Prescribed Anastrozole – Concerned the starting dose is too high. Clarifications / advice required before administering first dose


New Member
Hi guys,

This is my first proper post – I am happy I found this place as it has been an interesting read for the last few days. I have gone over as many anastrozole / Adex posts/threads as I can but cannot quite find specifically what I am looking for, so I hope you do not mind me asking.

Some brief context:- I am 37 years old male, from the UK. 5’65 and 72kg (sorry for the mix of imperial / metric), in decent shape I go to the gym and eat a balanced healthy diet with a robust supplement regimen.

Edit before posting: I am going to cut my life story! Not relevant how I got here, but here I am

Prior to starting TRT, blood test no: 1 on 2nd July 2021:

Total T was 10.6 nmol/L (ref range 8.6 – 29)

Free T (FTI) 0.3 (ref range 0.2 – 0.62)

So In the gutter almost for 36 yrs old healthy male, at that time.

E2 was 80 (ref range 41 – 169) – normal I guess

2nd test on 10th August 2021:

Total T was 12 nmol/L (ref range 8.6 – 29)

Free T (FTI) was 0.2 (ref range 0.2 – 0.62)

E2 was 85 (ref range 41 – 169)

The dr concluded I had very low T and I could start TRT if I wanted.

I started TRT on the 21st August 2021

100mg of Test Cypionate, 3x PW, SubQ.

HCG 1050iu 3x PW (350iu per shot), SubQ, administered at the same time as the Test C.

After almost 6 weeks on this protocol I had a blood draw, and the results came back as follows

Total T at 36.6 (ref range 8.6 – 29).

Free T at 1.0 (ref range 0.2 – 0.62)

E2 at 235 (ref range 41 – 169)

Following the consultation, the Dr was not so concerned about my T being higher at the present moment, but was concerned my E2 was double that of what it should be. All other bloods across an elaborate board were in range

In terms of symptoms – I had never felt better, I cannot even remember what it felt to be like this. I had high libido, energy in the gym, energy at work I had never had before, great ideas all the time, positive about everything. The only negatives you could say were a little nipple sensitivity, and the occasional emotional moment. I had night time wood that would wake me up in the night as it was so strong, as well as morning. This has since subsided (no morning/night wood anymore for last few weeks)

He wanted to put me on anastrozole to tame the E2 – I however requested if I could please do some other things before introducing another medication – as my T was high I suggested reduce the dose a bit, and increase the frequency of injection. He let me have a go

I reduce Test C down to 90mg per week, 7x per week

kept HCG the same at 1050iu (as per his recommendation) but changed to 7x per week.

I increased my exercise, I incorporated zinc, calcium and vitamin D sups, cod liver oil, multi vitamin; increased my intake of green veg, and reduced dairy and ensured I did not touch anything with any kind of soy. I also incorporated a natural oestrogen blocker called ‘estro-halt’ daily:

I had the results back on the 27th October and my E2 had only reduced by 12%. Having dropped the Test C a tad, and spread the HCG, for some reason I do not feel as good as I did prior. I feel a thousand times better than before TRT, but in the first 6 weeks you could say I felt 10,000 times better… (sorry, exaggerating). I understand this to be probably down to the honeymoon period. However there could be a correlation with the reduced T dose, you guys will know better than me.

Test results on the 27th October were:

Total T at 41.3 (ref range 8.6 – 29).

Free T at 1.1 (ref range 0.2 – 0.62)

E2 at 221 (ref range 41 – 169)

Interestingly, even though I had reduced the Test C down to 90mg, I was reporting a higher T total and free. It could be before on the previous test it was the day after an injection day, whereas now every day is an injection day (this was the Dr. speculation). Again, he was not concerned about the higher T at the present moment due to it possibly being an irronious reading, and that I am having wondering symptom relief, but is dead set that the E2 needs to come down via the synthetic route as my regimen has not helped get it down.

Anyway trying to get to the point; I have tried to do what I can but have failed at reducing E2, and the dr has said I need to be prescribed anastrozole and see if we can get the E2 into normal range. It will be arriving in the mail tomorrow.

The dose prescribed is 0.25mg, twice a week. The pill comes in a 1mg and I am to break it into 4 using a pill cutter.

Reading these boards, that seems like a high starting point. And it appears there are several methods of breaking this down with alcohol to get a more accurate split and for micro dosing it down even more.

