Retest Labs...Any Insight?


New Member
So here are the retest results of the original tests I posted yesterday (1st results embedded in link:

So it looks like my Somatomedin is still high, ferritin still low, Free test through the roof (that's the ZZ-GE-UNK test), and my total test is above range now too. Waiting for endo to call to discuss what she thinks. My E2 is now better at 21.83. Why in the world would I still be suffering from low libido, ed, and anxiety issues? Endo suggested stopping the test cold turkey at last appt. Definitely do not want to do that. I am in contact with Defy and should start working with them in the new month when my new job/insurance kicks in. Would want to do any restart with experts. Any ideas about what is going on?

2015/08/26 ZZ-GE-UNK 241.18 pg/mL (30.00-150.00) H GE use only - for LinkLogic import when terms are not otherwise specified (Free T)
2015/08/26 TESTO, TOTAL 874.6 ng/dL (249.0-836.0) H testosterone, total
2015/08/26 ALBUMIN 4.8 g/dL (3.5-5.2) albumin, serum
2015/08/26 SOMATOMEDIN 314 ng/mL (109-307) H insulin-like growth factor-1, serum
2015/08/26 HGBA1C 5.2 % (<5.7) Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood
2015/08/26 ESTRADIOL 21.83 pg/mL (7.02-49.06) estradiol, serum
2015/08/26 PSA-TOTAL 0.59 ng/mL (<4.00) prostate specific antigen, total
2015/08/26 FERRITIN 11 ng/mL (22-322) L ferritin, serum
2015/08/26 IRON 85 ug/dL (45-160) iron, serum
2015/08/26 MPV 9.2 fL (8.2-11.9) mean platelet volume
2015/08/26 PLATELETS 235 X10(3)/UL 10*3/mm3 (144-400) platelet count
2015/08/26 IMM GRANU % 0.2 % (0.0-1.6) immature granulocytes, percentage of total cells, blood
2015/08/26 BASOPH COUNT 0.01 X10(3)/UL 10*3/mm3 (0.00-0.24) basophil count, blood
2015/08/26 BASOPHIL % 0.2 % (0.0-2.0) basophils as percent of blood leukocytes
2015/08/26 EOS COUNT 0.06 X10(3)/UL 10*3/mm3 (0.03-0.94) eosinophil count, blood
2015/08/26 EOSINOPHIL % 1.2 % (0.0-8.0) eosinophils as percent of blood leukocytes
2015/08/26 MONOSCT AUTO 0.44 X10(3)/UL 10*3/uL (0.17-1.42) monocyte count, blood, automated
2015/08/26 MONOCYTE % 8.7 % (0.0-13.0) monocytes as percent of blood leukocytes
2015/08/26 LYMPH COUNT 1.18 X10(3)/UL 10*3/mm3 (0.41-5.66) lymphocyte count, blood
2015/08/26 LYMPHS % 23.4 % (12.0-48.0) lymphocytes as percent of blood leukocytes
2015/08/26 PMNABSOLTMAN 3.35 X10(3)/UL {Cells}/uL (1.22-9.20) polymorphonuclear neutrophils, absolute, manual
2015/08/26 PMN SEGS 66.3 % (36.0-78.0) neutrophils, segmented as percent of blood leukocytes
2015/08/26 RDW 13.9 % (10.9-16.9) red blood cell distribution width
2015/08/26 MCHC RBC 34.4 g/dL (29.0-35.0) mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, RBC
2015/08/26 MCH 30.4 pg (25.0-34.1) mean corpuscular hemoglobin, RBC
2015/08/26 MCV 88.4 fL (80.0-100.0) mean corpuscular volume, RBC
2015/08/26 HCT 45.1 % (39.3-52.5) hematocrit, blood
2015/08/26 HGB 15.5 g/dL (12.3-17.0) hemoglobin, blood
2015/08/26 RBC 5.10 X10(6)/UL 10*6/mm3 (4.20-5.90) erythrocyte (RBC) count
2015/08/26 WBC 5.05 X10(3)/UL 10*3/mm3 (3.40-11.80) leukocyte count, blood
You've been on your current protocol for less than a month, haven't you? That's really no time at all in the world of TRT. It can take anywhere from six months to a year for erectile issues to resolve themselves; libido is a bit faster to respond, but it can still take six weeks for a plateau to be reached. More importantly, ED may, and frequently is, a multi-faceted problem. Are you taking Cialis, Viagra? Have you had a 4x (salivary) cortisol test run? Thyroid panel? Those might speak to the anxiety you are dealing with.
I have had thyroid, which looked normal:

