My MANTRA!! ******************************** First step is education....
Cannot tell how much research you have done on TRT.
If not a lot, I recommend you get a few books.
Get a few good books and educate yourself now:
1. Get Nelsons book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide".
2. Get Lee Myer's book "Natural Versus Testosterone Therapy".
3. Get “Testosterone for life - Dr. Abraham Morgentaller “.
4. Get “The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual: How to OptimizeYour Testosterone For Lifelong Health And Happiness” by Jay Campbell.
These books will give you a much better understanding of TRT....
One other forum that has great info that might be useful to you is: ******************************** Dr Saya'sVideos on Testosterone Therapy and Side Effect Management ********************************** Second step might be to have a look at your thyroid and see if any issues there. ********************************
Do some research.
I do like Tiredthyroid as a starting point.
Easy to read sections.
References at the bottom of each section (and NOT from people wearing "tinfoil" hats)
See below: Basic sources to research Thyroid issues and testing: ****************************************** Spend time here and get the 2 books, “STTM: The Revised Book” and “STTMII:Authored by Doctors”.
******************************************* Great simple to understand articles.
Get her book.... “Tired Thyroid: From Hyper to Hypo to Healing—Breaking the TSHRule”, A lot of clear researched information that is easy toread and understand. *************************** Good info here. Look around.
************************* A LOT of good articles and a youtube page.
Spend time here looking around and reading after getting labs back.
************************************ Do you have Hypothyroidism? The CompleteHypothyroidism User Guide for Patients (2018 Edition) ********************************* Need information on testing.... Read here: And here: and here: and here: and here: And here: ************************************** Some additional links to read before you receivethe books you have already ordered
Go here:
and download:
TRT: Recipe For Success
Print out.
HCG Update.
and the TRT Power Point presentation.
Dr. Crisler is one of the "TRT Cutting Edge DR's" here in the states....
Also go here:
and also print out the article. *************************** ALSO look at the videos that are posted on this site. A LOT of great info totake in....
Now you will have a great reference library and knowledge base to go forward on!