Questions about initial weeks


New Member
Quick question for you all about whether this is normal. After my first shot I felt like someone had jump started my life. Lots of energy and libido through the roof. However, I also had increased BP and HR. Nothing major but noticeable.

I just finished my third week and BP and HR are back to before TRT levels. Strength is greatly increased. My mood and anxiety are both really improved. My wife says I am so much more pleasant to live with and I notice myself I feel more mellow and much less snappy and short tempered.

My libido and elections don't seem to be where they were after the first couple of shots though and I don't have the tightness in my muscles like I did initially. Is this pretty normal as part of the adjustment phase? I haven't had my post TRT E2 test yet so I can't comment on that aspect.

Thanks all! I'm just trying to understand this initial adjustment period.
Maybe I'm a slow responder, but I'm in my 4th week and haven't noticed anything major. Small changes in many areas, but nothing drastic by any means. Morning erections 1-2 a week, libido comes and goes, strength up slightly, I think muscle mass has improved but that may be wishful thinking. I still am exhausted in the afternoon. I will say though, I started this marathon not expecting to feel anything for at least a month. Don't know if I created a reverse placebo effect by reading all the "how long to feel effects" charts all over the Internet.

I inject 50mg twice a week, Tuesday am and Friday am. No hCG yet, though I'm hoping to add it in the next couple weeks. What's your protocol look like? Have you gained any weight since starting?
I do 100mg twice a week or 50ml. No HCG or AI yet. My doctor is 100% against HCG so if I decide to do that I will have to go another route.
Bishop, I think hcg would help your libido, I would definitely give it a try. 100 mg of test twice a week is pretty high about the max. How you feel and labs will tell you a lot.
A Vince said, 100 mg twice a week is a pretty hefty dose to start on. Why so high? Did your pre TRT labs show high SHBG? The same thought process that would start you on that high of a dose is the same faulty thinking that criticizes HCG.
He started me at that dose because I tried the pellet implant years ago. It had me around 1100 TT over the course of the three months with a decline of course over the last month.

He asked me how I felt at that level and I told him I felt great. I guess his reasoning was to try to get those levels with the higher end of dosing and if it went too high we could lower the injection. He's been my doc for 25 years and he knows I'm not the type that would take more than necessary or have an issue with a lower dose if that was required.

He's very by the book with things so he feels the HCG is an off label use and doesn't like that fact. With that said he is comfortable with me doing my own injections and using smaller needles even though he and the nurses thought I was nuts.
Thank Vince but he's not going to do it. He made that pretty clear. If I end up switching to someone else I may be able to try it.
Bear in mind too that "feeling" benefits from HCG is very much individualized. One can argue that everyone should use to keep your testes active, but as far as feeling better, having a better libido, better sense of well being, etc...It works great for some and does absolutely nothing for others.
Many guys are going to have what I call a honeymoon period starting on testosterone where for about 2 weeks you're going to feel great and think it's amazing. But at that two week mark your body will stop making it's own T and you'll be strictly what you inject and will have a marked low spot in well being as you start to adjust to having only the T you inject. Long process from there.
I agree Defy has an HCG standalone program that may interest you.
Guys thanks for all the info! I may look into that defy HCG. I haven't heard anything negative about their services from anyone.

For the time being I think I will just go with just the test cyp and see where I am after a few months. I'm very OCD and the less variables I have to consider the less stressed I am about things.

I'm definitely in a bit of a low spot compared to the first two weeks but it definitely isn't unbearable and is still better than before I started.

Only major irritation I have is some mild sensitivity in my nips and they they seem to poke out a bit more like I have a slight chill. I believe Gene Devine said this is to be expected when starting TRT.

Honestly though my relationship with my wife and kids is so much better it's worth it just for that aspect alone.

Great to know you are feeling well and relating great with your loved ones.

Yes, nipple sensitivity can increase with TRT that has nothing to do with gynecomastia.
Thank you Nelson! It really is like night and day with my mood. Instead of being more aggressive and having "roid rage" I feel calmer and more mellow and I don't have the instant anger that would just make me fly off the handle at nothing.

However, in the gym I definitely feel more aggressive and focused and seem to be able to push my body much harder.

So far it is like the best of both worlds which is not at all what is portrayed by the media relating to testosterone. So far it just makes me feel more like the person I want to be.

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