Pharma testosterone cyp overdosed?


New Member
hi guys thank you all for sharing your TRT experiences and knowledge its really useful to hear about everything people have experienced and learnt. Getting things dialled is one the hardest things it seems and to have such a huge evidenced based repository is invaluable.

I am on prescribed TRT in the UK and working on the long path of dialing myself in, my last blood test showed very high testosterone reading compared to the amount I am injecting. In all previous blood tests I generally hit about 30 nmol/l / 865 ng/dl total test per 100mg of Test Cyp and my FT runs at about 2.6% of my total test.

However in my last blood test I hit 70 nmol/l 2036 ng/dl total test and 2.26 nmool/L 65.18 ng/dL free test, this was 24hrs after my last dose of 0.15ml / 30mg of Test Cyp.

I currently take 0.15ml / 30mg Test Cyp Perrigo and 175iu Gonasi Hcg three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Perrigo Company 00574082010 - McKesson Medical-Surgical

I have recently started a new vial of testosterone could it be that the Pharma test is vastly overdosed? I have looked back on my notes and I am pretty sure I am getting the dosage right at 90mg per week. Or could be the test is incorrect and I should get another blood test done?

thanks for reading and happy holidays.
Thanks - I am not taking any supplements for biotin - I checked the dosage as its the same as it was before 200mg / ml.

I will look to get a retest in the new year see where I am.
hi guys thank you all for sharing your TRT experiences and knowledge its really useful to hear about everything people have experienced and learnt. Getting things dialled is one the hardest things it seems and to have such a huge evidenced based repository is invaluable.

I am on prescribed TRT in the UK and working on the long path of dialing myself in, my last blood test showed very high testosterone reading compared to the amount I am injecting. In all previous blood tests I generally hit about 30 nmol/l / 865 ng/dl total test per 100mg of Test Cyp and my FT runs at about 2.6% of my total test.

However in my last blood test I hit 70 nmol/l 2036 ng/dl total test and 2.26 nmool/L 65.18 ng/dL free test, this was 24hrs after my last dose of 0.15ml / 30mg of Test Cyp.

I currently take 0.15ml / 30mg Test Cyp Perrigo and 175iu Gonasi Hcg three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Perrigo Company 00574082010 - McKesson Medical-Surgical

I have recently started a new vial of testosterone could it be that the Pharma test is vastly overdosed? I have looked back on my notes and I am pretty sure I am getting the dosage right at 90mg per week. Or could be the test is incorrect and I should get another blood test done?

thanks for reading and happy holidays.

Highly doubtful that pharma-grade T would be overdosed!

Even then a slim chance, anyone would be hitting a peak TT 2000+ ng/dL on 90 mg T/week (30 mg split M/W/F) + 175IU hCG.

First off seeing as you are injecting 3X weekly (M/W/F) then blood work should always be done at true trough (lowest point) which would be Monday morning on such protocol.

Not 24 hrs post-injection.

When getting blood work done let alone comparing results it is critical that you always use the same lab/same assays (most accurate) and always test at the same time (true trough).

You would need to have had your FT tested using Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration to know where it truly sits

You stated that in all of your previous blood test results your TT is in the high 800s ng/dL.

Are these readings also 24 hrs post-injection?

If you are always using the same lab/same assays and testing at the true trough or at least in your case if it was always 24 hrs post-injection then I would look into retesting.

Even then you should always be getting blood work done at the true trough!
Thanks - I am not taking any supplements for biotin - I checked the dosage as its the same as it was before 200mg / ml.

I will look to get a retest in the new year see where I am.

200 mg/mL is the most commonly used strength of T.

Rare anyone is using the 100 mg/mL strength unless you live in Canada and get stuck with Depo-Testosterone (TC) which unfortunately is the only one available.

Most are using Delatestryl (TE) which only comes in 200 mg/mL strength.

Less volume of the oily solution to inject and a big relief if you are one who injects strictly sub-q!
Thank you for the help here really appreciate it going forward I will look to get my blood tests done on my true trough day off the back of my injection schedule.

It does seem it was a lab issue I redid the test at the same time (so not a true trough as it was 24hrs after my last injection) and my results are below.

I am currently taking 0.15ml (30mg) Test Cyp and 0.7ml (175iu) HCG three times a week on Mon/Wed/Fri. I take 0.25mg Adex on Wednesday.

Total Test - 1133.4 ng/dL
Estradiol - 44.9 pg/mL
Free Test - 33.4 ng/dL

I am in the UK so tbh we don't have the same level of granularity when it comes to blood test assays (I wouldnt know what assay the lab used and we cannot get Ultra Sensitive E2 tests either).

I think I have scope for a dose reduction so I can drop the Adex and I will discuss this with my doctor at my next appt.

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