Past Experience With Anabolics - Hoping For a Restart


New Member
Hi, im a noobie to this forum but thought I'd share my past experiences in the hope that it will help some of you as well as getting any insight. Ill try to make it short.

When i was 18 i was arrogant etc, hopped on my first steroid cycle of test 500 each week, trenbolone 250 Each week, dianabol 40mg Each day, and anavar 40mg Each day. This cycle lasted 12 weeks followed by PCT containing Arimidex... Yes i know it was as stupid as it looks and im paying for it still to this day 7 years later.

My side effects were a ffed up libido, low energy, reduced teste size, and a much slower growth rate of pubic hair which i dont hear anyone talking about as a side effect but it is defo noticeable with me. I immediately told my doc and he had a number of bloods tested out, all of them tested out fine and healthy according to my doc and others which i can agree they did look healthy with my test being 1000+ along with everything else being in a healthy range. Anyway as i was still experiencing these sides with normal blood levels i went to see an endo who decided to put me on clomid at 50mg EoD, the first thing i noticed was my teste size did increase but still not near to the size they were before, i also felt slightly more energy which was great. I was told to use this clomid protocol for about 8 months with regular bloods and then to report back to him if with anything important. I remember getting to about the 5 month mark and despite i continued with the clomid i gave up hope so i went to find a new doc who told me not to be on anything at all and to drop the clomid and that my body will correct itself naturally. I went away and continued to about the 8th month mark like my previous doc told me to do so and with no improved results i decided to give what the new doc said a shot. After dropping clomid completely i felt like complete shi* i cant remember exactly how long after but i would say a month or so. I went to have new bloods done and it showed my test at 400. I was both pissed off and a little relieved because i knew that clomid atleast kept my test level high so i could hop back on that to cure the depression and shi* feeling i had. But at the same time i was thinking did i really leave it long enough off of clomid to give my natural test a chance to bounce back up and did my first doc really need to prescribe me clomid as all my blood levels checked out really good before getting on. After reading more on clomid i decided to try a different dose this time of 25mg EoD which worked just as well as the 50mg EoD protocol and would give me less synthetic estrogen so until this day thats what i have been doing but still with no better results.

I now have 2 things in mind, the first one being to try HCG at a high dose to see if i can get my testes back to the size they was before, but dont mistake this idea with it being down to aesthetics because its not, i really wouldnt care if i had testes or not if i had a good libido; I am just thinking along this line because. In the past my bloods showed out good before clomid and when i took clomid things got a little better aswell as an increase in teste size so maybe it will correlate.
The second thing i have in mind is to start TRT with Testosterone injections and slowly increase the dosage until its too high or i achieve some results.

Thanks for listening, any insight is appreciated, maybe you know someone that is going through what i am and has found a way to return to normal. Hopefully this event of mine will prevent those from making the stupid decision i made at 18 years old as it has really dulled the supposedly best years of my life.

All the Best! :)
Welcome to Excelmale. I'm sorry to read of your health concerns. Consider this thread - particulalrly post number 15. Then find a doctor who really knows their way around the endocrine system. I'd urge you to consider contacting Dr. Justin Saya of Defy Medical. It doesn't matter where in the United States you live, the Defy model works across the country. Dr. Saya is a leading doctor in the field mif male androgen management, a moderator here at EM, and a fine fellow.

Don't give up hope.

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