Hello All,
Lost my sex drive and erections about 6 months ago. 33 years old, 5'9 180, muscular, full beard and chest hair, always put on muscle easy. Started feeling tired and lost interest in hobbies etc. Joint pain, hot flashes, excessive sweating, anxiety/depression the whole bit.
Went to the doctor in June, and they just tested my total testosterone. It came back at a 10.3! They said they've never seen it that low. Reordered the test a few days later with total and free and my results were a 12.3 total with free at 0.30. Also did FSH and LH and those were low, prompting an MRI. MRI came back clear.
Before I left on vacation first week in July, doctor gave me a 300 mg shot of Testosterone and I almost immediately felt the effects, at least for a few days. 2 weeks later I did another 200mg shot and. Did not do another shot for a month and finally saw the Endo on August 13th. Started me on 100mg a week self-injections. Have done 2 shots since and can get an erection again and sex life is good, but still feel moody, depressed, and anxious. Blood work came back at Total testosterone around 240 and free testosterone was normal. Estradiol was also very low. I go back on October 12th for another review.
I wonder if my anxiety and depression is from the low T, or if it's because I'm worried I'm dying. Always been a bit of a hypochondriac and this to say the least has been rough on me. Glad to be on here I've read many posts and this place seems to have great info.
I'm wondering if I've always had low t, or if I have some weird disease. My endo is shocked that I don't have a pit tumor. Looking forward to reading up more, any insight to my results or input for that matter is greatly appreciated. Also wondering why my testosterone is still low by my free came back normal. Is that a good thing?
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Lost my sex drive and erections about 6 months ago. 33 years old, 5'9 180, muscular, full beard and chest hair, always put on muscle easy. Started feeling tired and lost interest in hobbies etc. Joint pain, hot flashes, excessive sweating, anxiety/depression the whole bit.
Went to the doctor in June, and they just tested my total testosterone. It came back at a 10.3! They said they've never seen it that low. Reordered the test a few days later with total and free and my results were a 12.3 total with free at 0.30. Also did FSH and LH and those were low, prompting an MRI. MRI came back clear.
Before I left on vacation first week in July, doctor gave me a 300 mg shot of Testosterone and I almost immediately felt the effects, at least for a few days. 2 weeks later I did another 200mg shot and. Did not do another shot for a month and finally saw the Endo on August 13th. Started me on 100mg a week self-injections. Have done 2 shots since and can get an erection again and sex life is good, but still feel moody, depressed, and anxious. Blood work came back at Total testosterone around 240 and free testosterone was normal. Estradiol was also very low. I go back on October 12th for another review.
I wonder if my anxiety and depression is from the low T, or if it's because I'm worried I'm dying. Always been a bit of a hypochondriac and this to say the least has been rough on me. Glad to be on here I've read many posts and this place seems to have great info.
I'm wondering if I've always had low t, or if I have some weird disease. My endo is shocked that I don't have a pit tumor. Looking forward to reading up more, any insight to my results or input for that matter is greatly appreciated. Also wondering why my testosterone is still low by my free came back normal. Is that a good thing?
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