No ED = no low test?


Hi guys

what do you think about my endocrinologist's statement:

"If you don't have erectile dysfunction or other sex-related issues, your test level is high enough. All other symptoms (fatigue, lack of focus etc...) are secondary"

Is there some truth to this blanket statement?

This, and your other post about regretting TRT indicate you have an endo that doesn’t understand TRT. You don’t need to have ED to go on testosterone. The only reason to regret TRT is if you have problems with it. Problems can come from doctors like your’s who don’t know what they are doing or doctors that start you on the whole gamut of testosterone, HCG, and an AI right off the rip. You should proceed slowly so you can adjust as you go if needed. If you are on a lot of stuff right away, it’s hard to tell what needs to be adjusted as there are too many variables.

The only other reason could be if you want kids and have difficulty getting restarted.
Thanks, MM. Kids are out of question - we already got 3 and my wife got her thingies cut... (don't know the English word, sorry not a native :-) ) after the last birth, so that is off the table. Due to this, any kids I would father at this point would raise an eyebrow or two, LOL ;-))

I have one more meeting with that dude next week - he wants to do an LH/FSH reaction test - before he gets me on test.... Initially he said "let's wait 3 or 6 more months to confirm your low levels", but I stressed that after 10+ visits and various tests I'm done with waiting...
@mooseman - thanks for the feedback!
@Vince - as this question was of a more general nature and not specifically regarding my own current issue in the other thread, I didn't want to mix things up and leave my labs all over :-)
When I went on TRT 13 years ago I did not have any ED at all and my libido was done. My problem was complete fatigue. When they tested my T levels they were approximately 65 for Total T and Free T was 2.

I have zero regrets. It is a commitment. It just becomes a way of life. Now it is just part of my regimen like taking a shower, brushing my teeth, etc.......

People quit because of poor doctor care and a poor protocol established by their doctor far more than any other reason. Then there are milllons of people on TRT that you never hear from because it made a positive change in their life, they have no issues and life is good.
Before I started trt and my testosterone levels would get very low at times it would cause me to get ED. When my levels would get higher my ED would go away. So for me testosterone does play a part.

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