Newbie question


New Member
Hi all,

I'm new to the forum and am a little overwhelmed by the breadth of infromation here. I really know very little about TRT and am hoping to get more educated.

I'm 41, 5'8, 190lbs, around 15% BF. My doctor wants to put me onto TRT with testogel. I don't have my blood numbers handy. I believe my numbers were 'lowish' but not drastically low. I think it was in the high 300s.

Anyway, the main concern I raised with the doc was of fertility as I had heard TRT can have a significant impact in this department. He said that was all nonsense unless on major doses but the more online research I'm doing suggests otherwise. Does anybody have any input here? Note: The plan was to put me on testogel only; no HCG or anything similar to go with it.


What took you to the doctor? Symptoms? How are you feeling? If you have labs, please post them - the more information you can provide, the better the feedback you'll receive.
Your Doctor is wrong.

Any amount of exogenous Testosterone that raises serum levels will suppress HPTA.

When HPTA is suppressed your testicles will stop working...for the most part.

You need to learn about HPTA suppression and TRT and so does your Doctor as it's not dose dependent.

Tell your Doctor to learn about the negative feedback loop and he and you will learn.

Not every man on TRT loses fertility or sperm count, but the only way to know this is by doing a sperm test every few weeks. TRT plus HCG has been shown to prevent decreased sperm count, so at least find out if hCG is available in your country either from regular pharmacies or compounding pharmacies.
Thanks all. HCG is available with a prescription but of course I need a doctor to support me on that front.

In terms of symptoms: very low energy, constant headaches and low libido. So it sounds like it could be low T, but I'm also not convinced. I mean, the first 2 could be something else and the third could be a consequence of the first 2.

I'm getting my bloods mailed out to me so will post them here once I have them. In the meantime I will 'hold fire'.

Thanks for all of the help and suggestions. I have already picked up that book (Kindles are great!)
Thanks all. HCG is available with a prescription but of course I need a doctor to support me on that front.

In terms of symptoms: very low energy, constant headaches and low libido. So it sounds like it could be low T, but I'm also not convinced. I mean, the first 2 could be something else and the third could be a consequence of the first 2.

I'm getting my bloods mailed out to me so will post them here once I have them. In the meantime I will 'hold fire'.

Thanks for all of the help and suggestions. I have already picked up that book (Kindles are great!)

There are any number of metabolic conditions that have and share the same symptoms of Hypogonadism that is why it's critical to be working with a Doctor who is trained in hormonal loops in men to get diagnosed correctly...word to the wise!!!
This doc does claim to know what he's doing in this area. But anyway, my results were:

S Oestradiol: 45 pmol/l
S Testo: 14.3 nmol/l
S SHBG: 33 nmol/l
Free Testo: 292 pmol/l
DHEAS 4.8 umol/l

Assuming most people read it as ng/dl I think that's a total test of 412 and a free of 8.4.

Based on what I've read - and to reiterate, that is so far limited - this is on the low side for my age but not drastically so. I'm thinking it's not a sign to jump on life long medication?
This doc does claim to know what he's doing in this area. But anyway, my results were:

S Oestradiol: 45 pmol/l
S Testo: 14.3 nmol/l
S SHBG: 33 nmol/l
Free Testo: 292 pmol/l
DHEAS 4.8 umol/l

Assuming most people read it as ng/dl I think that's a total test of 412 and a free of 8.4.

Based on what I've read - and to reiterate, that is so far limited - this is on the low side for my age but not drastically so. I'm thinking it's not a sign to jump on life long medication?

You're missing a ton of labs to make any assessment on your hormonal health.

What did you Thyroid panels look like?

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