My question is:- what would you say my starting dose should be, given my bloods / age and weight above, and table below? in Your opinion / experience

Below are my bloods to date for ease of reading:

Reference range​








Testosterone (Total)

Free Testosterone Index (FTI)

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)


















I am considering reducing the injection frequency just to EOD (still an improvement over 3DPW, but not as demanding and clearly not helping on being ED), if I am going to incorporate this anastrozole.

I would have thought it would be best to take the anastrozole at the same time as the Test shot? Or shortly thereafter? Not sure why twice a week makes any sense.

I am nervous of having my E2 crash and end up back to square 1 as I have read so many reports on here.

Logic to me says if I can have a lower dose of anastrozole than I am being prescribed, there is no harm in trying. And I can get bloods done in 2 weeks time for example and see where the E2 is. If its in range, and I am feeling fine – then surely stick to that, and report it to the dr. If E2 still not right, then increase the dose a tad more and try again. I am patient, but also nervous, and sceptical.

Any comments / advice would be much appreciated. Thank you for reading this far down!

I will also note before anyone says why not just ask the dr?. good question. I do not get good answers to questions I ask, and the ability to speak to them is few and far between. So I have to take what I can get, it is very challenging in the UK to get TRT so I’m happy enough to sort myself out

Many thanks
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This is strictly a case of the dose being too high. Your total testosterone is almost double the average for healthy young men. HCG often leads to estradiol being high relative to testosterone, but your ratio of 0.5% is still normal and less likely to be causing problems. In my experience the excess emotional responsiveness results from high absolute levels of estradiol. Unfortunately decreasing the testosterone dose often results in temporary side effects, which should fade over weeks to months. Don't expect to recapture that great honeymoon effect you experienced during the first few weeks of TRT. It's almost always a temporary result of the sudden increase in testosterone.
Thanks for the reply - I did drop the dose of my own suggestion from 100mg to 90mg, T is still super high and as you suggest it should be dropped again.

I’m not sure why the recommendation was not to drop the dose to say 80mg and again see what happens in 4/6 weeks - rather than slap adex in.

This is why I am here - I’m not convinced on what I am being prescribed, i feel the whole process is a bit haphazard.

Right now I have a nasty cold that has developed last night, so I won’t be introducing adex anyway at the moment as I do not want to distort how I feel introducing it or reducing the dose yet as I want to gauge where I am, as I feel like absolute sh1t today so I will leave this open for a little while

Would you say I am a ‘hyper responder’ to test?
Would you say I am a ‘hyper responder’ to test?
Not if that suggests being outside of the normal range. I have a similar response, which I think indicates an underlying clearance rate that's a bit below average. Also, if you're comparing to others who are injecting less often and measuring trough testosterone then it's skewed, because the troughs may be well below their average levels.
Hi guys,

This is my first proper post – I am happy I found this place as it has been an interesting read for the last few days. I have gone over as many anastrozole / Adex posts/threads as I can but cannot quite find specifically what I am looking for, so I hope you do not mind me asking.

Some brief context:- I am 37 years old male, from the UK. 5’65 and 72kg (sorry for the mix of imperial / metric), in decent shape I go to the gym and eat a balanced healthy diet with a robust supplement regimen.

Edit before posting: I am going to cut my life story! Not relevant how I got here, but here I am

Prior to starting TRT, blood test no: 1 on 2nd July 2021:

Total T was 10.6 nmol/L (ref range 8.6 – 29)

Free T (FTI) 0.3 (ref range 0.2 – 0.62)

So In the gutter almost for 36 yrs old healthy male, at that time.

E2 was 80 (ref range 41 – 169) – normal I guess

2nd test on 10th August 2021:

Total T was 12 nmol/L (ref range 8.6 – 29)

Free T (FTI) was 0.2 (ref range 0.2 – 0.62)

E2 was 85 (ref range 41 – 169)

The dr concluded I had very low T and I could start TRT if I wanted.

I started TRT on the 21st August 2021

100mg of Test Cypionate, 3x PW, SubQ.

HCG 1050iu 3x PW (350iu per shot), SubQ, administered at the same time as the Test C.

After almost 6 weeks on this protocol I had a blood draw, and the results came back as follows

Total T at 36.6 (ref range 8.6 – 29).

