New User unfamiliar with Test and trying to adjust dosage


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I have had low Test Levels for many years but recently they got so low that I began to have all the problems associated with that. At 65, some is to be expected? A recent blood-test, showed me with anemia plus my test had now dropped to 145 L. The Dr. (a urologist) wanted to go with IV Iron supplements. I asked for T-replacement and got 100 mg (.5 ml) once per week.
After 3 months i could see a big difference in mood and energy though sex drive never came back. But now it seems I am hitting up/down "mood-swing" problems between injections I have had no bad effects other than "swings", i was wondering if I should ask for 100 mg twice per week.
Is this a dose that anyone here would say is too high? I am scheduled for another blood-test in a month to see if i am back in normal range but I feel like this is only a single piece of the puzzle and maybe i should be taking other supplements as well.
I probably need to be seeing a different kind of Dr. too but dont know what kind. Any suggestions?
I will work on that today. But the Dr. wasn't too interested in hearing about possible low test, I had to insist on checking it. (Not sure if her being a female mattered but...) I was not interested in IV Iron. Lots of bad reviews on that And like i said, i had to insists on a 2nd testing to get the "test" included. So it isn't a thorough as i use to have done on my own.
I have one from 2013 that is much more thorough showing DHEA, Estradiol, Ferritin etc. I was low on test even back then. My next tests will be full panels of my choosing as i used to do. I may try to move that forward to get something useful showing current levels, not the ones she got back in Nov 2017.
But i will try to put together all he ones she did to get a single readable format. I am new here and don;t know ow to post attachment pdf but it cant be that hard? her tests results were three off them one page each. The panels i used to run myself took 5 pages and you could actually tell something from them
Injecting once weekly doesn't work for the majority of men. Your levels peak within 48 hours and then begin to drop over the next few days, so by the time you are ready for your next injection you're already low. This cycle continues until you no longer get any relief from your test shots. Your SHBG levels determine dosage and injection frequency, we need all your labs.

Most doctors want nothing to do with TRT and would rather avoid it altogether, these doctors do not care about your health and is a sign you need to shop around for another doctor somewhere else.
Your experience on Up and down points to the fact that the injection frequency is too low for you (and most) and should be increased from once a week. The SHGB would give us a starting point but twice a week (every 3.5 days) 50mg would be a start if you don't have labs.
But labs for SHBG, TT, FT, sensitive E would be needed to figure out if the weekly dosage is in the ballpark and then the fine tuning could start
Test results should be in by Mon or Tues. I wanted to have fresh data rather than post the results of a blood-test run last year or older. I have been on the TRT therapy now for over 3 months and I needed a current reading anyway. I will post results as soon as I get them. As mentioned earlier, I have begun to try `closing the gap` on my dosing and wondered what dose would constitute `too much` as long as I dont feel or see any problems.

Is there a general range of xxx mg/ wk listed anywhere? My starting dose was 100 mg/week. Over the past couple of weeks I have am now closer to 100 mg twice per week and this level just `feels` right. I guess i will know for sure when the results come in whether this is too much or not and reduce from there if necessary.
Test results should be in by Mon or Tues. I wanted to have fresh data rather than post the results of a blood-test run last year or older. I have been on the TRT therapy now for over 3 months and I needed a current reading anyway. I will post results as soon as I get them. As mentioned earlier, I have begun to try `closing the gap` on my dosing and wondered what dose would constitute `too much` as long as I dont feel or see any problems.

Is there a general range of xxx mg/ wk listed anywhere? My starting dose was 100 mg/week. Over the past couple of weeks I have am now closer to 100 mg twice per week and this level just `feels` right. I guess i will know for sure when the results come in whether this is too much or not and reduce from there if necessary.

Why would you go and increase your dose when you have been on 100mg/week for almost 3 months and do not have your labs back yet to see how that dose effected your total t/free t, and e2 (sensitive assay) let alone other health markers.....and you need to know your shbg before you start changing doses/injection frequency.

Now you went and increased your dose to almost 100mg TWICE/week.....way too high as dose to start trt and now you will have to wait another 4 weeks to have labs done again as you just increased your dose 2 weeks ago and it will take 6 weeks for levels to stabilize from the dose change!

When your most recent labs come back you will have no idea how your new dose is going to effect your total t/free t and e2 among other health markers as your levels have not stabilized.

What is it with people thinking they need 200mg/week for that dose your testosterone levels will be well over the physiological range let alone elevated e2.

Trt doses in the 100-150mg range will put most mens testosterone levels into the high/normal physiological range and even than 150mg/week can put many just over the top end of the physiological range.

Sure some men may need 200 but it is rare and uncommon.....notice the word "NEED".
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My mistake on the math. the original mg are the same but split in half so the dosage is twice per week. 1/2 ml i s now 1/4 ml which i guess is close to 50 mg. But the measurement gradients are not set that way so it is possible it could be 30/30 (the lines are hard to see 1/2 of 1/10) which would total slightly more than 100 mg maybe 120 total.
The thing i originally asked about was the twice a week dosing. If i did not cut the amount of each i would run out long before refill date.
So the test results will be valid for total dosage, The only difference is there was not any period where 6 days would have elapsed since the previous dose.
Sorry for the bad math.
PS: I would appreciate someone telling me how to upload test results? Transcribing everything wold be tedious.
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Yes, Full upper and lower colonoscopy. The other items arew why i want to find a different doctor. The tests she ordered were one at a time and never contained everything. I dont remember seeing anything re DHEA or B12 etc. The panels I order def will have everything. on her tests, the first ones showed RBC low. The 2nd bunch showed RBC still low low plus Iron was low. Started on Ferrolet 90 for a couple months. Then i requested they check test. The results came back that it was less than 1/2 of normal for my age/condition. Iron had not gone up neither had RBC even after 60 days of Ferrolet.
Since test was only thing left to try, I was able to get that included. I am still taking the Iron supplements to so the results from these tests should show something. I only know that I feel a LOT better.
Why would you go and increase your dose when you have been on 100mg/week for almost 3 months and do not have your labs back yet to see how that dose effected your total t/free t, and e2 (sensitive assay) let alone other health markers.....and you need to know your shbg before you start changing doses/injection frequency.

