Permanently crashed my e2


New Member
Has anyone figured out how to reverse the effects of crashing ur e2? It’s been over a year now since I’ve crashed my e2 and the sides have never subsided. Brain fog, head pressure, ringing in ears, irritability, mood swings, zero libido, dry skin, muscle fatigue, heart palpitations, and anxiety. We’ve tried every witch protocol with no changes. Any help would be appreciated.
It’s been over a year now since I’ve crashed my e2 and the sides have never subsided. Brain fog, head pressure, ringing in ears, irritability, mood swings, zero libido, dry skin, muscle fatigue, heart palpitations, and anxiety.
Did you confirmed E2 is still crashed?

If your E2 did recover, then, perhaps maybe you’re experiencing something similar to post finasteride syndrome, where DHT is blocked and recovers, yet symptoms remain.
Has anyone figured out how to reverse the effects of crashing ur e2? It’s been over a year now since I’ve crashed my e2 and the sides have never subsided. Brain fog, head pressure, ringing in ears, irritability, mood swings, zero libido, dry skin, muscle fatigue, heart palpitations, and anxiety. We’ve tried every witch protocol with no changes. Any help would be appreciated.
Hey man, sorry to hear that. I'm in a similar boat.
Do you mind sharing in detail as much of the relevant info as possible? Which AI you took, what protocols you've tried, blood/urine test results etc.
Did you confirmed E2 is still crashed?

If your E2 did recover, then, perhaps maybe you’re experiencing something similar to post finasteride syndrome, where DHT is blocked and recovers, yet symptoms remain.
My e2 levels returned in 4-6 weeks and actually were a lot higher than it was prior to the AI as I think it rebounded. All of my labs for the last year have been good.
Hey man, sorry to hear that. I'm in a similar boat.
Do you mind sharing in detail as much of the relevant info as possible? Which AI you took, what protocols you've tried, blood/urine test results etc.
Hey bud my doctor at the time put me on arimidex. The new doctor has tried every which way to combat my sides with no luck. 200mg a week all the way down to 60mg a week daily sub q with zero changes in the sides I listed above.
I am not a Doctor and I don't play one on TV. This helped me.

1st look at everything you are taking, eating, and drinking. After my crash, things like coffee, Pomegranate Juice, Broccoli, and any supplements, shampoo that can or could lower estrogen would make everything worse.

For weeks after my crash and after my E2 levels were back in range anything that can or could lower estrogen would make the symptoms worse. I took a look at everything that I came in contact with and researched the ones that could lower estrogen and cut them out, and that seemed to stop the more serious sides like the 24 hour Anxiety that makes it impossible to live. The other symptoms never went away until I tried external estrogen.

I crashed my estrogen in 2019 to undetectable levels from using AI's, and from then on anything that can or could lower estrogen would make my symptoms worse. Despite having estrogen levels in range or even a little high the symptoms never went away. I tried everything, The more testosterone I took the worse I felt, I tried single doses, to micro doses, you name it. Went to 2 different Endo's, 3 TRT clinics, no-one could help. I saw Coconutz posts and found that write up on reddit (see link below). So I tried Estriol Valerate, 1st in oral form then in injections (did help a little, and why I moved to injections). for injections I was using 2mg am and 2mg pm. I noticed a great improvement in symptoms. I was using EV for approx 60 days, before I hit a wall. I got anxiety from the excess estrogen, and started getting a few other high estrogen signs. Now my estrogen levels are through the roof, or at least they were on 6/6. I stopped EV injections on June 15th, the anxiety has all but gone away, and I restarted Testosterone, last week. So there is something to adding external estrogen, but there is also other things to consider.

One person who also crashed their estrogen, swears by Wellbutrin. Others claimed it made their symptoms worse.

Check out the link below.

Persistent Low E2 symptoms lasting long after crash- Possible Solution or a little relief.
If it is any consolation, you're not alone. There's about a dozen people on this forum who reported long term AI induced low e2 symptoms. Hopefully we can eventually figure out how to resolve this. As of now, there have been some positive reports on e2 supplementation (oral e2 and injectable e2). Maybe that's something you wanna try alongside a steady TRT protocol. I have not yet experimented with exogenous e2 but will do so in the future.
There's been some talk about the e2 crash possibly inducing epigenetic changes that rendered estrogen receptors less responsive (so despite normal serum e2 levels you still feel low e2 symptoms). It's the most "logical" conclusion, I suppose. In theory and proven in some studies, such epigenetic changes are reversible. In layman's terms what could help is providing the body with excess levels of e2 to "wake up" estrogen receptors, so to speak. But what could also help is using some natural compounds that have been proved to reverse epigenetic changes in terms of repression of relevant genes. EGCG, curcumin, resveratrol, sulforaphane ... are some examples.

