Optimal dose BUT... Need urgent help


Hi team Excelmale!

Long story short (I have done several post before);

I have eventually found my dose where my severe symptoms are gone., I am so FU..ING happy. More time is needed but the effect have lastet for a long period now.

100mg Enanthate on Monday and Thursday with 200 iu HCG. (side but and lats).
Cialis 5mg ED (done for years)

YES my test results is somewhat high, but this is the only time I ever have gotten erections in the morning ++ in almost two years. So now I do not dare to change things, especially since I have met an awesome girl (future wife material) so I do not want to mess it up.

I want to mention that I startet going down to 95mg EW. I thought this is soo close to my "feelgood dose" that it should be ok. It may be better long term as well. I respond very well on testosterone. Test before Thursday shot: 33 nmol/l (8-25 nmol/L, but this lab range have gotten lower for each passing year).

I do get wather retention and some sides, but I do not dare to lower dose now. Hair is falling also, but again having erections and no sloppy dick is more important.. Since my test level is so high, I think it (gyno) may come again in later and I may concider adding some to my protocol or change regiment. My "usual" lump is somewhat different than the one I got now (smaller and harder), so I am thinking about prolactin or progesterone is the reason for it (labs show no out of the ordinary, but blood is taken some days after test have peaked so the "real" levels may be different).

After some trial and error I have gotten a lump behind left nipple, in wich I have eliminated with tamoxifen before with success in the past. BUT I feel awefully and sex is BAAAAAAD. I do not wnat to do this now as I have a girl.. I hope you understand. But it is important to start to fix it once more.

I have prescription for Raloxifene (60mg 10days and 10mg untill I stop). Will this med have a large impact on my ability to have ereticons/libido? If so I am very scared to try it, but I may have to..

See labs below. I startet the dose a while before the first test in sept. So both test is on the same dosage. I did experiment with 250-300iu hcg, but I do "feel" the aromatization when I use higher dosages, so I lowered it. I am very concerned with my fertility though...

I really hope you guys can relate and help out.


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