Prostate/high PSA self education resources?

Saw new Dr yesterday (PCP) and had DRE. Right side is enlarged which is not consistent with typical BPH, but no nodules. Going to pull PSA + free PSA again in another few weeks. HE also referred me to a uro who looks to be quite progressive, but it's unclear whether she is in my insurance network.
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Hmm, timely notification that this has been moved to the Prostate sub-forum.

The saga continues. After bouncing around, my PSA has climbed to above 9 and stayed there for the last few months. I had a SelectMDX test done which came back negative.

Now entering a urological diagnosis rodeo.

Angry... Problems with my first urologist:
-he lied to me about a couple things,
-his practice's record keeping, my history, meds allergies etc have egregious errors despite that I provided written paper copies of my info. All it takes for accuracy is to scan or directly copy what I provided.
-He changed his tune, ignoring our previous discussion, his own notes from our first visit, and his own previous recommendation for MRI and fusion biopsy as next step, tried to argue archaic and plain wrong accuracy stats for MRI in favor of blind TRUS biopsy as next step. I really don't understand his change in perspective, which was disorienting and confrontational.
-I pushed back, and he did order MRI, but sent the order to an orthopedic imaging clinic with radiology interpretation to be done by an outfit with zero references to specializing in prostate. And I have not received a copy of the order to know what he prescribed. Prostate MRI prescription, the MRI procedure itself and radiological interpretation MUST be done by specialists with proven track record in prostate specific scanning and interpretation.

I am in the process of trying to get my records from him and am scheduled with another Uro who's own bio states he believes in imaging before biopsy, that he was involved in developing 3D imaging of the prostate, works at nationally ranked Denver hospital UCH with proper 3T MRI imaging facilities, also where my current blood disorder oncologist is, and she and the UCH system is one of if not the best most comprehensive and transparent in terms of assessment, diagnosis, accurate and thorough record keeping I have ever seen. Hopefully, these things bode well for proper/reputable standards for prostate specific MRI and fusion or guided biopsy.

If he doesn't work out, I have a list of specialized prostate MRI/radiology/guided biopsy capable practices, and will pay out of pocket for proper diagnosis.
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