Free T at 1.0 (ref range 0.2 – 0.62)

E2 at 235 (ref range 41 – 169)

Following the consultation, the Dr was not so concerned about my T being higher at the present moment, but was concerned my E2 was double that of what it should be. All other bloods across an elaborate board were in range

In terms of symptoms – I had never felt better, I cannot even remember what it felt to be like this. I had high libido, energy in the gym, energy at work I had never had before, great ideas all the time, positive about everything. The only negatives you could say were a little nipple sensitivity, and the occasional emotional moment. I had night time wood that would wake me up in the night as it was so strong, as well as morning. This has since subsided (no morning/night wood anymore for last few weeks)

He wanted to put me on anastrozole to tame the E2 – I however requested if I could please do some other things before introducing another medication – as my T was high I suggested reduce the dose a bit, and increase the frequency of injection. He let me have a go

I reduce Test C down to 90mg per week, 7x per week

kept HCG the same at 1050iu (as per his recommendation) but changed to 7x per week.

I increased my exercise, I incorporated zinc, calcium and vitamin D sups, cod liver oil, multi vitamin; increased my intake of green veg, and reduced dairy and ensured I did not touch anything with any kind of soy. I also incorporated a natural oestrogen blocker called ‘estro-halt’ daily:

I had the results back on the 27th October and my E2 had only reduced by 12%. Having dropped the Test C a tad, and spread the HCG, for some reason I do not feel as good as I did prior. I feel a thousand times better than before TRT, but in the first 6 weeks you could say I felt 10,000 times better… (sorry, exaggerating). I understand this to be probably down to the honeymoon period. However there could be a correlation with the reduced T dose, you guys will know better than me.

Test results on the 27th October were:

Total T at 41.3 (ref range 8.6 – 29).

Free T at 1.1 (ref range 0.2 – 0.62)

E2 at 221 (ref range 41 – 169)

Interestingly, even though I had reduced the Test C down to 90mg, I was reporting a higher T total and free. It could be before on the previous test it was the day after an injection day, whereas now every day is an injection day (this was the Dr. speculation). Again, he was not concerned about the higher T at the present moment due to it possibly being an irronious reading, and that I am having wondering symptom relief, but is dead set that the E2 needs to come down via the synthetic route as my regimen has not helped get it down.

Anyway trying to get to the point; I have tried to do what I can but have failed at reducing E2, and the dr has said I need to be prescribed anastrozole and see if we can get the E2 into normal range. It will be arriving in the mail tomorrow.

The dose prescribed is 0.25mg, twice a week. The pill comes in a 1mg and I am to break it into 4 using a pill cutter.

Reading these boards, that seems like a high starting point. And it appears there are several methods of breaking this down with alcohol to get a more accurate split and for micro dosing it down even more.

My question is:- what would you say my starting dose should be, given my bloods / age and weight above, and table below? in Your opinion / experience

Below are my bloods to date for ease of reading:

Reference range​








Testosterone (Total)

Free Testosterone Index (FTI)

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)


















I am considering reducing the injection frequency just to EOD (still an improvement over 3DPW, but not as demanding and clearly not helping on being ED), if I am going to incorporate this anastrozole.

I would have thought it would be best to take the anastrozole at the same time as the Test shot? Or shortly thereafter? Not sure why twice a week makes any sense.

I am nervous of having my E2 crash and end up back to square 1 as I have read so many reports on here.

Logic to me says if I can have a lower dose of anastrozole than I am being prescribed, there is no harm in trying. And I can get bloods done in 2 weeks time for example and see where the E2 is. If its in range, and I am feeling fine – then surely stick to that, and report it to the dr. If E2 still not right, then increase the dose a tad more and try again. I am patient, but also nervous, and sceptical.

Any comments / advice would be much appreciated. Thank you for reading this far down!

I will also note before anyone says why not just ask the dr?. good question. I do not get good answers to questions I ask, and the ability to speak to them is few and far between. So I have to take what I can get, it is very challenging in the UK to get TRT so I’m happy enough to sort myself out

Many thanks
If you're feeling good and your not having issues with higher E2 levels. Is there any reason, to change your protrol? Estradiol is very important for your libido, bone strength and muscle growth.

