oral Androgen Replacement (SOAR, NCT02081300) was to report the safety and efficacy endpoints of oral TU. Results of a comparison between oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel for safety and quality-of-life assessments are also reported to affirm previously published findings of oral TU restoring serum total testosterone concentrations in patients with hypogonadism without dose adjustment.

3.3 Pharmacokinetics

Figure 2 displays mean serum concentrations of testosterone (Figure 2A) and DHT (Figure 2B) at weeks 3, 7, and 13 versus time for the PK set (n = 130). Mean serum concentrations of testosterone were increased > 300 ng/dL within 2 h of each oral TU dose, reached peak concentration approximately 4−6 h after dosing, and declined to pre dose levels after approximately 12 h.

At week 3, before dose titration, patients in the PK set (n = 130) receiving oral TU demonstrated mean ± SD serum total testosterone Cavg 0-24 h and Cmax 0-24 h values of 494.3 ± 192.6 and 1306.4 ± 652.2 ng/dL, respectively. At week 13, after dose titration, these patients demonstrated mean ± SD serum total testosterone Cavg 0-24 h and Cmax 0-24 h values of 446.4 ± 171.5 and 1134.1 ± 526.2 ng/dL, respectively.

Concentrations of serum total testosterone, free testosterone, and DHT are reported in Figure 3A–C, respectively, at baseline and week 52 for both treatment groups. Mean ±SD serum total testosterone levels for oral TU (full analysis set, n=193) and 1.62% topical testosterone gel (safety set, n = 314) remained within the adult male testosterone concentration range at week 26 (481.3 ± 371.2 [n = 143] vs.596.4 ± 600.7 ng/dL [n = 80]), week 39 (543.2 ± 438.2 [n = 137] vs.466.1 ± 277.8 ng/dL [n = 74]), and week 52 (538.5 ± 545.4 [n = 143] vs.456.8 ± 255.6 ng/dL [n = 77]).

3.4 Androgen-mediated laboratory parameters

The mean baseline and change from baseline for laboratory parameters commonly influenced by androgens for the safety set (n = 314) have been reported in Table 2. Mean HCT values at week 52 were comparable between patients receiving oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel. Overall, HCT values ranged from 32% to 55% and demonstrated a mean ± SD change from baseline of 2.6% ± 3.4%.

All patients exhibited a mean ± SD decrease in HDL (−0.12 ± 0.22 mmol/L), LDL (−0.08 ± 0.71 mmol/L), and triglycerides (−0.16 ± 1.06 mmol/L) at week 52.
Patients receiving oral TU demonstrated a greater mean ± SD decrease at week 52 in HDL (−0.15 ± 0.21 mmol/L) than those receiving 1.62% topical testosterone gel (−0.05 ± 0.23 mmol/L). Patients receiving 1.62% topical testosterone gel demonstrated a greater mean ± SD decrease at week 52 in LDL (−0.21 ± 0.74 mmol/L) than those receiving oral TU (−0.01 ± 0.68 mmol/L). Mean ± SD increases in PSA from baseline to week 52 were observed overall (0.21 ± 0.38 µg/L), and changes were similar between treatment groups. Patients receiving oral TU demonstrated a mean ± SD decrease in SHBG from baseline compared toan SHBG increase demonstrated with 1.62% topical testosterone gel (−8.91 ± 9.74 vs. 2.39 ± 7.91 nmol/L). Patients receiving oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel both experienced mean decreases from baseline in FSH (−4.9 ± 9.5 vs. −3.9 ± 5.1 IU/L) and LH (−3.7 ± 7.2 vs.−2.9 ± 2.6 IU/L). For patients receiving oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel, respectively, final mean ± SD (range) FSH values at week 52 were 3.97 ± 9.25 (0.15–84.90) versus 3.08 ± 4.44 (0.15–30.00) IU/L, and LH values were 2.35 ± 4.48 (0.05–37.00) versus 1.59 ± 2.42 (0.05–11.80) IU/L.

Both treatment groups demonstrated a decrease in ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) from baseline at week 52. No known cases of Hy’s Law were observed.