T4 total: 7.1 (4.5-10.9)
T4 Free 1.19 (0.89-1.76
T3 Free 3.1 (2.3-4.2)
T3 total: 78 (60-181)
T3 uptake 33 (22.5-37.0)
TSH, 3rd generation 1.25 (0.35-5.50)
Parathyroid Hormone Intact 46.2 (11.1-79.5)

Had never had any cortisol tests. Am not taking Cialis, but have 15 5 mg (for daily use) samples from urologist's office.
Doc hasn't called to discuss blood yet. I will surely ask about the ferritin, although, she seemed more concerned about the Igf-1. (At least per the women who called mein to redo blood). I know I was posting a lot and trying to find answers and relief. I was dosing in the dark, but I just felt so bad. Like really in a crisis mode. When those first bloods a few weeks ago said 42 (high) e2, i jumped on it outbid desperation for relief. I'll let you know about what doc says...
Waiting for endo to call to discuss what she thinks. My E2 is now better at 21.83. Why in the world would I still be suffering from low libido, ed, and anxiety issues? Endo suggested stopping the test cold turkey at last appt. Definitely do not want to do that. I am in contact with Defy and should start working with them in the new month when my new job/insurance kicks in. Would want to do any restart with experts. Any ideas about what is going on?

You are more than welcome to post when you want. There is one important question - are you feeling well enough to give TRT a fair shot? The adoption of a protocol, maintained for at least four, if not six, weeks with no changes? You have reasonable testosterone levels based on this most recent blood draw. Your E2 may well be on the lower side, but you indicated you're setting the AI aside. The improvements you're looking for, what so many of us look for with TRT, are not realized in one, two, three, or four weeks. True, we hope - and frequently begin - to see improvements during this time, but the full impact of androgen therapy only becomes evident over time. A lot of time. It may be weeks or months to achieve the full effects of the effort we are making. And it's not a silver bullet; we frequently have to turn to ancillary therapies to support the overall effort. You, by your own admission, deal with anxiety. Have you explored CBT therapy to see if it can help you with those issues?
I definitely have tried SSRI meds (Zoloft and wellbutrin) and have seen 3 therapists since my 15 months of anxiety, Ed, and low level (sometimes high level) depression has overwhelmed me. The only thing that was always consistent was my low t levels on blood work. I totally acknowledge I jumped in too fast (no real help from my uro there! But I take total responsibility for not researching enough and letting my desperation get the better of me. But here I am now. The most frustrating thing is I have felt amazing for brief stretches on my 3.5 months of my old self. But they always I feel pretty stable on my 120mg split mwf no AI. I am going to be patient and see how I feel over next several weeks. Have yet to hear from endo about the low ferritin or the elevated igf-1. The ferritin concerns me bc of potential internal bleeding, but there is nothing in my stool. I am going to go with defy next month to get them to look at my blood work and to do the initial consult. There is a part of me that wants to do a restart under defy to see if I am primary or secondary. Another part of me just wants to get dialed in and feel normal again. Right now with my anxiety much lower than last few weeks, I am really hoping my libido and mental focus (and ED ) start to come around. But I know it takes time. I wonder if this ferritin thing is a missing part of my puzzle? I apologize for posting so much and rambling on and on, but I don't have many outlets to discuss and explore my trt therapy. My biggest issue is lack of patience and desperation to feel better. I'm trying to correct that and be disciplined. Last week I would have run out and bought iron pills and vitamin c to address te ferritin, but I'm not going to do anything until I talk to the doctor. I will keep you updated and finally take the sound advice of patience , patience, patience when it comes to TRT. Thanks again!

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