Personally, I feel my best with higher testosterone levels, so I don't see any reason why you need to lower your T dose. Unless you're having issues with higher levels.
If you're feeling good and your not having issues with higher E2 levels. Is there any reason, to change your protrol? ...
The better question is, why should he not try physiological levels, and if he has good results then stay with them? Only if someone doesn't get good results might it be reasonable to accept the known and unknown risks of higher levels. Would you be equally blasé about other hormones? Double the average free T3, cortisol, etc. is ok if it feels good initially? I don't think so.
The better question is, why should he not try physiological levels, and if he has good results then stay with them? Only if someone doesn't get good results might it be reasonable to accept the known and unknown risks of higher levels. Would you be equally blasé about other hormones? Double the average free T3, cortisol, etc. is ok if it feels good initially? I don't think so.
The nice thing about high free t3 levels. The improvement you get in LDL cholesterol. It's amazing how it drives the levels. That's one of the reasons I like higher free t3 levels.
The better question is, why should he not try physiological levels, and if he has good results then stay with them? Only if someone doesn't get good results might it be reasonable to accept the known and unknown risks of higher levels. Would you be equally blasé about other hormones? Double the average free T3, cortisol, etc. is ok if it feels good initially? I don't think so.

Everything shouldn't be one sided. Personally I feel my best with higher t levels, so far I never felt anything from E2. But my E2 levels run low.
So no response in regards to the anastrozole dose. so I will just go ahead and do as prescribed

Cold is clearing up although still a bit rough, but do not want to delay too much

Switching from injecting from ED to EOD as of today, so I can coincide with the anastrozole administration

the script says 1x 0.25mg twice per week, which equates to 1 capsule broken into 4 pieces, and taken twice a week i.e. 0.5mg per week. although on the twice per week it does not state which days, before or after injecting, or between etc. logically to me, it would make sense to do it at the same time or just after injecting (I cannot find an answer for that online so if that is wrong, let me know)

in order to spread it to an EOD, I would need to split the dose into 0.14mg per day, of which is impossible to break a capsule into that small of a piece. so I have done as others have said and dissolved the 1mg capsule into alcohol and distribute this way

I have dissolved 1x 1mg capsule of anastrozole into 5ml of cask strength scotch whisky (much higher abv than vodka). in order to administer 0.14mg this equates to 0.71ml.

0.71ml every other day for 2 weeks = 5ml. i.e. 1mg anastrozole. thus 0.5mg per week

I have little 3cl whisky sample bottles so I can contain and withdraw easily from these using a measuring syringe

one issue is that the capsules are 'film coated' meaning you have to spin them around in the alcohol for a fair while and also crush them with the back of a tea spoon in order to get them to dissolve. unfortunately it does not truly dissolve and the powder settles to the bottom, so it will be a case of spinning the bottle and getting as fair as possible suspension and then quickly withdrawing. this to me seems like it'll be a fair bit inaccurate - but perhaps over the week it'll dissolve more and more as it sits in the alcohol

I took my first set of revised EOD injections earlier today and just administered the first 0.14mg of anastrozole. if I feel anything in the next couple of days (or not) I'll be sure to report back
I have dosed anastrozole this way—dissolved in alcohol. Typically you don't need to worry much about the residual powder because the anastrozole itself is quite soluble in ethanol, about 20 mg/mL. This means the inert binders and such are what settle out of the solution, and could in theory even be filtered or centrifuged out with very little loss of the medication.
I have dosed anastrozole this way—dissolved in alcohol. Typically you don't need to worry much about the residual powder because the anastrozole itself is quite soluble in ethanol, about 20 mg/mL. This means the inert binders and such are what settle out of the solution, and could in theory even be filtered or centrifuged out with very little loss of the medication.

U don’t currently take anything to inhibit E2, do u?
I have dosed anastrozole this way—dissolved in alcohol. Typically you don't need to worry much about the residual powder because the anastrozole itself is quite soluble in ethanol, about 20 mg/mL. This means the inert binders and such are what settle out of the solution, and could in theory even be filtered or centrifuged out with very little loss of the medication.

That is fantastic information to know - definitely taken the edge off this somewhat unorthodox administration of meds !!!
So 10 days on the protocol I am doing really well

On day 2 I started to feel the difference, felt more level headed and balanced, I felt good in the gym even with my shoulder still injured. Day 5 to now night/morning wood is back and libido during the day is high again, not off the chart like ravenous but just really high and feeling great.

I still have a bit of a mood and get angry easily at work if dealing with idiots, so perhaps need to dial in a bit more - or maybe that is just me

I’ve ordered in a blood test to see where things sit. I really hope E2 is in range as I’m really happy with how things are going, if not just tame E2 down a bit more by maybe increasing AI a tad, but we’ll see

Enjoying my tiny nip of whisky in the evening with the AI

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