So you started the new lower dosed protocol 150 mg/week (split EOD) on July 31st and just had blood work done August 25th so you have only been on this protocol for 26 days (roughly 3.5 weeks).
You had blood work done too soon as I stated earlier when tweaking protocol dose increase/decrease it will take 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize and your hormones are in FLUX during the weeks leading up until they stabilize.
You should have given it a full 6 weeks before having lab work done otherwise your results will be skewed and you are not getting an accurate picture.
Regardless as you can see injecting 150 mg/week (split EOD) has your trough TT/FT
levels high let has driven up your hemoglobin/hematocrit.
If anything waiting the full 6 weeks would most likely have your levels slightly higher.