However, it's worth noting that all these symptoms you experience also present in people with various chronic conditions characterized by chronic inflammation. I am right now researching the possibility of e2 deprivation and consequent androgen excess inducing what I proposed here: Aromasin ruined me for good..

Do you perhaps have some labs showing tt, free t, e2, dht, shbg, dhea, thyroid, ferritin, vit D, cholesterol levels (and whatever else you've tested since the crash, maybe folate and b12 levels or whatever else)? I know you said that the labs show ok levels but I am curious.
Has anyone figured out how to reverse the effects of crashing ur e2? It’s been over a year now since I’ve crashed my e2 and the sides have never subsided. Brain fog, head pressure, ringing in ears, irritability, mood swings, zero libido, dry skin, muscle fatigue, heart palpitations, and anxiety. We’ve tried every witch protocol with no changes. Any help would be appreciated.
You mentioned a lot of symptoms but what about these:
- gut issues (bloating, excessive burps/farts, stool appearance etc.)?
- dry mouth or eyes?
- ED?
- joints clicking/squeaking and/or aching?
- muscle twitching?
- how does the anxiety present itself physically?

Also - do the symptoms get worse on higher test doses?
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Yes constipation and bloating I have to take digestive pills just to keep me some what regular. Don’t have Ed issues just none existent libido. My joints ache constantly clicking and making irregular sounds. And yes my muscles have weird twitching sometimes more so right after I crash my E2. The anxiety comes out of no where more so like panic attacks. I could be just watching tv zero stress and bam hits me like a train. The higher t does I felt like the anxiety was worse but the lower t doses I feel like my head is more foggy and the head pressure an ringing in my ears is worse the lower I go.
I am not a Doctor and I don't play one on TV. This helped me.

1st look at everything you are taking, eating, and drinking. After my crash, things like coffee, Pomegranate Juice, Broccoli, and any supplements, shampoo that can or could lower estrogen would make everything worse.

For weeks after my crash and after my E2 levels were back in range anything that can or could lower estrogen would make the symptoms worse. I took a look at everything that I came in contact with and researched the ones that could lower estrogen and cut them out, and that seemed to stop the more serious sides like the 24 hour Anxiety that makes it impossible to live. The other symptoms never went away until I tried external estrogen.

I crashed my estrogen in 2019 to undetectable levels from using AI's, and from then on anything that can or could lower estrogen would make my symptoms worse. Despite having estrogen levels in range or even a little high the symptoms never went away. I tried everything, The more testosterone I took the worse I felt, I tried single doses, to micro doses, you name it. Went to 2 different Endo's, 3 TRT clinics, no-one could help. I saw Coconutz posts and found that write up on reddit (see link below). So I tried Estriol Valerate, 1st in oral form then in injections (did help a little, and why I moved to injections). for injections I was using 2mg am and 2mg pm. I noticed a great improvement in symptoms. I was using EV for approx 60 days, before I hit a wall. I got anxiety from the excess estrogen, and started getting a few other high estrogen signs. Now my estrogen levels are through the roof, or at least they were on 6/6. I stopped EV injections on June 15th, the anxiety has all but gone away, and I restarted Testosterone, last week. So there is something to adding external estrogen, but there is also other things to consider.

One person who also crashed their estrogen, swears by Wellbutrin. Others claimed it made their symptoms worse.

Check out the link below.

Persistent Low E2 symptoms lasting long after crash- Possible Solution or a little relief.
You were taking estrogen by itself??? No trt?
You were taking estrogen by itself??? No trt?
Yes and No, I was taking 15mgs of test twice a week, then I stopped for a while. Now I have found out since then, Got some of my blood tests back, not complete, but so far everything looked fine with the exception of homocysteine, MCH, and estrogen. We all know that my estrogen would be high, but homocysteine, and MCH are elevated. Both suggest b12 deficiency, but more importantly, estrogen lowers homocysteine. Now consider that my e levels are astronomical, one would think that my homocysteine, levels would be super low, but no they are elevated. I wonder how high they would be if I hadn’t been taking estrogen. I am grasping at straws here, but follow the above and it kinda explains why estrogen helps and why I feel better when I add vitamin C. If you also take into account that diets high in protein also raises homocysteine, which I was of course taking in like 400grams of protein per day, add in some alcohol and smoking at times, which all raise homocysteine it starts to make sense that high homocysteine levels may have been the culprit, or that in adding all the external E woke up my receptors. I have been off E since like 9/6, and have added B12 shots and Folic Acid, and am back on TRT at 60mgs every 3 days and feeling a lot better.