3.6 Safety

Overall, in the safety set, 67% (210/314) of patients experienced ≥1 treatment-emergent AE (TEAE). A total of 14 patients experienced treatment-emergent SAE during the study. Overall, the treatment emergent SAEs were most frequently categorized as infections and infestations (four patients, 1.3%) and musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (three patients, 1.0%). Sixteen patients experienced 27 severe TEAEs, but none of these were determined by investigators to be treatment-related. The incidence of treatment-related TEAEs was similar between patients receiving oral TU compared to 1.62% topical testosterone gel (24.3% [51/210] vs. 22.1% [23/104]). Frequently reported treatment-related TEAEs for patients receiving oral TU were acne (6 [2.9%]), weight increase (5 [2.4%]), and HCT increase (4 [1.9%];Table 4). Treatment-related TEAEs led to discontinuation in 11 (5.2%) patients receiving oral TU and three (2.9%) patients receiving 1.62% topical testosterone gel. All treatment-related TEAEs of HCT level increases occurred in patients receiving oral TU. Two patients receiving oral TU and one patient receiving 1.62% topical testosterone gel were discontinued for having HCT > 54%. No patients experienced any serious cardiovascular TEAEs. Throughout this study, treatment-related AEs of hypertension occurred in one patient receiving oral TU and two patients receiving 1.62% topical testosterone gel, although no clinically meaningful trends in systolic or diastolic blood pressure change were demonstrated among patients receiving either treatment. No deaths o rtreatment-related serious AEs were reported during this study.


This study provides a head-to-head safety comparison of novel oral TU to a widely used testosterone gel. Concentrations of serum testosterone were similar before and after dose titration, confirming current dosing recommendations for oral TU 225 mg twice daily without dose adjustment. While the change from baseline for oral TU compared to 1.62% topical testosterone gel in most domains of SF-36 and PDQ was not significant, both therapies were beneficial in improving libido and sexual frequency. Oral TU also demonstrated comparable safety to 1.62% topical testosterone gel and, specifically, showed similar changes in HCT. The results of this study are consistent with current literature, which has found oral testosterone formulations to be well tolerated in patients with hypogonadism and effective at improving testosterone levels and sexual symptoms.32 Thus, both 1.62% topical testosterone gel and oral TU offer viable solutions, avoiding needles and dose titration, for patients with hypogonadism.


TABLE 1 Baseline characteristics and demographics.
FIGURE 2 Mean (± SEM) serum total testosterone (A) and DHT (B) concentrations after 225 mg of Oral TU from 0 to 24 h at weeks 3, 7, and 13 in men with hypogonadism (n = 130). DHT, dihydrotestosterone; TU, testosterone undecanoate.
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FIGURE 3 Serum total testosterone (A), free testosterone (B), and DHT concentrations (C) at baseline and week 52. For serum testosterone, n = number of patients receiving oral TU in the safety set at baseline (n = 210) and in the full analysis set (n = 193) at week 52; number of patients receiving 1.62% topical testosterone gel in the safety set (n = 104) at baseline and week 52. For free testosterone and DHT, n = number of patients receiving oral TU (n = 210) and 1.62% topical testosterone gel (n = 104) in the safety set at baseline and week 52. Baseline oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel values were obtained in the morning between 6 and 10 AM before the dose.Week 52 oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel values were obtained from a single blood draw 3−6 h after dose. Associate dp values were not adjusted for multiplicity. DHT, dihydrotestosterone;NS, not significant; TU, testosterone undecanoate.
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FIGURE 4 Mean change from baseline in SF-36 domains for oral TU and topical testosterone gel in the safety set (n = 314). The p values werecalculated using a 2-sample t-test comparing change from baseline to end of study across patients receiving oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel. SF-36, Short Form-36v2; TU, testosterone undecanoate
FIGURE 5 Mean change from baseline in PDQ domains for oral testosterone undecanoate and topical testosterone gel in the safety set (n = 314). The p values were calculated using a 2-sample t-test comparing change from baseline to end of study across patients receiving oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel. NS, not significant; PDQ, Psychosexual Daily Questionnaire; TU, testosterone undecanoate
TABLE 3 Mean change from baseline in I-PSS for oral TU and topical testosterone gel in the safety set (n = 314).
* Mean baseline SHBG values were similar between treatment groups. However, patients receiving oral TU demonstrated a notable decrease in SHBG, while SHBG increased among patients receiving 1.62% topical testosterone gel. Serum total testosterone at week 52 was comparable for patients receiving oral TU and 1.62% topical testosterone gel, but free testosterone at week 52 was higher inpatients receiving oral TU compared to 1.62% topical testosterone gel. With the oral administration of testosterone, there is a small but noticeable first-pass effect on the liver, allowing suppression of SHBG and HDL by androgens.20 The results of this phase 3 study support the suppression of SHBG by free testosterone, but additional studies on the mechanism and the clinical significance of small decreases in SHBG are necessary to make further conclusions

* Although this study did not specifically analyze the effects of treatment on spermatogenesis, measurements of LH and FSH are key components of spermatogenesis and may serve as surrogate markers. Mean baseline LH and FSH values were similar between treatments, and both groups exhibited a comparable decrease at week 52. However, a comparison of mean change in the baseline for LH and FSH between oral TU and 1.62% determined no significant difference between these therapies. Future studies on the effect of oral TU on LH and FSH as well as semen parameters will improve our understanding of how this treatment affects spermatogenesis.

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