Saladino is the last one you should listen about nutrition advice. He has been debunked million times. The quallity of foods do matter but Ive been doing this for close to 20 years and never had a problem getting into a great shape eating pretty much whatever I want but paying attention to my portion sizes. But don't get me wrong I enjoy eating clean and as healthy as I possibly can but also enjoy some "dirty" food here and there because we live once and theres no need for any restrictions unless you want to get stage lean then its a different ball game. I'm still in a great shape, lean, plenty of muscle, year round. You can see some of my pictures on my own journal here on EM if you are interested. I've counted calories for more then 10 years and still do till this day but I can also eat by portion size because its easy for me after all these years. But since I work with raw data, statistics and facts, I like to know exactly what I'm putting in my mouth. Have logged everything for many years and its a great reference point to get back to when I need to check something. PUFAS actually are healthy AF like sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds or Black Seed Oil which has tons of benefits. For example sunflower seeds are great Vitamin-E source, natures antibiotic. Great for treating high blood pressure as well. Also PUFAS great for skin and hair as well and I'm sure they have many more benefits. FWIW there is ZERO studies on cause and effect of any diets alone in isolation because there is no way to do this experiment for the obvious reasons. Also we are all so individual and unique that if anyone is telling you that there is only one way of doing it you should run from him/her as far as possible. Do whatever works for you and makes you happy. Stay on top of your bloodwork. And IMHO don't push for one or another extreme and you will be alright. Key is to be able to put the fork down, which at this day of age, most have troubles with.