If I have natural DHEA-S levels at the top end of the range, sometimes slightly over, is it physiologically impossible for my pregnenolone levels to be low? DHEA can only be made from pregnenolone, correct? So in order for my DHEA to be high, I must have good levels of pregnenolone, right? What do you guys think. FYI, every time I’ve had pregnenolone tested with Quest, it’s comes back <5. So extremely low, according to them. But not sure how reliable the pregnenolone test is, I’ve heard it’s not the best. I ask because I’m trialing out a tiny dose of pregnenolone cream from Empower, and I think it might be giving me a spaced out feeling. I have brain fog, so not sure if it’s just the brain fog, or if I’m a little more spacey due to the pregnenolone.
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