Peptides and cancer concerns...


New Member
Hi guys.
Looking back, some family members had a cancer (uncle lungs - passionate smoker), grandma colon cancer).
I know we all have cancer cells in us, and peptides carry certain risks so I'm a little bit undecided what to do..
I don't expect anyone to tell take responsibility and tell me 'Just go ahead', but I would like your opinion on this topic, are these risky really big (is there any evidence that someone actually got some sort of cancer due to peptides use) or they are 'eating red meat can cause cancer' type of risk?
Thank you Coast.
Sorry, i forgot to mention.
I was thinking about Ipamorelin + Mod GRF 1-29, 3x100 mcg of each (in the morning, before workout, before sleep) for ~ 3 months.
My health situation is good as far as I know. I don't smoke and drink, blood and cardiovascular tests are good (run them twice a year) my diet and supplementation is very good and I have around 10years gym exp, and haven't used aas.
I'm 26 years old.
Those peptides are good for increasing natural growth hormone - but more so by far in older guys. At 26 your natural levels should still be great.
Yeah I read it's a good stack, but I'm more concerned about long term side effects I mentioned :)
I will most probably run this stack, been thinking to start with 50mcg of each first week (like I mentioned, in the morning, before workout and before sleep), then increase to 75 and finally to 100...
I'm 190/99kg btw (6"2, 220lb).
I had terrible sides using mod grf129, ghrp 2, read up on carpal tunnel like symptoms. I had it so bad my hands, basically from the elbow down, hurt so bad it would wake me. Imagine sleeping on your arm/hand in the worst way and that's how it felt. I was using 100mcg 2-3x per day. I gave up on it after 7-8 weeks as the sides were intolerable with no apparent benefit otherwise.
Thank you guys for your replies, really appreciated.
I will definitely go that stack then. I'm not much concerned with these short term side effects, like carpal tunnel syndroms, was afraid of something more serious tbh.

Oh and 1 nothing I forgot to mention. Few years ago I removed big birthmark from my back - I did it purely for aesthetic reasons and it is ok.
I believe I don't have reasons to worry if I run peptides because of it?
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