Symptoms of B12 Deficiency​

Please be aware that this list is by no means exhaustive. Furthermore, symptoms of B12 deficiency are often shared and overlap with many other nutrient deficiencies and separate pathologies, but especially other B vitamins, iron, magnesium and trace minerals. Deficiency symptoms may appear differently in children than adults.
Common symptoms of B12/B vitamin deficiency or insufficiency :
  • ADHD-like symptoms
  • Alzheimer’s-like symptoms/altered memory
  • Anemia (megaloblastic, high MCV)
  • Angular Cheilitis
  • Anxiety and/or sense of impending doom
  • Ataxia
  • Autism-like symptoms
  • Bleeding gums
  • Burning sensations
  • Brain fog
  • Brain “zaps”
  • COPD-like symptoms
  • Dandruff (excessive)
  • Depression
  • Depersonalization/derealization
  • Dipoplia/double vision/sixth nerve palsy
  • Dry skin (excessive)
  • Electric shock-like sensations
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Fatigue/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gait disturbances/alterations
  • Glossitis (sore and swollen tongue)
  • Heavy/altered menstrual cycles
  • High/low pulse rate
  • Incontinence
  • Insomnia
  • Large fiber neuropathy
  • Low/no sperm
  • Low/no libido
  • Memory impairment (Alzheimer's; impaired short term memory, brain fog)
  • Migraines
  • Mouth Sores
  • Multiple Sclerosis symptoms
  • Muscle spasms, twitches and cramps
  • Muscle soreness unrelated to exercise
  • Nail changes (beau’s lines, no half moons, pitting, slow growth, brittle)
  • Neuralgia (occipital, trigeminal, etc)
  • Numbness
  • Optic neuritis
  • Paresthesia
  • Shortness of breath
  • Small fiber neuropathy
  • Stabbing/icepick sensations
  • Syncope/dizziness
  • Tingling/pinprick sensations
  • Urinary hesitancy
  • Urinary tract infections (reoccurring)
  • Vaginal dryness/soreness
  • Vertigo/Dizziness
  • Weakness, generalized or focal
B12 is used in every system of the body from the nervous system and blood cell synthesis, to muscle tissue and the immune system. A deficient patient’s symptoms may come and go and have asymmetrical or symmetrical presentation - none of these factors can definitively rule out deficiency in and of themselves and none should be used to gatekeep a patient’s treatment.
Has anyone figured out how to reverse the effects of crashing ur e2? It’s been over a year now since I’ve crashed my e2 and the sides have never subsided. Brain fog, head pressure, ringing in ears, irritability, mood swings, zero libido, dry skin, muscle fatigue, heart palpitations, and anxiety. We’ve tried every witch protocol with no changes. Any help would be appreciated.
The same thing happened to me, the main side effect that rings true and alerted me to your specific post on crashed estradiol was the ringing in ears although mine only occurred in the left ear I went back on trt and nearly lost my right ear and more functionality in the left hand side of my body.
I believe crashing e2 for me caused a right hemispheric stroke, the pressure in your head essentially is because you've for lack of a better word got granny arteries and your body can no longer handle high testosterone, I guarantee you if you come off after 3 months the ringing will stop, all the pressure in your head is from the lack of blood flow getting to your brain making you worse, you won't show traditional high red blood cell count or blood pressure but I bet you have a blockage or your arteries just candle handle even the slightest blood thickening I'm having a MRI scan soon I'll let you know how I get on because your case is identical but your not allowing your brain to recover because the trt is minimising blood getting up there can't believe you and your doctor haven't worked that out yet. I also have seen estradiol get back to the sweet spot but symptoms remain essentially we've now unfortunately got an aged brain and lack of receptors in the pre frontal lobe, I bet if you take a t shirt off in the mirror same as me your decolletage goes red white red white quickly suggesting lack of blood flow it's obvious to me, I worked this all out myself, hang in there, by the way if your gonna get out of this essentially you don't want excess estradiol either because it'll increase blood stickiness further perpetuating the issue

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