Now you went and increased your dose to almost 100mg TWICE/week.....way too high as dose to start trt and now you will have to wait another 4 weeks to have labs done again as you just increased your dose 2 weeks ago and it will take 6 weeks for levels to stabilize from the dose change!

When your most recent labs come back you will have no idea how your new dose is going to effect your total t/free t and e2 among other health markers as your levels have not stabilized.

What is it with people thinking they need 200mg/week for that dose your testosterone levels will be well over the physiological range let alone elevated e2.

Trt doses in the 100-150mg range will put most mens testosterone levels into the high/normal physiological range and even than 150mg/week can put many just over the top end of the physiological range.

Sure some men may need 200 but it is rare and uncommon.....notice the word "NEED".

Sound advice
Ihave had low Test Levels for many years but recently they got so low that Ibegan to have all the problems associated with that. At 65, some is to beexpected? A recent blood-test, showed me with anemia plus my test had now droppedto 145 L. The Dr. (a urologist) wanted to go with IV Iron supplements. I askedfor T-replacement and got 100 mg (.5 ml) once per week.
After 3 months i could see a big difference in mood and energy though sex drivenever came back. But now it seems I am hitting up/down "mood-swing"problems between injections I have had no bad effects other than"swings", i was wondering if I should ask for 100 mg twice per week.
Is this a dose that anyone here would say is too high? I am scheduled foranother blood-test in a month to see if i am back in normal range but I feellike this is only a single piece of the puzzle and maybe i should be takingother supplements as well.
I probably need to be seeing a different kind of Dr. too but dont know whatkind. Any suggestions?
First step is education....
Cannot tell how much research you have done on TRT.
If not a lot, I recommend you get a few books.
Get a few good books and educate yourself now:
1. Get Nelsons book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide".
2. Get Lee Myer's book "Natural Versus Testosterone Therapy".
3. Get “Testosterone for life - Dr. Abraham Morgentaller “.
4. Get “The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual: How to OptimizeYour Testosterone For Lifelong Health And Happiness” by Jay Campbell.
These books will give you a much better understanding of TRT....
One other forum that has great info that might be useful to you is:
Second step might be to have a look at your thyroid and see if any issues there.
Do some research.
I do like Tiredthyroid as a starting point.
Easy to read sections.
References at the bottom of each section (and NOT from people wearing "tinfoil" hats)
See below:
Basic sources to research Thyroid issues and testing:
Spend time here and get the 2 books, “STTM: The Revised Book” and “STTMII: Authored by Doctors”.
Great simple to understand articles.
Get her book.... “Tired Thyroid: From Hyper to Hypo to Healing—Breaking the TSH Rule”,
A lot of clear researched information that is easy to read and understand.
Good info here. Look around.
A LOT of good articles and a youtube page.
Spend time here looking around and reading after getting labs back.

Need informationon on testing....
Read here:
And here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
And here:
“I am scheduled for another blood test in a month to see if I am back in normal range.”
If your DR. is ONLY looking at ranges, and if you fall between the bottom and top range, you may be screwed. If you fall just above the low range you will “BE WITHIN RANGE” but most likely feel like crap. IF the DR. is treating to SYMPTOMS and NOT just RANGES, you might have a chance….
Get the first 2“Test” books NOW!!!!!!
Then the other 2….
BTW Where are you at?
BTW #2 Look at the video section here. A LOT of good informative videos to watch and learn from...
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Just referring solely to the TRT you've been put on, there are numerous red flags due to your lack of information regarding labs and the apparent disregard for this by your doctor. Basically sounds like you were put on a generic regimen not based on your actual hormone needs as determined by labs and symptoms.

A couple examples

There is no mention of your Sex Hormone Binding Globulin-SHBG level.

The up/down you describe is likely from the dose/week frequency. Your SHBG has everything to do with whether your body metabolizes the T over the entire week or in just a day or two. If you are "normal" to low in SHBG, it may simply be a problem with your dosing frequency. If your SHBG is very low, you might need dosing as often as daily.

It also can come from Estradiol which blood levels follow your T levels. You need the sensitive E2 LC/MS test to determine this.

Doubling your dose from 100mg to 200mg is a terrible idea without complete labs including Total T, Free T, SHBG and E2 sensitive LC/MS. Doubling may make things much worse.

Was it the same Dr that ordered the tests in 2013? Regardless, those results are much to old to be meaningful at this point.
My next tests will be full panels of my choosing...

Even if you are getting labs through your doc, Nelson's site has a wealth of information about tests:

General comprehensive Men's health:

Specifically men's hormones, pre TRT, what you should have had prior to starting:

Full thyroid panel:

The whole list:

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