Are you KIDDING?Trump's a morbidly obese old guy on stains with an awful diet who believe exercise is bad for you.
No reason I can see to take hjs medical advice.
When you're running on the economy and people are worried about going out and getting sick, it would make sense to give them hope that there are remedies. That doesn't mean they are true remedies. You cant run and win on the issue unless you calm fears. The issue is people believe this guy and he doesnt care about them. For him, it is win at any cost. Do you really think a white house dr would allow a 73 year old that is out of shape to take a drug that is not proven and may cause heart issues? From a national security perspective that would never happen.
I give it 50/50 trump is telling the truth about taking hydroxychloroquine, no doubt he is scared and for sure no one, including white house drs are going to be able to tell him what he should or should not do.
Maybe he is taking it, maybe not, it doesn't really matter. He and everyone around him gets tested daily, contact trace anyone that gets sick in the white house, his risk is really fairly low.
And I am a terrible follower, nearly the opposite of sheeple willing to follow authority blindly.
I am skeptical of even doctors when they are dealing with something they have no idea about.
How many doctors have told us that testosterone / TRT isn't recommend for us, we don't need it, it could cause harm and it isn't effective?
I am sure he and most important WH staff already had the Covid-19 vaccine shot a long time ago. They just can’t tell people cuz it wouldn’t look good. Even Fauci said you could create a vaccine tomorrow but you’ve got to test to make sure it’s safe and effective for the masses.
You think HE can keep a secret?!?.... if he had been given a vaccine, he'd be telling EVERYBODY!So your theory is the WH staff can keep a secret?
You think HE can keep a secret?!?.... if he had been given a vaccine, he'd be telling EVERYBODY!
For me, it's about common sense.
A virus that has caused trillions of dollar of economic damage, world wide semi-panic, every biotech in the world trying to find remedies, every health organization in the world trying to help the sick, throwing anything they have in their drug / supplement supply, it's been going on for 5 months now.
Everyone that cares by now has heard of hydroxychloroquine months ago.
It it really worked, we would know about it 3 months ago. It doesn't appear to have even marginal value.
remdesivir appears to be marginally effective.
A good number of people will try any cheap, stupid remedy when they are scared, 700 people died in Iran after ingesting toxic methanol. And if I only took a little more zinc and Vit D, I would be OK, that was easy. The upside of zinc / vit d, it won't kill me.
Honestly, I am not overly worried, I am pretty healthy, Covid has a fairly low death rate especially for health people, as in the Bubonic plague is fatal in about 50-70% of untreated cases, 10-15 when treated with modern medicine, now there was something to really worry about.
80-90% of people get Covid and get well in 2-3 weeks, you could have drank holy water and say, hey, I got better, get me a priest to bless the water, problem solved, world saved, it was so easy.
End your sentence right there. Fox is just there to promote whatever the president wants to promote.Wow. If you watch Fox News at night...
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
There is a doctor in France who just released a study with almost 1,000 patients who said it was extremely effective. Watch Laura Ingraham on Fox at night. Almost every night see interviews doctors who use it and love it.
From all the doctors I've heard, chloroquine at high doses caused heart issues. A doctor who treated Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis patients for 40 years never had a patient with a heart incident. If I was hospitalized, I would demand Hydroxy and zinc, and if I had secondary bacterial infection, ad Z-pak. Imo, vast majority of deaths are from not using hydroxy and zinc, and improper use of ventilators that are damaging lung tissues.
VD3 levels above 30ng/dl work similar to hydroxy. I've been about 60ng for years.
Do you not realize they select guests who will echo their talking points?![]()
Are COVID Countermeasures Working? Here's What Data Reveal
Data from Israel, where majority of the population has been "vaccinated," expose the infection rates between the "vaccinated" and
View attachment 9755
Hydroxychloroquine has been shown to increase the morality rateA girl friend of mine, her older father is really sick. Resting pulse rate of 150, fever, stomach, cough. Goes to hospital and tested positive for Covid just 2 days ago. They put him on antibiotics and that was it.
Apparently, patients don't even get hydroxychloroquine unless they are on a ventilator?? This makes no sense to me. This hospital is not even getting Zinc and Vitamin D levels up. Not to mention that there has already been research for 3g of Vitamin C, IV every 6hrs. Hospital won't do that either.
My suggestion is to absolutely under no circumstances to go to the hospital. The protocols they are using seem to gear you more in the direction of death rather than life.
It’s pretty clear. If the media is against it, it must be good. If the drug killed, the media would encourage Trump to take it. But it’s all about money. HCQ is less then a buck a pill, while the drug the media is pushing Remdesivir is $$$
The media cares about revenue. They love trump. The major media outlets are owned by corporations that benefit from Trump’s policies.It’s pretty clear. If the media is against it, it must be good. If the drug killed, the media would encourage Trump to take it. But it’s all about money. HCQ is less then a buck a pill, while the drug the media is pushing Remdesivir is $$$
bUt LaURa iNgRaHaM sAyS...Is no one here looking at the actual science? There is now ZERO doubt that treatment with hydroxychloroquine increases the mortality rate between 33-45%!!! I could post a link but there are like 10,000 of them now telling the same story. More than 96,000 patients were studied.
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