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Hi all, I am new here and new to TRT. My T was 10.1 nmol/L , then 6.1 an now steady at 8.1. Have all symptoms you can think of, my doc was to start me, but he has since said he won't as he don't know enough about Trt. I'm depressed from it all. I'm from Ireland, not many docs here have experience with TRT. I tried an endo but he won't see me for a year as I'm a "routine" case. I can't wait a week let alone a year, how am I a routine case with all my symptoms and now feeling depressed? Probably a stupid question, but can I sue his ass? TRT is there for people like me
What do I do ?
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Welcome to Excelmale. In answer to your question, I don't see how you can sue a doctor, no matter how justifiably upset you are, as long as he is operating within the parameters of the Irish health care system. Are you willing to access private care in Ireland? What about travel to the UK? The possibility of an "opinion only" consultation with Defy Medical in the States exists - your local doctor could take their treatment plan and provide you with care. If your local doctor is willing that might be a very viable way to proceed.
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Welcome Mickey. Not being able to see an Endo for a year is a blessing in disguise. Let's assume you have an Rx in hand today. What would you do next? Follow the protocol given to you and hope for the best? Labs other than serum T are required. Why not start by sourcing those and getting up to speed on TRT if you haven't already done so. CW's suggestion of locating an expert is wise. You will eventually locate a sympathetic doc who will work with you and be open to reviewing recommendations made by a specialist in conjunction with documentation which you present to him. The question is how far will you have to travel? Advantages in your favor as a resident of Ireland are a less oppressive regulatory environment and availability in neighboring countries. Most here eventually achieve a sense of what their body requires. TRT self-care is not something to mess with especially for the noob. Neither are the health consequences of untreated hypogonadism.

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