Yes, I think it would be worth lowering the hCG dose. There is
a study showing the hCG/SERM combination therapy works, but it may be no more effective, and possibly less, than a SERM alone.
From Dr. Saya:
A *very* generalized ranking of relative fertilities (with top being most fertile):
1. Clomid/SERM treatment
2(A). HCG + HMG (or lyophilized FSH)
2(B). Baseline no treatment (no HPTA suppression via TRT, AAS, HCG mono, etc) - assuming no significant degree of primary/secondary/tertiary dysfunction.
3(A). HCG monotherapy (does in fact result in HPTA suppression, especially at higher doses, but *may* move up to #2 in select cases of SECONDARY/TERTIARY hypogonadism)
3(B). TRT + HCG (as we know many men are still able to maintain adequate fertility to conceive)
4. TRT/AAS with no concurrent HCG.